p@rsons_world of Cosmic Events ...

Lincolnshire Astronomy

  • Famous Lincolnshire People listed on this website have made a profound contribution to
    astronomy, exploration, scientific and mathematical understanding and thinking.
  • Cleethorpes Astronomical Society
  • Lincoln Astronomical Society
  • The Cosmic Elk
  • StarLincs is Lincolnshire's Mobile Planetarium.
    For booking details contact: starlincs@tiscali.co.uk

    Planetarium, Magazines and Newsletters


  • Stellarium. Replicate local skies with a free planetarium app for your computer or smartphone.

    For on-line information on what to look out for in the night sky each month.

  • Sky & Telescope
  • Royal Astronomical Society - latest news
  • Sky at Night website

    The Sun, Moon, our Comets and Planets

  • The Planets on BBC i-Player.

    Solar sites to check regularly are:

  • spaceweather.com News about the Sun-Earth environment.
  • SOHO European Site.
  • NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory - The Sun Now.
  • NASA Solar Data Analysis Center
  • UK AuroraWatch

    Meteors, Comets &c.

    Meteor showers are somewhat unpredictable, so it is a good idea to look out for meteors before and after the predicted peaks.
    You might catch an unexpected display.

    Useful Meteor Shower pages and Comet information.

  • List of meteor showers from Royal Museums, Greenwich. Excellent Meteor resource.
  • International Meteor Organisation for more scientific presentation of Meteor information. Very good.
    Details of major showers are posted on this site, which is packed with well presented facts, figures and diagrams!
  • Comet Watch UK


  • NASA's Eclipse archive available as a resource for eclipse and transit records and information, but will not be updated.
    Next Transits of Venus: 2117 and 2125.
  • NASA's Eclipses Home Page
  • Mr Eclipse. Fred Espenak's Website with complete summary of future solar eclipses to 2030.

    Light Pollution

    Prefer dark skies? Worried about the impact of light pollution on wildlife?
    If you are fed up with tacky, sentimental, energy-wasting and potentially
    harmful lighting of buildings, radio masts and monuments and at holiday
    resorts, ports &c. check out:

  • Humber Bridge lighting trials Andrew Credland's photograph of the 1999 [now-scrapped]
    project says it all! But the lighting idea still has support in some quarters!
    Beware. The debate might get going again. "Constant vigilance!"
  • The BAA Commission for Dark Skies
  • The Fatal Light Awareness Program - Canada.


  • Jodrell Bank Observatory – Home of the Lovell Telescope. Lots of useful information and links.
  • National Schools Observatory – La Palma robotic telescope.
  • BBC – The Sky At Night
  • National Space Centre – Leicester.

  • Astronomy Picture of the Day. Each day a different image or photograph of the universe is featured,
    along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
  • Wallace Sargent – Statue to Winterton Astronomer and Astrophysicist.
  • Heavens-Above – Chris Peat's excellent website runs dynamic web pages which generate visibility
    predictions for satellites and Iridium flares and a wide range of related astronomical information for
    any location on the Earth. Useful comet visibility data for observers.

  • History of Astronomy [and Science] website by Wolfgang R. Dick. Useful library of links.
  • Bad Astronomy An "antidote" site by Phil Plait.
  • Birr Castle, home of the Parsons family, the Earls of Rosse, who made a significant contribution to astronomy.


    The Search for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is on!
    There's little enough intelligence here on Earth, so we could do with it!

  • Jodrell Bank and the SETI project.
    Information about the history of SETI and the observations being carried out at present.
    The "SETI questions" page gives answers to some of the questions most commonly asked of SETI scientists.

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    Roger Parsons'  "Lincolnshire World"
    If you have any useful information to add (hints, tips, links, etc.) to these pages please do let me know.
    Thank you for visiting my web site.
    Roger Parsons
    Copyright © 2009