============================================ || || 19th June 2024 || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || LNU: http://lnu.org/ || || Please email Editor on: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk || ============================================ In this issue... 1. Information, events, news and requests - mostly local. 2. Wildlife Highlights from Rare Bird Alert. 3. Wildlife reports around the county. Contributions welcome... 4. NNRs, RSPB and LWT Reserves : Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe. 5. Bardney Limewoods NNR: Chambers Farm Wood. 6. Other Reserve Reports - links. 7. Sending in Bulletin Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information - recorders and specialists... 9. Notes about these wildlife reports. 10. Bulletin publicity policy. 11. Events Diary - what's on. 12. ...and finally. Mostly national/international wildlife stories. ============================================ Reports here are open. They are available to county recorders of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union; Lincolnshire Bird Club and Lincolnshire Environmental Record Centre [LERC]. Compare earlier years/months. Past Bulletins archive [in text] from 2009: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or associated organisations. Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. INFORMATION, EVENTS, NEWS AND REQUESTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Editor - Phil Porter - writes: The continuing loss of insects is breaking news. Can we hope for more encouraging news from the new government? Spoonbills and glossy ibis are still being seen around our coast on account of colonisation from the continent. Check out reports below of thousands of orchids at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe and the range of plant species to be found on Cleethorpe’s foreshore. The main butterfly and dragonfly seasons are starting and best of all, warmer weather is ‘probably’ around the corner. *** Bob Sheppard’s news *** https://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/ http://www.louthperegrines.org.uk/latest-news.html https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/osprey-cam/?utm_source=%252ospreycam&utm_medium=furl Roger Parsons adds: BTO's tracked Cuckoos are on their breeding grounds. https://www.bto.org/cuckoos Ruth Craig writes… Are you keen to do more to help Lincolnshire’s natural environment? The Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Trust are looking for volunteers to join their Board of Trustees. The LCST aims to advance the education of the public in the recovery, conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the chalk streams across Greater Lincolnshire. For more information on the role of a trustee please visit their website News - Trustee Vacancies | Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Trust. *** This week's mostly-local news stories: *** Lincolnshire Show - 19th and 20th June https://lincolnshireshow.co.uk/ Show to champion hundreds of local producers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2qql3w1n1vo Gas works could cause delays for 11 weeks https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c722y7n5rzxo Controlled explosion after 'mortar round' found https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2vvyzq7x9no Nature reserve celebrates 100th volunteer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c255zq91d94o 'Do something for a change' - Flooded farmers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cgeedrq9j42o More than 100 villagers in protest over quarry plan https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c199g78p84po New lifeboat station starts to take shape https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4nnjz9ng4po *** Weather News and Forecast *** https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/ https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings#? East Midlands weather forecast Wednesday 20 Jun - Sunday 23 Jun Thursday: A fine, dry and warm day. Likely cloudier at times with sunshine hazier, particularly into the evening. Maximum temperature 22 °C. Outlook for Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June Sunny spells and dry conditions lasting through Friday. Turning cloudier overnight into Saturday with the chance of some showers but drier once again by Sunday. Temperatures remaining warm. UK long range weather forecast Sunday 23 June - Tuesday 2 July Predominantly fine and settled through the period and for much of the country turning much warmer than we have seen in recent weeks. At first some thicker cloud could bring some outbreaks of mostly light rain, this mainly affecting western, especially northwestern areas. However, for most it will be dry throughout, and likely to turn increasingly warm as we move into next week. There is a chance that this could persist for much of the rest of the period, turning increasingly hot, however by mid-next week we see a large range of outcomes. some of which allow for a return of much cooler conditions and northerly winds for the latter part of next week. However, the trend toward much warmer conditions is preferred for now. *** For Astronomers and Sky-watchers *** This Week's Sky at a Glance, June 14 – 23 https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/observing-news/this-weeks-sky-at-a-glance-june-14-23/ June Night Sky - highlights: https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/blog/astronomy/night-sky-highlights-june-2024 Full Moons 2024 - Strawberry Moon - 24th June. https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/full-moon-calendar Meteor shower dates 2024 https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/meteor-shower-guide BBC Sky at Night Magazine website https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/news *** EVENTS *** *** Lincolnshire Naturalists Union Field Meeting *** Saxilby Nature Project, Sunday 23rd June 2024 A new site for LNU field meetings Northwest of Saxilby. – Access courtesy of Ross and Eleanor Smith. 10.30 for 11.00 start and finish about 16.00..Car parking nearby off Sykes Lane. Grid reference: SK 87562 76768 What3Words: villas.hack.fixture – nearest postcode: LN1 2NX Habitats: Ponds, scrub and grassland on ex-arable Leaders: Luke Hartley 07399 322211hartley026@gmail.com, Brian Hedley brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Sarah Lambert 07784169260 sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com https://what3words.com/villas.hack.fixture PLEASE NOTE; the nearest postcode was printed incorrectly when this notice first appeared. It is now corrected above as LN1 2NX *** South Lincs RSPB Group *** Jeremy Eyeons writes: The South Lincs RSPB Group has released details of their 2024 "Seal and Birdwatching" cruises aboard "The Boston Belle". There are twelve cruises organised for 2024, starting on 5th April and ending on 24th October. Full details are on our website, including ticket prices, booking arrangements, sailing times and dates etc. Booking is essential. https://group.rspb.org.uk/southlincolnshire/ *** Lincoln RSPB *** Volunteer opportunities available for people who are passionate about wildlife and conservation. Lincoln RSPB is running the Peregrine Watch at Lincoln Cathedral again this year. All weekends in June and July. Prior experience isn’t necessary, enthusiasm is more important. For more information, contact Gwen M. Randall, Volunteer co-ordinator. gwen.randall@ntlworld.com STAYING SAFE Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. Bird flu: Defra advice to the general public is to leave corpses alone and report the findings - but that landowners should dispose of birds themselves. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bird-flu-latest-situation-avian-influenza-prevention-zone-declared-across-great-britain Lyme Disease reminder https://www.hse.gov.uk/agriculture/zoonoses-data-sheets/lyme-disease.pdf Road works and hold-ups https://roadworks.org/ Met Office Severe Warnings https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings Met Office Severe Weather E-mail Service - sign up http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/guide-to-emails EasyTide http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx Environment Agency Flood Warnings - Lincolnshire https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings?location=lincolnshire Environment Agency Flood Information/Floodline - sign up https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. WILDLIFE HIGHLIGHTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Bird Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce their pager reports. A big thank you from us all. Readers interested in a pager - look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ For RBA's excellent articles: https://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/RealData/Articles.asp 11/6 Cowbit, 7 Spoonbills on south end of Cowbit Wash from Peak Hill. Deeping High Bank, 7 Spoonbills on Crowland Wash. Frampton Marsh, Glossy Ibis. and Lesser Yellowlegs1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen. Gibraltar Point, 2 Spoonbills 1 flew to estuary, one on Tennyson's Sands. Saltfleet, Hooded Crow flew inland. 12/6 Anderby Creek, Garganey at Anderby Marsh Cowbit, 7 Spoonbills on south end of Cowbit Wash from Peak Hill, then flew south. Deeping High Bank, 7 Spoonbills on Crowland Wash. Frampton Marsh, Glossy Ibis. and Lesser Yellowlegs1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshank on Reedbed, Little Gull, Red-crested Pochard. Freiston Shore, Spotted Redshank. Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe Dunes, 2s Caspian Gull on wet grassland south of Crook Bank. 13/6 Anderby Creek, Garganey on Anderby Marsh Cowbit, 7 Spoonbills on south end of Cowbit Wash from Peak Hill, then flew south. Deeping High Bank, Glossy Ibis on Crowland Wash north end. Deeping St James, 5 Spoonbills on west side of East Pit, Deeping Lakes, then flew NE. Gibraltar Point, 5 Spoonbills. 14/6 Frampton Marsh, Lesser Yellowlegs 1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen. Spoonbill on Reedbed. 15/6 Deeping St James, 8 Spoonbills on East Pit. Deeping Lakes, then flew towards Frampton Marsh, Lesser Yellowlegs 1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen, 4 Little Gulls, Spotted Redshank. 16/6 Deeping St James, 2 Spoonbills reported at Deeping Lakes. Frampton Marsh, Lesser Yellowlegs 1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen, 5 Little Gulls, Spotted Redshank, 7 Spoonbills Gibraltar Point, 7 Spoonbills on Tennyson's Sands. 17/6 Alkborough Flats, Green-winged Teal. Deeping St James, 6 Spoonbills on East Pit, Deeping Lakes. Frampton Marsh, Lesser Yellowlegs 1s on Marsh Farm grassland on fen, Little Gull, 5 Spotted Redshanks, Short-eared Owl, 3 Spoonbills Gibraltar Point, 7 Spoonbills. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. WILDLIFE NEWS FROM AROUND THE COUNTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the Grid Reference - don't forget - it's important Grab a Grid Reference: https://www.bnhs.co.uk/focuson/grabagridref/html/index.htm UK Grid Reference Finder: http://www.gridreferencefinder.com/ ROAD KILLS? PLEASE LET US KNOW. Every drive is a transect! Hedgehogs? Badgers? Otters? Reports welcome. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Thanks to our regular contributors across the county. Much appreciated. We rely on readers to send in observations and welcome records from everyone, experts or beginners. Please keep your reports coming. BARDNEY - THE GREEN TF120694 R + A Parsons 13/6/2024 Cuckoo heard SW of garden - 12 noon. A warm day but no butterflies seen. 14/6/2024 Red Kite over garden at 15.00hrs. Several swifts over. BARDNEY GARDEN TF117700 Phil and Mary Porter 12th June. We saw our first juvenile Goldfinch of the year waiting to be fed. 13th June. The first Cinnabar moth fluttered in the long grass of our mini-meadow but we couldn’t find its bivouac on the grass stems so perhaps it emerged elsewhere. 14th June. At about 7.00pm a Barn Owl flew through the bottom of the garden just as Mary came through the side gate, so once again we didn’t find out whether or not it was hunting on our patch, but it certainly makes occasional visits during daylight and may be a more frequent nocturnal visitor. 15th June. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker brought a juvenile to learn the ropes at the sunflower seed dispenser. The young birds are often entertaining as they learn how to master their specialised anatomy to its best effect. 16th June. A Red Admiral butterfly was about the garden, and we found several Orange-tip larvae feeding on the long thin seed pods of Dame’s Violet. Mary spotted a bat at dusk. 18th June. A Cuckoo was calling early in the morning and a Hornet droned by. BOSTON TF338441 My front garden Tracey Lenton 16/06/2024 late evening Blue-tailed damselfly discovered on a pampas grass frond, its colouring a vivid turquoise, stunning! Mullein moth caterpillar is growing to quite a chunky size now CLEETHORPES Angela Buckle, Stuart Smith. 13th June Flowers. Weld, Hop trefoil, Common cat’s-ear, Sea lavender, Sea milkwort, Greater Sea-spurrey, Lesser Sea-spurrey, Sea purslane, Thrift, Sea sandwort, Hoary mustard, Common mouse-ear, Spear-leaved orache, White campion, Pellitory of the wall, Woody nightshade, Sea beet, Sea plantain, Glasswort, Sea rocket, Yellow rattle, White clover, Sea wormwood, Common vetch, Rest harrow, Creeping cinquefoil, Hogweed, Meadow buttercup, Hoary cress, Bulbous buttercup, Cow parsley, Field poppy, Creeping thistle, Silverweed, Curled leaved dock, Doves-foot cranesbill, Lady’s bedstraw, Yarrow, Spear thistle, Crow garlic. HORKSTOW SE987179 Jenny Haynes 13 June 2024 Young greenfinch, blackbird and blue tits seen in my garden. I don’t know what happened to the wrens nesting in the ivy on my house. The adults were flying in regularly and then they weren’t. I found one dead chick but no sign of any more. Great spotted woodpeckers, male and female, have been on the peanut feeders. All the feeders are still being used, especially by goldfinches. A song thrush was singing on a telegraph pole nearby, the first I’ve seen this year. Working in my garden, the lack of insects is so noticeable, just the occasional bee and only one, very bedraggled peacock butterfly. RED HILL Angela Buckle, Stuart Smith 15th June Birds foot trefoil, Red clover, Crosswort, Meadow buttercup, Ribwort plantain, Hogweed, Yellow rattle, Salad Burnet, Hoary plantain, Milkwort, Common cat’s-ear, Mouse eared Hawkweed, Rough chervil, Red valerian, Common spotted orchid, Fairy flax, Ox-eye daisy, Horseshoe vetch, Meadow vetchling, Greater knapweed, Meadow cranesbill, Lady’s bedstraw, Agrimony, Goatsbeard, Yellow wort, Dog rose, Pyramidal orchid, Eyebright, Common vetch, Rough hawkbit, Bee orchid, White flowered Meadow cranesbill, Bloody cranesbill. Common lizard. RIMAC Angela Buckle Stuart Smith 15th June White clover, Creeping buttercup, Hogweed, Vipers bugloss, Yellow rattle, Alexanders, Musk thistle, White campion, Common storksbill, Common cat’s-ear, Prickly lettuce, Mouse-eared hawkweed, Pyramidal orchid, Field Mouse-ear, Eyebright, Lady’s bedstraw, Lesser trefoil, Common sorrel, Prickly sow-thistle, Hemlock, Woody nightshade, Creeping thistle, Scarlet pimpernel, Field poppy, Dog rose, Fairy flax, Common spotted orchid, Water figwort, Lesser spearwort, Water dock, Yellow iris, Birds. House Martin, Swift, Little egret, Hobby, Avocet, Pied wagtail, Linnet, Mistle thrush, Pheasant, Crow, Marsh harrier, Grasshopper warbler. SEDGE HOLE CLOSE LWT Nature Reserve Steve Hiner 13/06/24 Blackbird x 2 Blackcap x 1 Blue Tit x 4 Carrion Crow x 2 Chaffinch x 1 Chiffchaff x 1 Dunnock x 1 Jackdaw x 4 Magpie x 2 Robin x 1 Stock Dove x 2 Skylark x 1 Wood Pigeon x 4 Willow Warbler x 1 Wren x 1 adult with at least 4 fledged young Green-veined White x 1 Speckled Wood x 1 Chimney Sweeper moth x 1 Scorpion Fly x 3 SOUTHREY WOOD TF131681 Phil and Mary Porter 18th June. Birds. Green Woodpecker, Song Thrush, Blackcap. Plants. Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Common Spotted Orchid, Ragged Robin, Hairy St. John’s Wort, Field Rose, Lesser Spearwort, Marsh Thistle and Honeysuckle. Flies. Several Xylota sylvarum (I am trying to use colloquial names, but I draw the line at Yellow-tailed Leaf-licker, which has been proposed for this species!). This hoverfly doesn’t care for flowers and is usually seen on tree leaves where it may feed on honey-dew. Also Batman Hoverfly Myathropa florea, Common Tachina Tachina fera, Drone-fly Eristalis tenax, Tan Dance-fly Empis livida, Marmalade-fly Episyrphus baltiatus, all feeding on newly emerged Hogweed flowers Butterflies. (With help from Toby Ludlow) White Admiral, Meadow Brown, Large Skipper, Speckled Wood, Ringlet. Sawfly larvae on Sallow leaves, Thick-thighed Beetle, Hare. SOUTH WITHAM MARSH, LINCOLN. SK964678 Phil Porter 15th June. The most notable plants were Ragged Robin, Meadow-rue, Tubular Water-dropwort, Water Violet, Yellow Flag and Great Burnet. I was really there to record flies and so far, I have identified Striped Slender Robberfly Leptogaster cylindrica; Pied Cordilura, Cordilura albipes, a striking creamy-white and glossy black relative of the Common Yellow Dung-fly; Black-horned Gem Microchrysa polita, a tiny iridescent green Soldier-fly; and Shiny-bellied Helina Helina setiventris, with a small fan of long hairs on either side of the abdomen. Also, Dolichopus wahlbergi (so far without a common name) tiny, with long, slender legs and flattened feather-like hairs in a dense patch on the tip of its middle legs in the male. There is no doubt that flies were far less numerous than I would have expected at a flower-filled damp grassland site and national news stories along these lines are starting to appear. THURNHOLMES (within 300m of SK797984 unless stated) Steve Hiner & Paul Snow 05/06/24 Common Pipistrelle x 2 21:15hrs (45hz) 11/06/24 Barn Owl x 1 01:20hrs Blackbird x 2 Blackcap x 1 Blue Tit family party Carrion Crow x 4 fledged young Chaffinch x 1 Chiffchaff x 1 Common Buzzard x 2 Dunnock x 1 Goldfinch x 4 Greenfinch x 1 Grey Partridge x 2 Magpie x 1 adult and 2 fledged young Robin x 1 Skylark x 1 Swallow x 7 including one on nest in stables Tawny Owl x 1 calling 02:10hrs Tree Sparrow x 2 Willow Warbler x 1 Wood Pigeon x 4 12/06/24 Little Owl x 1 sat on road SK793988 Common Pipistrelle x 1 21:00hrs (45hz) 14/06/24 Common Pipistrelle x 1 22:00hrs (45hz) 15/06/24 Barn Owl x 3 calling around paddocks 01:20hrs Common Pipistrelle x 1 22:00hrs (45hz) 16/06/24 Barn Owl x 1 calling 02:00hrs 18/06/24 Barn Owl x 2 calling 01:00hrs Blackbird x 3 Blackcap x 1 Blue Tit x 1 feeding very vocal young in nest box Carrion Crow x 1 Chaffinch x 1 Dunnock x 1 Goldfinch x 2 Kestrel x 1 Pied Wagtail x 1 Robin x 1 adult and at least 4 fledged young in my orchard Skylark x 1 Stock Dove x 1 on nest in box in chicken run (4th time this year) Swallow x 4 including one on nest in stables Tree Sparrow, several fledged young around paddocks Willow warbler x 1 Wood Pigeon x 4 Wren x 1 adult and several fledged young Yellowhammer x 2 Common Pipistrelle x 1 22:30hrs (45hz) Ghost Moth x 1 male Yellow Shell x 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. NNRs and NATURE RESERVES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LWT Top Reserves: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves LWT Reserves List: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/nature-reserves-list RSPB Reserves: https://www.rspb.org.uk/days-out/reserves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE DUNES NNR including DONNA NOOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/saltfleetby-theddlethorpe-dunes https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/donna-nook http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/38015?category=59026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR Report 5th – 11th June 2024 Contributors: - Peter & Janet Roworth, John Walker, Matt Blissett, Ruth Taylor, Owen Beaumont, Cliff Morrison and Dean Nicholson. T hank you to all other contributors. Daily News and Wildlife Sightings 120624 - First summer yellow-legged gull on beach at Mablethorpe North End. 4 cuckoo and 3 little ringed plover around Crook Bank outer dunes. Short-eared owl on the saltmarsh out from Rimac. 2 snow geese flew north over Rimac. Second summer Caspian gull, 5 little ringed plover (3 juvs) and an avocet on wet grassland south of Crook Bank. Meadow brown and Ruddy darter at Rimac. Great spotted woodpecker at Sea View. 130624 - 3 cuckoo (2 male and 1 female) Crook Bank south, plus meadow brown and common darter. Hobby over the dunes at Sea View and male banded demoiselle Sea View bridge. Sedge warbler in Rimac car park hawthorn. Lapwing mobbing a buzzard over Sea View Washlands. 140624 - 3500+ swift and a whimbrel flew south throughout the morning at Crook Bank. Red kite flew south over Elm House Farm, where a hobby, cuckoo and 2 marsh harrier were present. Emperor dragonfly on the wing at Sea View. Speckled wood and yellow shell moth at Sea View. Lesser whitethroat in song at Rimac and 2 grey heron flew over the freshwater marsh. Common darter dragonflies newly emerging. 8 juvenile pied wagtails on Sea View Washland. 150624 - Mediterranean gull with a small number of other gulls on the foreshore at low tide. 170624 - Cattle egret on Sea View Washlands. Common and soprano pipistrelle bats at Sea View and flying around Sea View bridge over The Great Eau. 180624 - Juvenile little ringed plover next to Rimac car park. Total of 18 lapwing (adults and young) plus 3 young chicks and breeding plumage cattle egret on Sea View Washlands. Plants in flower now include fairy flax, goat’s beard, musk and marsh thistles, agrimony, hop trefoil, lesser trefoil, common meadow-rue, viper’s bugloss, thousands of pyramidal orchids include 6 of the scarce albiflora variety, bee orchid, southern marsh orchid, common centuary, marsh bedstraw and eyebright. At Churchill Lane: Southern hawker dragonfly, willow emerald damselfly. Skull cap in flower. Meadow brown and common blue butterflies. Other Local Reserves 120624 – Toby’s Hill: White campion and bloody crane’s-bill now in flower. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. BARDNEY LIMEWOODS NNR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These cover a huge area. Reports always welcome. The history of the Lincolnshire Limewoods: https://www.forestryjournal.co.uk/features/19111877.lincolnshire-limewoods/ The Forestry Commission visitor advice: https://www.forestryengland.uk/article/coronavirus-visitor-guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch: https://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html Chambers Farm Wood - Butterfly Garden - gardening dates and times: Next dates: 2nd July, 16th July 2024 https://butterfly-conservation.org/in-your-area/lincolnshire-branch/chambers-farm-wood-butterfly-garden Lincolnshire Dormouse Group Gemma Watkinson writes This summer, as there are forestry works being undertaken by Forestry England over the summer at Chambers Farm Woods, we will have limited access to the woods this year, and things may need to change at short notice. To manage visitor numbers, we are going to need to limit non-licenced visitors to around 10 people, and will require those who are interested in joining each session to email through to 'sign-up' no later than a week before each session. Please email lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com if you are interested in joining us. The summer dates we so far have approved with FE for nest box checks are: Sunday 21st July Saturday 17th August As always for the summer sessions, we will meet at 9.30am, and this will be outside the wood centre in the car park, but this may need to change. Looking forward to another dormouse-filled summer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NNR includes the following sites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chambers Farm Woods (comprises Ivy Wood; Little and Great Scrubbs Woods; Minting Wood; Hatton Wood, Hatton Plantation and Minting Park; and also three areas of grassland: Little Scrubbs Meadow and extension), Small Meadow and Big Meadow. Since all have their own management plans, please give the actual location when reporting). College Wood; Cocklode & Great West Woods; Hardy Gang Wood; Newball Wood; Rand Wood; Scotgrove Wood; Southrey Wood and Wickenby Wood. Many of these include both areas of ancient woodland or important grassland. Many are also designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Records which provide a six-figure grid reference are of particular value to the Forestry Commission. Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. OTHER RESERVE REPORTS AND HIGHLIGHTS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discover Woodland Trust woods near you - including the best woods for walks, wildlife watching, family fun and heritage. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/woods/#=undefined&view=map Lincolnshire County Council - Local Nature Reserves https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/coast-countryside/nature-reserves Links to "Other Reserves" are welcome. Your suggestions, please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. SENDING IN BULLETIN REPORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire. We aim to increase the number of people reporting observations to Recorders or via iRecord. https://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord/ The Bulletin is a FREE service. We ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome. You don't have to stick to lists! Please help us to help you. When sending in reports please follow this layout to save re-editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Species Names in full.] Bulletin mailing times may vary. It usually goes out on Wednesdays/ Thursdays in time for the weekend. Please e-mail in contributions as early as possible, to: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. CONTACTS AND USEFUL WEBSITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Links "not to be missed" *** Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. CONTACTS LIST Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union LNU Website: http://lnu.org/ LNU Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust: https://twitter.com/LincsWildlife Lincs Bird Club: https://twitter.com/Lincsbirding LBC County Bird Recorder: recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk The Sir Joseph Banks Society: https://twitter.com/sirjosephbanks Lincolnshire Bat Group: http://www.lincsbatgroup.co.uk/ Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch: https://twitter.com/BC_Lincolnshire Lincsbirders: https://twitter.com/lincsbirders Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project: https://lincolnshirechalkstreams.org/events/ Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Trust: https://lincolnshirechalkstreamstrust.org.uk/ South Lincolnshire Flora Group: https://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 The Wolds Fungi Group: Contact Paul Nichol via email: pnichol20@gmail.com Lincolnshire Dormouse Group: Contact: lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com FIGHTING WILDLIFE CRIME Wildlife Crime https://www.lincs.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/wc/wildlife-crime/ SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDING Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. LNU Recorders and Specialists: https://lnu.org/specialists/ Downloads of LNU books: https://lnu.org/publications/books/ Recording with "iRecord": https://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord/ iRecord is recommended by the LNU as an appropriate platform for on-line recording. Local Bat Helpline Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information. Contact Annette Faulkner on 01775 766286 Email: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com Confidential Bat Records You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com Slug ID Help Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. Tel: 01383 669 124 Email: chris.r.dufeu@gmail.com When asking for help: Please give the very best information you can provide. If you are not sure, ask what is needed from you to confirm identification. Photographs are helpful but not every species can be identified from a photograph. When asked for further details, get back to them promptly. Don't forget a thank you for the help. That is always welcomed. USEFUL WILDLIFE LINKS Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. Lincolnshire Badger Group https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093647842292 Email: lincolnshirebadgergroup@hotmail.com Lincs Environmental Records Centre: http://www.glnp.org.uk/ Natural England: http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ NHBS Natural history equipment or books. https://www.nhbs.com/ The Flora of Lincolnshire by Joan Gibbons: downloadable LNU book Atlas of the terrestrial and semi-aquatic Mammals of Lincolnshire: *** For the Geologists *** Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. Lincolnshire Geodiversity Group: https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/discovering/geology-1 Geology of the Lincolnshire Wolds: https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/special-features/geology The Geology of Lincolnshire: downloadable LNU book UK Fossils in Lincolnshire https://ukfossils.co.uk/category/lincolnshire/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. NOTES ABOUT THESE WILDLIFE REPORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting. However, records are sent in by a variety of reporters; from complete beginners to professionals. They may vary in reliability and occasionally may be difficult or impossible to verify. If further information is needed please contact: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk Bulletins are sent to Recorders at Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre [GNLP], Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. BULLETIN PUBLICITY POLICY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When sending in reports, e.g. unusual plants, please report any sensitive news directly to recorders. Not the Bulletin. We don't want to spoil things with unwise or untimely publicity. Thank you. Please respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report on national networks. Interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly or thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. [Views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU EVENTS DIARY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** LNU Events *** https://lnu.org/meetings/ https://lnu.org/meetings/indoor-meetings/ *** Lincolnshire Naturalists Union Field Meeting *** Saxilby Nature Project, Sunday 23rd June 2024 A new site for LNU field meetings Northwest of Saxilby. – Access courtesy of Ross and Eleanor Smith. 10.30 for 11.00 start and finish about 16.00..Car parking nearby off Sykes Lane. Grid reference: SK 87562 76768 What3Words: villas.hack.fixture – nearest postcode: LN1 2NX Habitats: Ponds, scrub and grassland on ex-arable Leaders: Luke Hartley 07399 322211hartley026@gmail.com, Brian Hedley brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Sarah Lambert 07784169260 sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com https://what3words.com/villas.hack.fixture PLEASE NOTE; the nearest postcode was printed incorrectly when this notice first appeared. It is now corrected above as LN1 2NX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ...AND FINALLY... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** National or international stories *** Climate change: How fungi bombs made in Scotland can boost biodiversity and help reforest the earth https://www.scotsman.com/news/environment/climate-change-how-fungi-bombs-made-in-scotland-can-boost-biodiversity-and-help-reforest-the-earth-4611701 Wildlife experts urge action on pesticides as UK insect populations plummet https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/14/wildlife-experts-urge-action-on-pesticides-as-uk-insect-populations-plummet Birdwatch: pochards are one of Britain’s rarest breeders https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/12/birdwatch-pochards-are-one-of-britains-rarest-breeders Wild horses return to Kazakhstan steppes after absence of two centuries https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cljj0y15nnko Iceland grants whale hunting permit despite animal welfare concerns https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2ll8d00kzgo Country diary: A cuckoo unleashes the fury of the pipits https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/11/country-diary-a-cuckoo-unleashes-the-fury-of-the-pipits Country diary: Fifty shades of green https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/13/country-diary-fifty-shades-of-green Farmers install bird boxes and call players to help struggling swifts find more rural nesting sites https://www.gwct.org.uk/news/news/2024/june/farmers-install-bird-boxes-and-call-players-to-help-struggling-swifts-find-more-rural-nesting-sites/ The Big Picture 2024 (Exceptional wildlife photography) https://www.biographic.com/the-big-picture-2024/ *** Mail Fails *** None ----------------- ~ THE END ~ ----------------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons old.museum@yahoo.co.uk http://rogerparsons.info/