========================================= || || 12th July 2023 || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || LNU: http://lnu.org/ || || Please email Editor on: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Information, events, news and requests - mostly local. 2. Wildlife Highlights from Rare Bird Alert. 3. Wildlife reports around the county - contributions welcome... 4. NNRs, RSPB and LWT Reserves/Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe. 5. Bardney Limewoods NNR - Chambers Farm Wood. 6. Other Reserve Reports - links and highlights. 7. Sending in Bulletin Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information - recorders and specialists... 9. Notes about these wildlife reports. 10. Bulletin publicity policy. 11. Events Diary - what's on. 12. ...and finally. Mostly national/international wildlife stories. ============================================ Reports here are open. They are available to county recorders of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union; the Lincolnshire Bird Club and Lincolnshire Environmental Record Centre [LERC]. Compare earlier years. Past Bulletins archive [text] from 2009: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or associated organisations. Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. INFORMATION, EVENTS, NEWS AND REQUESTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scroll down for "Pond Dipping for Adults " with Sam Reast, 25th August. Booking essential. Places are in demand. Suggestions for Readers to report or research: Please look out for solitary bee Anthidium manicatum David Sheppard writes: Keep an eye out for the solitary bee Anthidium manicatum. It is quite large, about the size of a honey bee but flatter, less cylindrical, and more like a leaf- cutter bee. It is easy to spot because it has a row of yellow spots along each side of the abdomen. In gardens, it is particularly fond of Stachys lanata (Lambs tail) and other labiates from which it gathers the woolly fibres to line its nest cells. Hence these bees are also known as Wool Carder Bees. Its flight is distinctive and its behaviour easily recognisable once you have seen it. Although harmless to us, it is quite aggressive and will pick a fight with foraging bumblebees. I have records from throughout Lincolnshire but I am sure that it more abundant than the records indicate. Please contact David on: d.a.sheppard@btinternet.com or via: https://lnu.org/specialists/ants-bees-and-wasps/ Photo from Bumblebee Conservation: https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/woolcarderbee/ LNU Meetings. Come along. Scroll to full details in section 11 below. Or click: https://lnu.org/meetings/ Wilder Doddington (Rewilding Project) – Saturday July 15th (all day) https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/2023-07-15-wilder-doddington-rewilding-project-saturday-july-15th-all-day/ Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service Helen Gamble writes: We have passed the halfway stage of our ‘50 for 50’ events! So far, we have engaged with over 2,200 people at shows, events, talks and walks; working with partners such as local farmers, businesses, communities & specialists, we’ve showcased all the hard work to a wider audience. There’s still time to take part and learn more about the special features that make t he Lincolnshire Wolds AONB such a unique protected landscape. Visit our events page for opportunities to take part. https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/events/ We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill in the ‘Have Your Say’ questionnaire. Your answers are important to us and will help the Partnership to prepare the next statutory Management Plan for the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB, and how we can all help protect and enhance the special qualities of the area. https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/news/have-your-say The Bugs Matter 2023 survey season - 1 June - 31 August. https://www.buglife.org.uk/get-involved/surveys/bugs-matter/ BWARS' Hornet survey - have you seen any? ID photos are here: https://www.bwars.com/wasp/vespidae/vespinae/vespa-crabro To submit a record: https://www.bwars.com/content/submit-sighting-vespa-crabro-hornet The Big Meadow Search (BMS) - June 1st until August 31st. The BMS is a citizen science project which aims to encourage people to record plants in an area of grassland of their own choice. Our website has lots more information, and you can enter your findings directly there. www.bigmeadowsearch.co.uk Exhibition at Joseph Banks Centre Horncastle Horse Fair.. Runs 6th July - 15th September. https://horncastlejbc.info/events/ Bob Sheppard sent in the following updates:.. Loch of The Lowes Ospreys The Loch of Lowes osprey chicks are fledging now and so the nest is sometimes empty whilst they take a short flight to a nearby tree. They return to the nest when there is a chance of a meal. The adults are bringing in lots of fish including some huge trout from the loch. https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/things-to-do/watch-wildlife-online/loch-of-the-lowes-webcam/ Len Pick Trust Owl-box Camera https://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/ Prey is still in short supply for the barn owls in the Len Pick tower. The male is not supporting his growing family as he should. Often he is making only one visit per night with prey so the female is out every night, sometimes for as long as three hours. She is returning to the chicks without prey on many occasions. It is possible the male has another female nearby. The harvest can't come soon enough for the two chicks. Mice will then be abundant for just a few weeks. The eldest chick is now three weeks old. The lack of prey in South Lincolnshire, particularly short tailed voles, is impacting the kestrel breeding season too. Many broods are tiny and some have starved in the nest. These cycles of boom and bust come round all the time but it doesn't get any easier witnessing the daily dramas in a poor year. https://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/ BTO Cuckoo Tracking project - signs of movement south... https://www.bto.org/cuckoos This week's mostly-local news stories: Bee-eater on 'verge of laying' after Norfolk nest upset https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-66114260 Encourage and Supporting Bats in Your Garden https://www.hillier.co.uk/garden-and-home-ideas/caring-for-bats-in-garden/ Hedgehog reunited with hoglets in 'extraordinary' event in Lincoln https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-66110943 Cows disrupt traffic on A46 Lincoln bypass https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-66111660 Beavers to make Nene Wetlands return after 400 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-66114079 RAF Scampton Dambusters' dog grave move rejected https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-66116176 The dangerous plants lurking in plain sight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-66154244 More links in "...and finally ..." at the end of the Bulletin. Thank you to everyone who sent something in. It really helps. Roger old.museum@yahoo.co.uk - note - my best address for emails. Joining Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union If you are a member, please give the LNU a "plug " to others. https://lnu.org/join-the-lnu/ *** Weather News and Forecast *** World records hottest day for third time in a week https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66120297 Weather satellite captures lightning spectacle across Earth https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66081621 https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/ https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings#? 15 - 26 July: "Low pressure is expected to become centred to the northeast of the UK through the first part of this period. A generally unsettled picture with showers or perhaps some longer spells of rain through the middle part of July, and often quite windy for the time of year. That said, near the low centre at first, winds will be light, meaning showers and thunder- storms will be slow-moving. With winds blowing from the west or north- west, temperatures will start off a little below average for many. However, towards the end of the month, there are tentative signs of slightly drier conditions taking hold, with fewer in the way of showers and longer, drier spells, and consequently it should feel a little warmer too." *** For Astronomers and Sky-watchers *** Full Moons 2023 https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/full-moon-calendar July's Night Sky: https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/blog/astronomy/night-sky-highlights-july-2023 Space and astronomy highlights in 2023 from The Royal Observatory https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/space-astronomy-highlights-2023 Aurora Watch - when Northern Lights might be seen in the UK: https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/ Stellarium - open source and very useful https://stellarium.org/ “Seal and Birdwatching Cruises into The Wash” Jeremy Eyeons writes: The South Lincs RSPB Group programme of : “Seal and Birdwatching Cruises into The Wash”. For 2023 twelve cruises have been scheduled to take place, aboard “The Boston Belle”, at various sailing times, ending on 23rd October. All cruises start and end at Boston Marina, last for about five hours, and on average approximately 60 bird species are seen on each trip. Full details at: www.rspb.org.uk/groups/southlincolnshire All cruises are by advance ticket only, which, once again, can be obtained from Blackfriars Arts Centre in Boston [01205-363108}, or online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/blackfriars Ticket prices for RSPB members are £22 (adult) and £10 (child under 16). Non-RSPB members £25 and £11-50. Any queries please contact Blackfriars (as above) or email Jeremy Eyeons: jerry200433@hotmail.com *** Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Area Groups webpage *** Please let me have your "plugs" for coming events. https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/area-groups STAYING SAFE Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. Heat-health Alert service https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/seasonal-advice/heat-health-alert-service Bird flu updates: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-latest-situation-in-england Lyme Disease reminder https://www.hse.gov.uk/agriculture/zoonoses-data-sheets/lyme-disease.pdf Road works and hold-ups https://roadworks.org/ Met Office Severe Warnings https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings Met Office Severe Weather E-mail Service - sign up. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/guide-to-emails EasyTide http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx Environment Agency Flood Warnings - Lincolnshire https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings?location=lincolnshire Environment Agency Flood Information/Floodline - sign up. https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. WILDLIFE HIGHLIGHTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Bird Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce their pager reports. A big thank you from us all. Readers interested in a pager - have a look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ For RBA's excellent articles: https://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/RealData/Articles.asp 5/7 8 Spoonbills, Red-necked Phalarope male, 9 Black-winged Stilts, 4 ad + 5 young, 2 Spotted Redshanks, Frampton Marsh Short-eared Owl, Gibraltar Point 6/7 4 Spotted Redshanks, Red-necked Phalarope male from East Hide, Black-winged Stilt, Spoonbill, Frampton Marsh 2 Wood Sandpipers flew past, Caspian Tern flew NNE over beach and out to sea, Gibraltar Point Wood Sandpiper. Anderby Marsh Caspian Gull 3s NW of Novartis Ings, Pyewipe 7/7 7 Spoonbills on Reedbed, Red-necked Phalarope male near East Hide, Wood Sandpiper, American Wigeon drake from east Hide, Frampton Marsh 2 Wood Sandpipers flew past Gibraltar Point Spoonbill, Novartis Ings, Pyewipe 8/7 4 Black-winged Stilts, 4 Spotted Redshanks, American Wigeon drake on North Scrape, Frampton Marsh 2 Wood Sandpipers flew past/from North Wall, Gibraltar Point 9/7 American Wigeon drake on North Scrape, Little Gull, Frampton Marsh Arctic Tern on beach, Wood Sandpiper, Gibraltar Point 4 Wood Sandpipers, Anderby Marsh 10/7 3+ Black-winged Stilts, American Wigeon eclipse drake from Reedbed Hide, Frampton Marsh Wood Sandpiper opposite beach car park on Tennyson's Sands, [and from Fenella Hope hide] Gibraltar Point Caspian Tern flew south over beach, Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe dunes Hooded Crow on Teal Lake, then flew west, Whisby Nature Park 11/7 !0 spoonbills, Frampton Marsh 1 Black-winged Stilt near old car park, Wood Sandpiper, Little Gull, Gibraltar Point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. WILDLIFE NEWS FROM AROUND THE COUNTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the Grid Reference - don't forget - it's important Grab a Grid Reference: https://www.bnhs.co.uk/focuson/grabagridref/html/index.htm UK Grid Reference Finder: http://www.gridreferencefinder.com/ *** Links "not to be missed" *** Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. *** Hedgehog Advice *** https://hedgehogcare.org.uk/ https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/ *** Bat rescue instructions *** Annette Faulkner writes: If you find a grounded bat please don't try and release it. Put it in an escape proof box . Remember, a pipistrelle can get out of a hole the size of your thumb nail. Wear gloves or use a cloth to pick it up with, and phone me on 01775 766286. British Bugs (Hemiptera) - online identification https://www.britishbugs.org.uk/index.html Mike's Insect Keys: illustrated identification aids for insects https://sites.google.com/view/mikes-insect-keys/ Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory blog: http://gibraltarpointbirdobservatory.blogspot.co.uk/ Lincs Bird Club: https://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk/site/index.php/sightings/latest-news Butterfly Conservation - Lincolnshire Branch: https://butterfly-conservation.org/in-your-area/lincolnshire-branch/ Which moth species might be on the wing tonight in your area? https://butterfly-conservation.org/moths/whats-flying-tonight Atlas of the terrestrial and semi-aquatic Mammals of Lincolnshire: https://lincsnaturalist.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/mammalatlas.pdf VC54 North Lincolnshire Plant List - LNU Paul Kirby's list of all the vascular plant & stonewort taxa with records on the MapMate botanical database for VC54, North Lincolnshire, at the end of January 2017. Download this on: https://lnu.org/specialists/vascular-plants/ Record Pool - an easy way to record your amphibian and reptile species records. https://www.recordpool.org.uk/index.php ROAD KILLS? PLEASE LET US KNOW. Every drive is a transect! Hedgehogs? Badgers? Otters? Reports welcome. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Thanks to our regular contributors across the county. Much appreciated. We rely on readers to send in their observations and welcome records from everyone, experts or beginners. Please keep your reports coming. BARDNEY ALLOTMENTS TF124690 6th July Phil Porter I bumped into Steve Green yesterday on his plot and he showed me some Emperor Moth caterpillars that had colonised his raspberry patch, so today we went back for a second look as Mary had never seen one before. BARDNEY - The Green TF120694 R & A Parsons 7/7/2023 Comma Dead chafer Summer Chafer - Amphimallon solstitiale https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/summer-chafer 8+ swifts feeding over village/garden 8/7 Hedgehog at: 02.04hrs - entering garden from Green - speedily. Feeding at dish - 02.43-49hrs BARDNEY GARDEN TF117700 Phil and Mary Porter 4th July Saw a Wool Carder Bee Anthidium manicatum in the garden TF117700, recognised by quite large size, short but broad body, yellow dots along the side of dark abdomen and conspicuously whitish tarsal segments. It was within a couple of feet of a Stachys lanata plant but didn’t show any interest in it. 10th July Our new bee hotel has two bamboo canes sealed by leaf-cutter bee(s). A nomad bee has also entered a third cane and stayed for several minutes indicating that there was a solitary bee brood inside. A Brown Hawker has been around the pond occasionally, and also a tandem pair of blue damselflies. We have grasshopper noises in our No Mow May patch on the verge. 11th July A juvenile Greenfinch was on the sunflower seed feeder today. Young Robin and Blackbird also about. Several variously patterned Harlequin Ladybirds exposed by apple tree pruning. 2 Buzzards low overhead. BOSTON My Garden TF 338441 Tracey Lenton I have an abundance of caterpillars this year. I haven't done a proper survey before but they do seem to be in higher numbers than previous years. I first noticed Toadflax brocade caterpillars (on purple toadflax plants) on 24th June and since then the numbers have been increasing. 05/07/2023 New caterpillars have been seen. Back door clump of flowers has at least 25 caterpillars on it today. 11/07/2023 Toadflax brocade caterpillars 39 on back door clump and 21 on plants near pond. Also found 2 dead ones. CHAMBERS FARM WOOD 7th July 2023 (0930 to 1245) John Walker Friends and I visited Chambers woods on a sunny warm morning. We walked along the track c 500 m past 5 ways and back to car park En route we viewed 3 settled purple emperors all within 10 metres Also 4 white admirals and several purple hairstreaks settling with good views, many common butterflies were in and over the trackside vegetation. c. 15 silver washed fritillaries were flying by. Also seen, 3 southern hawkers and 10 brown hawkers. EASTON WALLED GARDEN SK927267 7th July. Phil and Mary Porter 20+ Banded Demoiselles were on the tiny River Witham. A linnet sang near the courtyard. FAR INGS 9th June, 2023 Angela Buckle Hedge bedstraw, Tutsan, Hedge woundwort, Gypsywort, Hemlock, Perennial sow thistle. Reed stem gall, Speckled wood butterfly. HORKSTOW SE987179 Jenny Haynes 7 July 2023 We have a large colony of Cellar spiders (Pholcidae) in our house, occupying most ceiling corners and other, often, inconvenient (for me) places. Although rarely seen with prey, one was seen today with, and apparently eating, a larger one (house spider?). Their presence probably explains why house spiders aren’t seen as frequently as in the past! 10 July 2023 Clearing some rough grass today I disturbed a couple of white plume moths (Pterophorus pentadactyla) and had to relocate a few ladybirds as well. Great spotted woodpecker still using the sunflower heart feeder. Appears to be competing with a female blackbird which has become quite adept at landing and eating. LIMBER POND. 9th June, 2023 Angela Buckle Loosestrife, Water mint, White water lily, Flowering rush, Brooklime, Great willowherb, Tufted vetch, Greater birdsfoot trefoil. NAVENBY 7 July 2023 Hugh Middleton A large swarm of flying ants in my Navenby garden this evening. SANDILANDS 10 July 2023 Ian Whitaker Epiblemma foenella 8.30 and through morning in kitchen. Photo available-info on this moth species can be found in Wikipedia. SPALDING TF 245218 8/7/23 Annette Faulkner Willow beauty moth in house, a male. It’s the first one I’ve seen for a long time. STICKNEY 1/7/2023 Gail Cartwright Toads too numerous to count 8/7/2023 Over the last week or so the bats are flying every night between 15 and 50m around 12AM also around Medlam Bridge which is close by so probably the same bats. Also a pair of Swans in the Medlam Drain. My Garden Magpies 2, young have flown away. Rooks too numerous to count. Starlings, adult and young. Jackdaws and young Sparrows Blackbirds 2. Swallows 2, young about 6. Squirrel 1 totally wrecked my biggest seed feeder over the last week after eating most if not all of the cherries on our tree WOOLSTHORPE BY COLSTERWORTH SK92/24 June 29th-July 11th 2023 Jane Ostler Garden, unless otherwise indicated MOTHS Chrysalids of 6-spot Burnets on grasses Nature Trail Adult Cinnabars and, by July 10th, caterpillars on Groundsel, Brown Tailed Tussock Moth caterpillars on hedge Mottled Beauty, not light grey but nearer dark form Emperor Moth caterpillar, full grown and a bright green on Stamford Road, Small Ermine Moth adult found on ground with piece out of wing, pecked by bird. Poplar Hawk Moth resting in day on ivy leaves. In evening I have been able to watch from window as moths visited the opening flowers of Evening Primrose and Honeysuckle. The day flying Hummingbird Hawk Moth is still a regular visitor, now seen on Red Valerian On July 8th 2003, travelling to Colsterworth from Corby Glen at around 10p.m. the windscreen of the car was splattered with insects, including moths – a rare occasion these days. BUTTERFLIES On the Nature Trail in numbers Marbled White, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown. Some Small Coppers, and new this period, Ringlets and Gatekeepers. In garden singletons of Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral are the first seen this summer PIGMY SHREW This was found on a verge. These adults can almost overlap in size with a very young common shrew . It was distinguished by its longer tail in proportion to its overall length. Dentition differences would have confirmed this but its head had been bitten off. No doubt it was rejected as food because of its foul taste. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. NNRs and NATURE RESERVES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust's pages [2021] on Coronavirus, Covid-19 includes details of LWT reserves and other advice and information: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/coronavirus Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory blog: http://gibraltarpointbirdobservatory.blogspot.co.uk/ LWT Reserves List: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/nature-reserves-list RSPB Frampton Marsh: http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE DUNES NNR including DONNA NOOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/saltfleetby-theddlethorpe-dunes https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/donna-nook Visitor Leaflet - Natural England: http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/38015?category=59026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR Report 5th – 11th July 2023 Contributors: - Peter & Janet Roworth, John Walker, Matt Blissett, Ruth Taylor, Owen Beaumont, Cliff Morrison and Dean Nicholson. Thank you to all other contributors. Daily News and Wildlife Sightings Note: Although 0.5 mm and 2.2 mm of rainfall recorded at Sea View the dune vegetation continues to look dry and stressed. Heavy rainfall for half an hour during the afternoon of the 11th gave 7.6mm at Sea View and 14mm recorded near Theddlethorpe by JW which just shows how localised these heavy spells of rain can be. 050723 - 43 lapwing on the edge of Paradise lagoon. Hobby flew north over Rimac and a hooded crow reportedly flew west over Sea View. 3 buzzard drifted high south over Mablethorpe North End. 060723 - 60 sandwich tern roosting on the beach out from Sear's track. 100 common scoter flew south over the sea. A steady southerly movement of hirundines throughout the morning, mostly sand martin. 080723 - Paradise lagoon: 3 common gull, 126 black-headed gulls, 14 mallard, 4 coot, 2 oystercatcher, 17 lapwing, 3 redshank and 1 greenshank. On Sea View wetlands: 8 mute swans, 5 grey lags, 6 lapwing, 2 green sandpipers, 4 mallard, 2 teal, 2 tufted duck and 9 little egrets. 090723 - Turtle dove seen around Rimac. 100723 - Paradise lagoon: 3 common sandpipers, 3 ringed plover, 25 lapwing, 5 redshank, 4 tufted duck and small tortoiseshell in flight. Caspian tern flew south over the beach and continued south beyond the NNR. 60 curlew, 2 golden plover, 3 dunlin, 4 bar-tailed godwit, 11 oystercatcher, 80 sandwich tern and 2 common tern on the beach between MOD and Mablethorpe North End. 2 yellow wagtail flew north. 110723 - Swifts moving south over the dunes throughout the day. Flowers now include: Meadow sweet, ladies bedstraw, harebell, common and lesser century, honeysuckle, black meddick, meadow-rue, restharrow, marsh helleborine, ragwort, sea lavender, marsh thistle. Odonata: Emerald green damselfly, southern hawker. Butterflies now include: Comma, red admiral, hedge brown, common blue, ringlet, meadow brown, small skipper, Essex skipper, small copper, large, small and green veined whites, small heath, small tortoiseshell. Also seen single hornet hoverfly and a single silver washed fritillary. Other local reserves 090723 – Donna Nook: Painted lady butterfly, flocks of starlings increasing in number with 200+ seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. BARDNEY LIMEWOODS NNR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These cover a huge area. Records from them are one of the main inputs to management planning and the protection of rare/scarce and critical species. Reports always welcome. The Forestry Commission visitor advice: https://www.forestryengland.uk/article/coronavirus-visitor-guide The history of the Lincolnshire Limewoods: https://www.forestryjournal.co.uk/features/19111877.lincolnshire-limewoods/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch: https://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html Chambers Farm Wood - Butterfly Garden - gardening dates and times: Next July date: 18th. https://butterfly-conservation.org/in-your-area/lincolnshire-branch/chambers-farm-wood-butterfly-garden Lincolnshire Dormouse Group You can get in touch via lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com Gemma Watkinson writes: Here are the dates for the summer nest box checks. As always, we meet at 9.30am in the Chambers Farm Woods car park, by the wood centre/volunteer hut. Anyone interested can get in touch at lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com for more information. Sunday 23 July Saturday 19th August Sunday 17th September Saturday 21 October ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NNR includes the following sites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chambers Farm Woods (comprises Ivy Wood; Little and Great Scrubbs Woods; Minting Wood; Hatton Wood, Hatton Plantation and Minting Park; and also three areas of grassland: Little Scrubbs Meadow and extension), Small Meadow and Big Meadow. Since all have their own management plans, please give the actual location when reporting). College Wood; Cocklode & Great West Woods; Hardy Gang Wood; Newball Wood; Rand Wood; Scotgrove Wood; Southrey Wood and Wickenby Wood. Many of these include both areas of ancient woodland or important grassland. Many are also designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Records which provide a six-figure grid reference are of particular value to the Forestry Commission. Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. OTHER RESERVE REPORTS AND HIGHLIGHTS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Links to "Other Reserves" are welcome. South Humber Heritage Trail, Alkborough Flats - LWT leaflet - downloadable https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/2018-04/south_humber_heritage_trail_alkborough.pdf Monks Wood Ashing Lane Nature Reserve https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/woods/monks-wood-ashing-lane-nature-reserve/ Tattershall Carrs https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/woods/tattershall-carrs/ Mareham Pastures Local Nature Reserve https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/woods/mareham-pastures-local-nature-reserve/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. SENDING IN BULLETIN REPORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire. We aim to increase the number of people reporting observations to Recorders or via i-record. https://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord/ The Bulletin is a FREE service. We ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome. You don't have to stick to lists! Please help us to help you. When sending in reports please follow this layout to save re-editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Species Names in full.] Bulletin mailing times may vary. It usually goes out on Wednesdays/ Thursdays in time for the weekend. Please e-mail in contributions as early as possible, to: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. CONTACTS AND USEFUL WEBSITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACTS LIST Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union LNU Website: http://lnu.org/ LNU Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist? LNU Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lincsnaturalists/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust: https://twitter.com/LincsWildlife Lincs Bird Club: https://twitter.com/Lincsbirding LBC County Bird Recorder recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk The Sir Joseph Banks Society: https://twitter.com/sirjosephbanks Lincolnshire Bat Group: http://www.lincsbatgroup.co.uk/ Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch: https://twitter.com/BC_Lincolnshire Lincsbirders: https://twitter.com/lincsbirders Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project: https://lincolnshirechalkstreams.org/events/ South Lincolnshire Flora Group: https://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 The Wolds Fungi Group: Contact Paul Nichol via email: pnichol20@gmail.com Lincolnshire Dormouse Group: Contact: lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com FIGHTING WILDLIFE CRIME Wildlife Crime https://www.lincs.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/wc/wildlife-crime/ SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDING Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. LNU Recorders and Specialists: https://lnu.org/specialists/ Downloads of LNU books: https://lnu.org/publications/books/ Recording with "irecord": https://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord/ irecord is recommended by the LNU as an appropriate platform for on-line recording. Sawflies, Bees, Wasps and Ants Recorder Dr. David Sheppard Willing to examine specimens or check photos. Bear in mind only a relative few of the 300+ species in the county are identifiable using photos. Email: d.a.sheppard@btinternet.com Lincolnshire Mammals Chris Manning, Email: Chris.LincsDeer@gmail.com Spiders, Pseudoscorpions, Harvestmen Imogen Wilde Regional Co-ordinator (RC) and Mentor for Lincolnshire for the British Arachnological Society (BAS). Email: Imogen@imogenwilde.co.uk Amphibians and Reptiles Ashley Butterfield The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) Email: LearningOutdoors@btinternet.com Local Bat Helpline Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information. Contact Annette Faulkner on 01775 766286 Email: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com Confidential Bat Records You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com Slug ID Help Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. Tel: 01383 669 124 Email: chris.r.dufeu@gmail.com Non-Marine Molluscs and other Freshwater Invertebrates Alex Pickwell is the LNU Recorder for Non-marine Molluscs Email: mrapickwell@gmail.com When asking for help: Please give the the very best information you can provide. If you are not sure, ask what is needed from you to confirm identification. Photographs are helpful but not every species can be identified from a photograph. When asked for further details, get back to them promptly. Don't forget a thank you for the help. That is always welcomed. USEFUL WILDLIFE LINKS Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. Lincs Environmental Records Centre: http://www.glnp.org.uk/ Natural England: http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ NHBS Natural history equipment or books. https://www.nhbs.com/ NHM Final report on LoveLincsPlants: https://lnu.org/lincolnshire-plants-past-and-future/ Collections Dataset - LNU "historic specimens": http://data.nhm.ac.uk/dataset/lincs-plants The Flora of Lincolnshire by Joan Gibbons: downloadable LNU book For the Geologists... Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. Suggestions for Geology news, events or new useful links always welcome. Lincolnshire Geodiversity Group: https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/discovering/geology-1 Geology - the Collection: https://www.thecollectionmuseum.com/explore/geology Geology of the Lincolnshire Wolds: https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/special-features/geology The Geology of Lincolnshire: downloadable LNU book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. NOTES ABOUT THESE WILDLIFE REPORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting. However, records are sent in by a variety of reporters; from complete beginners to professionals. They may vary in reliability and occasionally may be difficult or impossible to verify. If further information is needed please contact: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk Bulletins are sent to Recorders at Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre [GNLP] , Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. BULLETIN PUBLICITY POLICY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When sending in reports, e.g. unusual plants, please report any sensitive news directly to recorders. Not the Bulletin. We don't want to spoil things with untimely or unwise publicity. Thank you. Please respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report on national networks. Interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly or thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. [Remember: Views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU EVENTS DIARY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** LNU Events *** We will post any changes to LNU events in the Bulletin; the LNU Twitter feed; LNU Facebook page and LNU meetings webpage. Please refer to the LNU website for details of any Zoom arrangements for watching online. LNU Meetings: https://lnu.org/meetings/ Summer programme - Field Meetings Saturday 15th July Wilder Doddington (all day) LLP collecting Saturday 12th August Boothby Wildlands (all day) collecting NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FROM 19th Saturday 9th September Wolla Bank Pit, Chapel Pit & Chapel Six Marshes LWT Reserves (all day) (LLP collecting?) Sunday 15th October Langholme Wood and Haxey Turbary LWT Reserves Whisby Natural History Workshops Arranged in partnership by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincoln Area Group) and the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union. At Whisby Nature Park near Lincoln, in the Lafarge Education Building from 13.00 pm until 4.30 pm. Free of charge. Refreshments included. Prior booking essential via Richard Davidson on 01522 525725 or Email rel.davidson@btinternet.com. Find out more about the various subjects from our local experts. Places are limited. Pond Dipping for Adults – Sam Reast 26th of August Harvestmen – Imogen Wilde 7th of October Owl & Other Bird Pellets – Garry Steele 28th of October Bryophytes – Steven Heathcote 4th of November ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ...AND FINALLY... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails Last Week *** jeremy.scottbolton ...and finally... Look out for flying ant swarms! Mile-long swarm of flying ants spotted near south coast and more could be on way https://uk.news.yahoo.com/mile-long-swarm-flying-ants-132135617.html Watch: Molten lava gushes from Iceland volcano https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-66161173 This Seabird Courtship Ritual Is the Romance of the Summer https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/this-seabird-courtship-ritual-is-the-romance-of-the-summer/ Toxic caterpillar invasion: New sightings spotted in Derbyshire https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12267189/Toxic-caterpillar-invasion-spreads-UK-New-sighting-hairy-processionary-moth.html Watch Baby Octopuses Hatch from a Surprising Deep-Sea Nursery https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-baby-octopuses-hatch-from-a-surprising-deep-sea-nursery/ ----------------- ~ THE END ~ ----------------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons old.museum@yahoo.co.uk http://rogerparsons.info/