============================================= || || 13th May 2020 || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || || LNU Website: || http://lnu.org/ || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Information, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. NNRs including RSPB and LWT Reserves 5. Bardney Limewoods NNR 6. Other Reserve Reports and Highlights 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary 12. ...and finally..... ============================================ Reports here are open and are available to county recorders of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, the Lincolnshire Bird Club and Lincolnshire Environmental Record Centre [LERC]. Text versions of past Wildnews Bulletins from Feb 2009 http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or any associated organisations. Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Information, hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Editor writes... *** Thank you for the many interesting contributions and reports this week. Please keep the information coming, if only reports from your home patch. Remember to include a grid reference for locations. This is always needed. The Field Studies Council are having a sale of field guides to 17th May. This seems a good opportunity. Have a look. https://www.field-studies-council.org/product-category/publications/ Bob Sheppard writes on 7/5/2020: What a day it's been culminating in the Len Pick owl laying her first egg. He adds: The second egg was laid at 6.37pm yesterday [9/5] evening. The gap between the first and second egg was about 51 hours. The next egg is due on Monday night and was spotted on Tuesday 12th May. https://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/4593449091 It's a few years since we had peregrines nesting at St Wulframs, Grantham but as I told you last month, they're back! And this morning we went live with the webcam! Bob adds: still on 4 eggs at dawn Sunday, 10th. Can't be long till the hatch. http://www.stwulframs.org.uk/peregrines Boston Stump hatched 4 chicks on Thursday. [7th] The Grantham hatching began at 10pm last night. [Sunday 10th] Hopefully more to follow today. The Loch Arkaig ospreys now have a full clutch of three eggs. The first should hatch on 1st June. The male will be busy bringing several big brown trout to the nest every day plus the occasional flounder and small salmon. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/osprey-cam Please Remember: All LNU Meetings until the 8th June have been cancelled. As said, we will monitor the "progress" of CO-19 and update you on cancellations and the eventual resumption of events at some point, through the LNU Bulletin, LNU Website meetings pages and the LNU Twitter feed. Please keep checking for updates. Anything may change as the situation evolves. Stay safe. See The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust's policy on the Coronavirus, Covid-19: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/coronavirus All events and activities for Love Lincs Plants are cancelled until further notice. Forestry Commission says: Stay home, stay safe – please do not drive to our forests. Lincolnshire Environmental Awards have been POSTPONED to Autumn www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk RSPB Frampton Marsh: Visitor Centre (including the toilets) will be closed until further notice. The hides will also be closed, as will those at our sister reserve of Freiston Shore. A selection of useful or entertaining links sent in by readers. Skim or click, please! Rare sighting of European hare wins German nature photography award https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24632810-900-rare-sighting-of-european-hare-wins-german-nature-photography-award/ 2020 Big Picture Winners https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/2020-winners Love swifts? Why not take part in RSPB's "Swift Mapper" https://www.rspb.org.uk/our-work/conservation/conservation-and-sustainability/safeguarding-species/swiftmapper/ Plantlife's “No mow May” https://www.plantlife.org.uk/everyflowercounts/ Nature crisis: Moths have 'secret role' as crucial pollinators https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-52630991 Lincolnshire students urged to help pick fruit and veg https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-52605547 Certain landscapes show resistance to ash dieback https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-52582304 HMS Beagle: Dock for Darwin's ship gets protected status https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-52576727 VE Day as reported by British newspapers: relief, joy and a saucy comic strip https://theconversation.com/ve-day-as-reported-by-british-newspapers-relief-joy-and-a-saucy-comic-strip-137906 Elmo the cat's garden glove collection amuses owner - with the hotlink this time. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-52485574 VE Day: Red Arrows flypast over central London https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-52589233/ Demand crashes Lincolnshire council waste booking system https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-52623635 Coronavirus: Coastal towns feel fear over lockdown easing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-52632545 I hope these links have informed, entertained and encouraged. Roger old.museum@yahoo.co.uk - note - this is my best address for emails please. *** BATS – can readers help? *** Annette Faulkner's request - abridged from last week: Where are all the bats? Here’s where Bulletin readers can help. I always extract the records many of you sent in over the years. For that, many thanks and I wonder if you can be persuaded to go out in your gardens one evening, when we are scheduled to have some warmer evenings, from about 15 minutes after sunset for half an hour or so – and just see what turns up? Then please send in your results, making sure you attach a 6 figure grid reference, please, and only recording the number of bats you’ve seen together, to avoid over counting. And let’s see if there are any changes on previous years. *** New: ‘Hedgehogs After Dark’ launched *** Adela Cragg writes: Hedgehog Street has today launched 'Hedgehogs After Dark' - an exciting new citizen science initiative that asks Hedgehog Champions across the UK to record hedgehog behaviours. Between now and the end of July Champions are being encouraged to carefully observe hedgehogs in their gardens, recording all the different behaviours they see, allowing conservationists to discover, and better understand, the hidden lives of the UK’s hedgehogs this summer. Hedgehog Champions (members of the public who have pledged to help hedgehogs by making small changes to their gardens), can start logging any behaviours seen from today. Those who aren’t already a Hedgehog Champion but want to take part, can sign up (for free) online at Hedgehog Street. https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/ Participants can then record what they see in their garden on the Hedgehogs After Dark behaviour log and are encouraged to keep watch over the summer to report any new or repeat behaviours. Those who take part in Hedgehogs After Dark will have the opportunity to win a free Hedgehog Hamper, crammed full of hedgehog goodies! You can upload photos to social media using #HedgehogsAfterDark, and if you have a wildlife camera in your garden, you can upload your best videos to the Hedgehogs After Dark behaviour log too. https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/Hedgehogs-After-Dark/ *** Flusurvey *** Readers may recall me mentioning Flusurvey a few times in the Bulletin. This is an on- line weekly questionnaire managed and monitored by Public Health England (PHE) and designed to monitor trends of infectious diseases in the community. They need data from healthy as well as infected participants. You don't have to be ill to contribute! Roger https://flusurvey.net/ *** LNU Events Diary *** LNU events are also listed below in section 11. "All LNU meetings until the 8th June are cancelled." For LNU meetings and workshops, see: https://lnu.org/meetings/ Field Meetings 2020: Website says: "All LNU meetings until the 8th June are CANCELLED." We will update you if/as situation changes. https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/ STAYING SAFE Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. *** About Coronavirus [COVID-19] - a good starting point *** https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 *** Check for road works and hold-ups: very useful *** https://roadworks.org/ *** Met Office Severe Warnings *** https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings *** Met Office Severe Weather E-mail Service *** http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/guide-to-emails *** EasyTide *** http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx *** Environment Agency Flood Information/Floodline *** http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/default.aspx *** Lyme Disease *** https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lyme-disease/ Lyme disease lockdown alert as more venture outdoors - symptoms to look for and how to safely remove a tick. Lyme Disease UK says good weather and closure of indoor leisure facilities could put more people at risk of being bitten. Wake Up to Lyme campaign to be launched in May https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/cheltenham-news/lyme-disease-lockdown-alert-more-4074140 *** May Night Sky *** Paul Money's 'Monthly Night Sky' webpage will be found on: http://www.astrospace.co.uk/Astrospace/monthly-sky/monthlynightsky.html Meteor Shower Guide 2020 https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/how-to-see-meteor-showers-key-dates *** Scunthorpe Museum Society Natural History and Geology Section *** All meetings of the Scunthorpe Museum Society, both indoor and field meetings, have been cancelled until further notice. http://scunthorpemuseumsociety.btck.co.uk/ *** Grimsby & District RSPB *** April and May Meetings and Trips of the RSPB Grimsby Local Group have been cancelled. http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/grimsby *** South Lincs RSPB - please check the website *** “Birdwatching cruises into the Wash” programme for 2020. Cancellations can be found at : https://ww2.rspb.org.uk/groups/southlincolnshire/news/ *** LWT Reserves *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/reserves "Following the Government’s advice we have taken the decision to cancel events and close our visitor centres, car parks and toilets until further notice. We will continue to monitor the situation so please check our events page for updates." https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/events *** LWT Get Involved page - including Area Groups *** https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved *** Grimsby & Cleethorpes LWT *** For details of cancellations see: www.grimsbywildlifetrust.org.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Bird Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce reports. A big thank you from us all. Interested readers should have a look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ [Please mention the Bulletin if you decide to subscribe.] 5/5 Glossy Ibis, 2 Wood Sandpipers, Middlemarsh Wetlands, Skegness 2 Spotted Redshanks, Alkborough Flats 6/7 2 Spotted Redshanks, Alkborough Flats Pied Flycatcher, Gibraltar Point 7/5 Black Kite flew south over sea wall, Gibraltar Poin Wryneck, Huttoft Bank Probably Blyth's Pipit Anderby Creek 8/5 Common Crane east of Louth - flew west Pied Flycatcher 15 miles east of Skegnesss on boat 9/5 Wood Sandpiper, Garganey, Spoonbill, 2 Turtle Doves, Frampton Marsh Green-winged Teal drk, Wood Sandpiper, Whooper Swan, Manby Flashes 3 Wood Sandpipers, Middlemarsh Wetlands, Skegness Great White Egret on Paradise Pool south of Saltfleet Haven Wood Sandpiper, Baston+Langtoft GPs 10/5 2 Wood Sandpipers, Middlemarsh Wetlands, Skegness 5 Arctic Terns, Baston+Langtoft GPs 2 Garganey, field by North Drove, Deeping Fen 2 Arctic Terns, Teal Lake, Whisby Cattle Egret, Fiskerton Fen 2 Turtle Doves, Rippingale 11/5 12/5 2 Avocets in flooded field by North Drove, Deeping Fen Iberian Chiffchaff male singing, Low Road north of Croft, Skegness Glaucous Gull, Pyewipe NW of Grimsby 13/5 2 Common Cranes flew over East End, Langtoft Green-winged Teal, Manby Flashes 2 Turtle Doves, Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work and drop-in sessions at the Queen in the West pub! http://www.bbc.co.uk/lincolnshire/content/articles/2005/08/30/nature_sightings_feature.shtml *** Oil Beetles - seen any yet? *** Keep an eye out on road verges and footpaths whilst on your sanctioned daily exercise. Follow the social distancing rules and don't go putting yourself at any risk in infection. A note from Jerry Gunner - Nocton area On Thursday May 7, I took the dogs out early, getting to Potterhanworth Woods (Location: Grid Ref: TF 0707 6679) just before 0600. My objective was to try to get some images of the whitethroats and buntings that live alongside the road that runs parallel to the Potterhanworth to Bardney causeway across Potterhanworth Fen. The temperature was 4.5°C when I got out of the car and it was very misty with steam rising from patches of water such as ponds and ditches. Unsurprisingly the light wasn’t the best for photography but with perseverance and luck I got some nice images of whitethroats, reed buntings, linnets and my favourite a pair of greylag geese that obliged with a flypast before landing in a finely tilled field to the north of the road. Luckily they stayed in place until I’d walked beyond them so I got the benefit of the strengthening light from the east. Walking back to the car a single swallow went from north to south. The best, of course, was yet to come. I had heard several cuckoos calling but of course didn’t see one in the air until I was driving up to Potterhanworth. That’s also where I saw my first swifts of the year too. About 10am a red kite flew along Wellhead Lane in Nocton and disappeared in the direction of RAF Waddington. That’s the first one of those I’ve seen in the area for a long time. WEBCAMS Bob Sheppard has sent the following details of his favourite webcams. CJ Wildlife have fantastic webcams from Europe https://www.birdfood.co.uk/webcams There are lots of UK peregrine webcams but Woking is one of the best - chicks. https://www.wokingperegrines.com In Lincs we have the Len Pick Trust barn owl webcam. Laying has started. https://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/4593449091 ROAD KILLS? PLEASE LET US KNOW. Every drive is a transect! Reports welcome. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Thanks to our regular contributors across the county. Much appreciated. We rely on readers to send in their observations and we welcome records from everyone, experts or beginners. Please keep your reports coming. *** Find the Grid Reference - don't forget - it's important *** Grab a Grid Reference: https://www.bnhs.co.uk/focuson/grabagridref/html/index.htm UK Grid Reference Finder: http://www.gridreferencefinder.com/ Chris Manning writes: Please remember to use grid refs, If a recorder doesn't, it not only adds work but must invariably loose accuracy DON'T FORGET - TIME FLIES! Please include the year in your reports in case they are copied and thus lose their context. BARDNEY - The Green TF120694 R & A Parsons 6/5/2020 Kestrel over at 16.25hrs. 7/5.2020 Kestrel over - stooped into garden near Manor house. Many Holly Blues and Orange Tips about, Brimstones at a distance. 12/5/2020 2 Pied Wagtails feeding in garden. Goatsbeard - records sent to LNU recorder. https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/goats-beard 2 locations. Noted earlier but identified and recorded 8/5/2020 Single plant off Church Lane TF119694 A Parsons St Lawrence's churchyard by Old Museum, Bardney 7 plants on Viking Way, Bardney TF116691 A & R Parsons Plants on east verge by hedgerow on Viking Way, Bardney to Southrey. Batwatch at The Old Museum - over garden - TF119694 on 8/5/2020 21.10hrs 1 single bat echlocating at 55kHz - probable Pipistrelle. 21.20hrs - 2 bats flying together - interacting - 2 adults? 55kHz. Possible 3rd bat on fringe of activity, not interacting with the other 2. COLSTERWORTH SK92/25 Jane Ostler May 6th - 12th,2020 Stamford Road is tree-lined and runs parallel to the River Witham which can be seen over the grass fields which border it. Not within my walking distance but a friend sends me her natural history sightings. Recently Cormorants stayed for a few days, joining Little Egrets, Herons, Mallard Ducks and Moorhens. At present a pair of Grey Lag Geese are nesting here. Muntjak and hares regularly in fields. Skylarks in hedges and singing above the fields. Amongst the other birds seen Tree Sparrow and Tree Creeper and Young Woodpecker. Just two House Martins seen to date, but no Swallows or Swifts. Photos sent on e-mail of most of these but in addition a special one taken from a bridge over Witham of a large Trout feeding on a flight of Mayflies. Downstream at Little Ponton another more worrying sighting of Signal Crayfish as we still have the native crayfish locally. CONINGSBY Old River Bain, Coningsby TF229586 Geoff Annibal 7 May 2020 Eel swimming in the river. Estimated length about 60cm. First sighting for me for some time. GRIMSTHORPE and SWINSTEAD VALLEY Swinstead Valley Chris Howes 05/05 Eight Pasque Flowers present this year on the SSSI Grimsthorpe Park Chris Howes 07/05 TF 045206 First Common Blue and Brown Argus of the year, along with Mother Shipton and Burnet Companion moths. Ten Dingy Skipper battling it out in the sunshine along with two Green Hairstreaks 07/05 Two Common Terns over Grimsthorpe Lake. LEGSBY WOOD TF129 866 Richard Fox 09.05.2020 Bluebells past their best Lily of the Valley getting to their best Wild Garlic at its best Chiffchaff 4 Cuckoo Whitethroat 2 LINWOOD WARREN LWT reserve TF129 875 Richard Fox 09.05.2020 Grass snake swimming across the pond Green veined white Peacock Small copper 6 Small tortoiseshell (tatty) Chiffchaff (several) Cuckoo Green woodpecker heard Sparrowhawk flew over Whitethroat at least 2 Willow warbler at least 3 LOUTH 6th May 2020 Stewton Lane Louth C. Brady This morning a cuckoo was calling from the field behind the house for about half a hour. Then this afternoon heard swifts calling up high and a large collection of them were calling and flying around over the house. Later on the Peregrine falcon flew over and sent the other birds into hiding. Circled round and vanished off eastwards. MIDDLE RASEN (own garden) TF106 897 Richard Fox 07.05.2020 Blackbird 7 Bluetit 3 Carrion crow pr. Chaffinch 4 Collared dove pr. Dunnock 2 Goldcrest Goldfinch 3 Greenfinch pr. House Martin 5 Jackdaw 2 Robin 3 Song thrush 2 Swallow 3 Swift 6 passing over THURNHOLMES (within 300m of SK797984 unless stated) Steve Hiner & Paul Snow 07/05/20 Blackbird x 1 Blackcap x 1 Blue Tit x 2 Chaffinch x 2 Dunnock x 1 Goldfinch x 2 Great Tit x 1 Greylag Goose x 2 over Thurnholmes Kestrel x 1 Lapwing x 1 calling from arable fields around Thurnholmes 01:15hrs Linnet x 2 Mallard x 4 over Thurnholmes Pied Wagtail x 2 Robin x 1 Stock Dove x 2 Tawny Owl x 1 calling 01:00hrs Tree Sparrow x 9 Willow Warbler x 1 Wood Pigeon x 6 Yellowhammer x 1 Fox x 1 Green-veined White x 2 Holly Blue x 1 Orange Tip x 1 Peacock x 2 Small Tortoiseshell x 4 Large Red Damselfly x 2 (my first for year) first flower on Yellow Rattle which has increased a lot this year in our paddock 08/05/20 Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa serraticornis x 1 Kidney-spot Ladybird x 1 on Alder Buckthorn 09/05/20 Blackbird x 2 Blue Tit x 1 Carrion Crow x 2 Chaffinch x 1 Common Buzzard x 1  Goldfinch x 2 Great Tit x 2 Greenfinch x 1 Greylag Goose x 8 over Thurnholmes House Martin x 1 Gunthorpe Willow Warbler x 1 Wood Pigeon x 4 Yellowhammer x 1 Fox x 1 Green-veined White x 2 Orange Tip x 3 Peacock x 2 10/05/20 Hobby x 1 tree top height over Thurnholmes Swallow x 4 WOOLSTHORPE-BY-COLSTERWORTH SK923247 Jane Ostler 6-12 May 2020 Garden (unless otherwise indicated) FLOWERING PLANTS First Ox Eye Daisies in flower (and also in hedgerows and on Nature Trail.) These are one of the last plants in the Spring records of phenologists, apart from the grasses Cocksfoot, Timothy, Meadow Foxtail and Yorkshire Fog. Broom now has seed pods, the side facing the sun drying faster than in the shade and subsequent tension causing the pod to split. Bulbous buttercup now added to flowers on lawn. Its stalks are so short that the mower goes over the buds. It is in contrast to the long stems of flowers in the Meadow of the Nature Trail. Bird's Foot Trefoil and Red Campion are out both in garden and on Nature Trai.l Black Medick, Lesser Hop Trefoil and Common Vetch flowering in hedgerows and Nature Trail and the first Bush Vetch on the Nature Trail only. Native bluebells in garden are just beginning to go over and have spread on the Nature Trail. Outside the garden Germander Speedwell is widespread and on the Nature Trail 3-nerved sandwort and Mouse-ear Hawkweed are in flower. On Newton Way there is a patch of Corn Salad (Valerienella) but I shall have to wait for the fruits to identify which of three possible species it is,). Jack-by-the-Hedge now has green pods forming looking like the caterpillars of the Orange Tip Butterfly. INSECTS On fine days Orange Tips. Large Whites, Holly Blues and the first Red Admiral. On days of strong cold winds and rain no butterflies or honey bees but Bumble Bees were working their way systematically through patches of flowers. The potatoes, planted in buckets, are now out of the green house and in flower. Watching a Bumble Bee working its way along these and buzzing loudly I wondered if I was watching "buzz-pollination". This was described in an 'and finally' item in LNU Wildnews which said they 'vibrate at a high frequency near flowers to release pollen otherwise difficult to release'. On 9/5/20 Large Crane Flies out everywhere. BIRDS Swallows nesting at Stables. House Martins back but not sadly in neighbours' gardens and later arriving than last year. On 6/5/20 six Swifts in the vicinity of Woolsthorpe Manor and then on 9/5/20 thirteen flying over our garden. Young Rooks now in small rookery on Nature Trail. FROGS From only three lots of viable spawn there are now no tadpoles in our pond. The first time in over 30 years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. NNRs and Reserves including RSPB and LWT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RSPB Reserves: https://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/ http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/ LWT Reserves http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/reserves https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/far-ings https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/gibraltar-point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust's policy on the Coronavirus, Covid-19 is here: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/coronavirus " Following the Government’s advice we have taken the decision to cancel events and close our visitor centres, car parks and toilets until further notice. We will continue to monitor the situation so please check our events page for updates. " See: Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory blog. "On hold". http://gibraltarpointbirdobservatory.blogspot.co.uk/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE DUNES NNR including DONNA NOOK http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/saltfleetby-theddlethorpe-dunes https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/donna-nook http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/38015?category=59026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR Report 6th – 12th May 2020 Contributors: - Peter & Janet Roworth, John Walker, Cliff Morrison, Matt Blissett and Ruth Taylor. Note: Very strong north-easterly winds on the 10th with a gust of 48.2mph observed at Quarry Hill, Rimac. Strong winds continued on the 11th with a gust of 44.3mph noted. Ground frost of -4.75 degrees C and air frost of -1.5 degrees C on the 12th. Daily News and Wildlife Sightings: 060520 - 14 whimbrel feeding on saltmarsh, 3 common sandpipers on edge of the Eau and 5 house martins all actively taking mud from the edge of Paradise lagoon and flying towards Saltfleet. 2 jays flew over Churchill Lane. 070520 – 14 Whimbrel remain on the saltmarsh, single common sandpiper along the Eau and on Paradise lagoon 1 moorhen, 5 coot, 10 mallard, 9 tufted duck, 2 teal, 3 gadwall, 1 redshank, 1 black-headed gull and 2 stock doves. On receding evening high tide on saltmarsh 20 whimbrel feeding, 8 shelduck and a little tern fishing over Rimac lagoon, 3 wheatear near Sea View. Large red damselflies and a four spotted chaser dragonfly seen. 080520 - 2 wheatear near Sea View, 4 cuckoos between there and Churchill, a fine summer plumage golden plover on edge of saltmarsh and peregrine falcon on outer ridge, flock of at least 10 dunlin and 50 ringed plover flew from the mudflat off Rimac. At 1400hrs a sea eagle was seen being harassed by a marsh harrier as it flew south over the outer dunes from Rimac. On Paradise lagoon a great white egret, 2 little egrets, single lapwing and little ringed plover. 090520 - Great white egret and little ringed plover at Paradise lagoon, 2 jays over Sea View and peacock, small heath, small tortoiseshell and brimstone butterflies. Four little terns flew south over outer dunes mid-afternoon. Brickyard Lane to Rimac: 33 whitethroat, 15 willow warbler, 7 chiffchaff, 9 blackcap, 9 lesser whitethroat, 8 sedge warbler, 4 grasshopper warbler, 1 reed warbler, 4 cuckoo, 1 sparrowhawk, 1 barn owl. 100520 – Small heath and common blue butterflies around Churchill Lane. 110520 - Paradise lagoon 12 mallard, 4 gadwall, 1 shelduck and 3 coot. Three whimbrel on saltmarsh. 120520 - Single greenshank and 4 gadwall on Paradise lagoon, swift over saltmarsh. Near Sea View red admiral, green hairstreak and small copper on wing. 4 male wheatear on Theddlethorpe upper foreshore. Cetti’s warbler singing near the Eau at Sea View. Sightings in other locations during social distancing: 06-120520 – Daily sightings of blackbird, house sparrow, blue tit, great tit, wood pigeon and dunnock in Louth. 070520 – 10 yellow wagtail feeding together in grass cattle field in North Cockerington 080520 – Garden moth trap – 3 Muslin, 1 white ermine, 1 waved umber, 1 shuttle-shaped dart and 2 carrion beetle Nicrophorus humator in North Cockerington. 090520 – 3 Cuckoo, 2 reed warbler, 1 sedge warbler, 4 whitethroat, 2 lesser whitethroat, 1 grasshopper warbler, 2 swallow and 1 corn bunting. 4 Green hairstreak, 2 large white, 2 peacock, 1 common blue, 10 cinnabar moth and 1 mother Shipton at Donna Nook. 1 Stoat hunting along hedge bottom in North Cockerington. 120520 – 2 corn bunting, 3 hare, 5 green hairstreak, 3 peacock, 1 common blue and 2 beetle Silpha tristisat Donna Nook. Muntjac, fox, swallows, swifts, house martins, male and female cuckoos in Woodhall Spa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. BARDNEY LIMEWOODS NNR These cover a huge area, and records from them and records from volunteer recorders are one of the main inputs to management planning and the protection of rare/scarce and critical species. Reports always welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forestry Commission Coronavirus information: Help stop the spread of coronavirus. Stay home, stay safe – please do not come to our forests. https://www.forestryengland.uk/coronavirus-visitor-information Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch. See: https://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html The Hazel Dormouse https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/cy/node/35 Lincolnshire Dormouse Group You can get in touch via lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NNR includes the following sites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chambers Farm Woods (comprises Ivy Wood, Little and Great Scrubbs Woods, Minting Wood, Hatton Wood, Hatton Plantation and Minting Park, and also three areas of grassland: Little Scrubbs Meadow (and extension), Small Meadow and Big Meadow. Since all have their own management plans, please give the actual location when reporting); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Rand Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood and Wickenby Wood. Many of these include both areas of ancient woodland or important grassland, which are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and non-designated areas. Since managing the SSSI areas carries particular responsibilities to Natural England, records which provide a six-figure grid reference are of particular value to the Forestry Commission. Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. OTHER RESERVE REPORTS AND HIGHLIGHTS. Examples: SNIPE DALES https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/snipe-dales WHISBY https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/whisby WILLOW TREE FEN https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/get-involved/top-reserves/willow-tree-fen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust's policy on the Coronavirus, Covid-19 is here: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/coronavirus " Following the Government’s advice we have taken the decision to cancel events and close our visitor centres, car parks and toilets until further notice. We will continue to monitor the situation so please check our events page for updates. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. In return for this FREE service, we ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome - you don't have to stick to lists! Mailing times vary, depending on what I am doing. The Bulletin usually goes out on Thursdays or Fridays in time for the weekend. Please e-mail in contributions as early as possible, to: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk When sending in reports please follow this layout to save re-editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Species Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** http://lnu.org/ LNU Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist? LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given on the website. Downloads of LNU books are available on: https://lnu.org/publications/books/ A list of all the articles contained in Transactions (Transactions page) and a list of the Presidents (Officers page) is also available. LNU Bursaries: The LNU offers bursaries for natural history courses, or for identification materials (e.g. books or online resources) to help recording in any group of plants, animals or fungi in Lincolnshire. The upper limit is £300. You do not need to be a member of the LNU to apply, but it would help. The LNU would, however, expect you to put your newly facilitated skills into practice and derive some Lincolnshire records. If you would like to apply for a bursary for an FSC [or similar] course, or to buy books to help you, please contact Richard Chadd on: richard.chadd@environment-agency.gov.uk *** Love Lincs Plants - CANCELLATION of events and activities *** To view the LWT project page go to: LoveLincsPlants Webpage: https://www.lincstrust.org.uk/what-we-do/love-lincs-plants Love Lincs Plants Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LoveLincsPlants All events and activities for Love Lincs Plants are cancelled until further notice. This includes all plant collection activities, internal and external to the [Wildlife] Trust, as this is not essential under Government Guidance. All events post the end of May will be reviewed in coming weeks. No staff or volunteers, should be doing any activity under the LLP banner, other than on a computer at home. Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Love Lincolnshire Plants: A plant archive for future generations https://lnu.org/lincolnshire-plants-past-and-future/ LNU Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist? Natural History Museum Twitter feed https://twitter.com/nhm_botany?lang=en Sir Joseph Banks Society http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk/news-events/lincolnshire-plants-project/ Lincoln University School of Life Sciences blog https://lifesciences.sites.lincoln.ac.uk/2016/09/30/heritage-lottery-funding-to-safeguard-lincolnshire-plants/ Also see: *** Collections Dataset - LNU "historic specimens" *** All of of the specimens that have been processed and digitised to date can now be viewed here: http://data.nhm.ac.uk/dataset/lincs-plants *** The Flora of Lincolnshire by Joan Gibbons - downloadable book *** https://lincsnaturalist.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/the-flora-of-lincolnshire-e-joan-gibbons.pdf *** VC54 North Lincolnshire Plant List *** Paul Kirby has produced a list which details all the vascular plant and stonewort taxa with records on the MapMate botanical database for VC54, North Lincolnshire, at the end of January 2017. You can download this on: https://lnu.org/specialists/vascular-plants/ *** Botanical Group in South Lincs *** Contact: Sarah Lambert, who writes: Following Government guidance and in the interests of health and safety, this year's field meetings are cancelled up until the end of May with immediate effect and until further notice. For further information please contact your County Recorder(s). sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com Also see: http://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 *** BSBI Website: *** https://bsbi.org/ *** Natural History Museum - Botany Collections *** https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/collections/botany-collections.html *** CONTACTS LIST *** Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. *** Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ *** Lincs Bird Club Website *** http://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk LBC County Bird Recorder Phil Hyde - County Recorder, Lincs Bird Club recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society *** http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Bat Group website *** http://www.lincsbatgroup.co.uk/ *** Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch *** http://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html *** Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk/chalk-streams/lincolnshire-chalk-streams *** Lincsbirders *** http://www.lincsbirders.org/ FIGHTING WILDLIFE CRIME *** Rural Crime Officer *** Pc 160 Nick Willey Force Wildlife, Rural Crime Officer Force Dog Training Establishment Lincolnshire Showground. Grange-De-Lings. Lincoln nicholas.willey@lincs.pnn.police.uk OFFICE: 01522-731897 MOBILE: 07768-501895 PAGER: 07654-330877 Related Webpages: Rural Crime News https://www.lincs.police.uk/reporting-advice/wildlife-and-rural-crime/ SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDING Please copy and paste URLs if/as necessary. When asking for help: Please give the the very best information you can provide. If you are not sure, ask what is needed from you to confirm identification. Photographs are helpful but not every species can be identified from a photograph. When asked for further details, get back to them promptly. Don't forget a thank you for the help. That is always welcome. LNU Recorders and Specialists: https://lnu.org/specialists/ *** Botany *** Botanical Group in South Lincs Contact: Sarah Lambert, who writes: sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com Also see: http://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 *** LNU Sawflies, Bees, Wasps and Ants Recorder *** Dr. David Sheppard Willing to examine specimens or check photos (bear in mind only a relative few of the 300+ species in the county are identifiable using photos). d.a.sheppard@btinternet.com *** Lincolnshire Mammals *** Chris Manning, Chris.LincsDeer@gmail.com Mink/Otter reports are of interest and can be sent via the Bulletin. Mammal Atlas - download and print off a hard copy or view it online. https://glnp.org.uk/admin/resources/mammalatlas.pdf *** Spiders *** Imogen Wilde Regional Co-ordinator (RC) and Mentor for Lincolnshire for the British Arachnological Society (BAS). Imogen@imogenwilde.co.uk *** Lincs Amphibian and Reptile Group *** The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) Contact: Ashley Butterfield learningoutdoors@btinternet.com Please have a look at https://www.recordpool.org.uk/index.php for an easy way to record your amphibian and reptile species records. Or you can send any records to Ashley Butterfield (Lincolnshire Amphibian and Reptile Recorder) at LearningOutdoors@btinternet.com Please include Species, Date, Time, Location, numbers as a minimum (Other useful information includes Temperature and Weather conditions.) *** Local Bat Helpline *** Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information. Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Confidential Bat Records *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. Tel: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Non-Marine Molluscs *** Alex Pickwell is the LNU Recorder for Non-marine Molluscs Email: alex.pickwell@environment-agency.gov.uk USEFUL WILDLIFE CONTACTS Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincs Environmental Records Centre *** Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership (of which LERC is a part) http://www.glnp.org.uk/ Contact: charlie.barnes@glnp.org.uk or for more general queries: info@glnp.org.uk *** Hedgehog Links *** https://hedgehogcare.org.uk/ http://caddingtonhedgehogs.blogspot.com/ https://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/found-a-hedgehog/ https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/ *** Natural England *** http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ Lincolnshire Environmental Awards www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk *** Field Studies Council *** Bringing Environmental Understanding to All https://www.field-studies-council.org/ *** InsideEcology *** Online Magazine for Ecologists, Conservationists and Wildlife Professionals https://insideecology.com/ *** NHBS *** Should you need natural history equipment or books, a good place to start is: https://www.nhbs.com/ For the geologists... Lincolnshire Geodiversity Group https://www.lincswolds.org.uk/discovering/geology-1 *** British geology maps - now free to explore on web *** http://www.bgs.ac.uk/opengeoscience/ *** UKGE - Geological Supplies *** https://www.ukge.com/ The Geology of Lincolnshire - downloadable book https://lincsnaturalist.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/the-geology-of-lincolnshire-h-h-swinnerton-and-p-e-kent.pdf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in a few instances may be difficult or impossible to verify. If further information is needed please contact: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk Bulletins are sent to Recorders at Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre [GNLP] , Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen and identified in flower.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We sometimes withhold details of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. Sensitive data should go directly to county recorders, please. Please respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report on national networks. Interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly or thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. *** Codes of Conduct *** RSPB's birdwatchers' code https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/read-and-learn/watching-birds/code/ BMS Code of Conduct for Responsible Collecting of Fungi https://www.britmycolsoc.org.uk/mycology/conservation/code-conduct BSBI Code of conduct for picking, collecting, photographing and enjoying wild plants https://bsbi.org/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/Code-of-Conduct-v5-final.pdf [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see https://lnu.org/meetings/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Field Meetings generally start at 12 noon for 1.00pm, but please check the website details for each event. Indoor Meetings are normally held in Lincoln at the Whisby Education Centre at Whisby Nature Park. Indoor meetings start at 2pm, with both members and non- members welcome to attend. Next Meetings: "All LNU meetings until the 8th June are cancelled." We will update you if/as situation changes. Field Meetings: CANCELLED https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/ Whisby Workshops - CANCELLED. https://lnu.org/meetings/workshops/ Whisby Natural History "drop-in" sessions - CANCELLED https://lnu.org/meetings/drop-in-sessions/ Indoor Meetings 2020 https://lnu.org/meetings/indoor-meetings/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails Last Week *** Mail fails: 8 plus-com customers "soft bounced". All were sent an email to inform them. If you would like a copy of the report, please let me know. If ever your Bulletin does not arrive, please let me know. ....and finally... Reports of UK roadkill down two-thirds – but will hedgehogs thrive after lockdown https://theconversation.com/reports-of-uk-roadkill-down-two-thirds-but-will-hedgehogs-thrive-after-lockdown-137645 The Life Scientific - preserving endangered birds https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b015sqc7 Day trip trio from Slough spark Dorset coast cliff rescue https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-52588352 Felling of 'wonderful' Devon bluebell wood investigated https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-52527115 Giant Hogweed: map of where the dangerous plant grows in the UK https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/lifestyle/outdoors/giant-hogweed-map-where-dangerous-plant-grows-uk-and-how-you-can-identify-it-and-treat-burns-2850653 ----------- ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons old.museum@yahoo.co.uk http://rogerparsons.info/