============================================= || || 8th April 2018 || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || || LNU Website: || http://lnu.org/ || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Readers' hints, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. NNRs including RSPB and LWT Reserves 5. Bardney Limewoods NNR 6. Other Reserve Reports and Highlights 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary 12. ...and finally..... ============================================ Reports here are open and are available to county recorders of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, the Lincolnshire Bird Club and Lincolnshire Environmental Record Centre [LERC]. Text versions of past Wildnews Bulletins back to Feb 2009: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or any associated organisations. The Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Bulletin is being read by over 1000 people and we are keen to encourage even more readers to subscribe. Please use the "forward to a friend" link at the end of every LNU Bulletin and invite new readers to give it a try. We really need your help with this. Please contact the Editor to contribute articles or reports. E-mail: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Readers' hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Editor writes... *** Sorry about the lateness of this week's Bulletin. I have been down with 'flu and confined to bed with a full range of symptoms! Reminder: The new date for the LNU AGM is: 7th April 2018. This will be followed by the Presidential Address by Richard Jefferson: ‘The natural history & ecology of grasses in Lincolnshire’. https://lnu.org/meetings/indoor-meetings/2018-03-03/ As usual I have included a selection of topical links. Most were sent in by readers. Suggestions for interesting links are always welcome. See: Dark-edged Bee-fly- Bombylius major http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/dark-edged-bee-fly Here is Steven Falk's* Flickr page to help you ID the species. [*Collins Guide to Insects on Britain and Northern Europe] https://www.flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/collections/72157629600308819/ Also see: Tawny Mining Bee - Andrena fulva http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/tawny-mining-bee And a useful Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/12/bee-fly-true-sprite-spring Increased fines for 'litter louts' come into effect http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43609325 Lincolnshire water grid plan 'to reduce drought risk' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-43585193 Five-million tonne quarry plans near Grantham rejected http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-43569945 Boston Borough Council backs UK-to-Denmark power plans http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-43642342 Thank you for all your contributions this week. Roger old.museum@yahoo.co.uk *** Barn Owl Nest Box Webcam - Mortality *** Bob Sheppard says : The owl that has died hatched in 2016. She bred in the camera box in 2017 - t hey usually breed when one year old - so that was expected. More notes on: http://www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/owl-project/4593449091 *** LNU Events Diary *** LNU events are listed below in section 11. For LNU meetings, see: https://lnu.org/meetings/ [Note: Unless otherwise stated, Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm.] Field Meetings 2018 - details on: https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/ Next meeting: Swinn Wood LWT Reserve – Sunday 29th April 2018 https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/2018-04-29/ Access courtesy of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet and park at wood entrance which is at TF421777. Nearest postcode: LN13 0ED which is east of the wood. NB. Very restricted parking so please car share where possible. Likely need for reverse parking along entrance track (first in, last out policy). Verges near entrance are Roadside Nature Reserves so please no parking on them, especially if arriving earlier than 12.00. Nearest public toilets in Alford town centre. Habitats: Ancient woodland with ponds and ditches. Leader: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com *** Find the Grid Reference - don't forget - it's important *** Grab a Grid Reference: http://www.bnhs.co.uk/focuson/grabagridref/html/index.htm UK Grid Reference Finder: http://www.gridreferencefinder.com/ *** Love Lincs Plants - Updates *** LoveLincsPlants Website: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/lovelincsplants Love Lincs Plants Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LoveLincsPlants Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist? Natural History Museum Twitter feed https://twitter.com/nhm_botany?lang=en Sir Joseph Banks Society http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk/news-events/lincolnshire-plants-project/ Lincoln University School of Life Sciences blog https://lifesciences.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/2016/09/30/heritage-lottery-funding-to-safeguard-lincolnshire-plants/ *** Whisby Natural History Workshops *** At Whisby Nature Park near Lincoln, in the Lafarge Education Building from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Free of charge. Refreshments included. Mining Bees - June 2nd - David Shepherd Hoverflies - July 28th - Phil Porter & David Denman Ground Beetles - August 11th - Alan Lazenby Plant Galls - September 8th - Jan Rousseau Bryophytes - October 6th - Steven Heathcote. Fungi - November 3rd - Ray Halstead Places are limited due to the number of microscopes available. Prior booking essential via Richard Davidson on 01522 525725 or Email rel.davidson@btinternet.com *** April Night Sky *** Paul Money's 'Monthly Night Sky' webpage will be found on: http://www.astrospace.co.uk/Astrospace/monthly-sky/monthlynightsky.html ***Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival *** Saturday 19 May to Sunday 3 June 2018. Check out the website for further information and to download the brochure: www.woldswalkingfestival.co.uk/ *** Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park *** Debby.Braund writes: Please could you include a link to the 2018 Events Brochure for the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park. Events range from sea dipping and guided walks to beach art and book sales. Something for everyone! https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/coastalcountrypark/events/ *** Nettleham Woodland Trust - Recorders [and records] wanted *** Nettleham Woodland Trust seeks Recorders for Ashing Lane Nature Reserve Do you live near Dunholme and want to help us with recording other species? If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact the Acting Secretary, Su Colman, by email s+nwt@smmjv.com *** Natural History and Geology Section of the Scunthorpe Museum Society. *** Section Secretary needed. With the approaching retirement of the current secretary in October this year, the "section" is looking for a successor. The role would suit a person with good organisational skills to carry out the usual tasks of running a voluntary group. For more information contact Keith Scarrott who can explain what is involved. Tel: 01724 762098 *** Scunthorpe Museum Society Natural History and Geology Section *** http://scunthorpemuseumsociety.btck.co.uk/ Keith Scarrot writes: The Natural History and Geology Section of the Scunthorpe Museum Society. On Monday, 9th April next we have our last indoor meeting before the summer field visits and until we meet again on September 10th. At this April meeting we have a visit by Andy Jayes, BSc, who is a marine biologist, to give us an illustrated talk entitled "Selwick Sea Safari". Andy will describe "A Photographic Rock Pool Safari of North Yorkshire", focusing on the zonation of the shoreline at Selwick Bay, Flamborough. The meeting will be held in the St. Bernadette's Church Hall, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2RS, which is opposite the Priory Hotel on Ashby Road, starting at 7.15pm. ALL ARE WELCOME TO OUR MEETINGS.  There is no entry charge but a donation bowl is provided. There will be a mid-talk break during which light refreshments are available for a small charge. There is a large, free car park in the church grounds. For further information contact Keith Scarrott on 01724 762098. *** Local RSPB links: ****** https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/reserves-a-z/ https://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/ http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/ Grimsby & District RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/grimsby Martin Francis writes: Note - Change of speaker and Titchwell trip fully booked. The RSPB Grimsby Local Group's next meeting is at 7.30pm on Monday 16th April at Holy Trinity Parish Hall (formerly called Corpus Christi Community Centre), corner of Machray Place, Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes DN35 7AE. Tony Mayman will give an illustrated talk about "Seabirds of RSPB Bempton Cliffs" There will also be refreshments and a raffle. Entry is £4, payable at the door. All are welcome. You don't have to be a member of the RSPB to attend this talk. For more information, please contact Martin Francis (Group Leader) at martin.francis2@ntlworld.com (preferred) or on (01472) 883436 The Group's next trip to RSPB Titchwell on 22nd April is now fully booked. S Lincs RSPB 2018 Seal and Birdwatching Cruises. See: http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/southlincolnshire Lincoln RSPB http://www.lincolnrspb.org.uk/ *** LWT Reserves: *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/reserves *** LWT Area Groups *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/area-groups *** Alford & Mablethorpe Branch LWT *** https://www.facebook.com/LWT-Alford-Mablethorpe-Area-Group-175413729474673/ *** Barton Area Group LWT *** https://www.facebook.com/LWT.Barton.Group *** Grimsby & Cleethorpes LWT *** www.grimsbywildlifetrust.org.uk On Monday 9th April 2018 the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust invite you to join them at their next indoor meeting which follows the AGM where Mark Schofield will give an illustrated presentation entitled: " Banking the Diversity of the Lincolnshire Plant Project. " This will take place at Grimsby Town Hall, admission £3. The AGM starts at 7pm and will be followed by the presentation which will start at 7.30pm. There will be a raffle and Trust goods stall, tea & coffee available. All are welcome to join us. For further details contact Jennie Redpath - 01472 502858 *** Horncastle & Woodhall Spa area group LWT *** https://www.facebook.com/hwsag/ *** Louth area group LWT *** http://lwt-lag.org.uk/ *** More Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Events *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/whats-on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Bird Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce reports. A big thank you from us all. Interested readers should have a look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ I have adapted RBA pager data/information for the Bulletin by eliminating or consolidating repeated messages. Note - I have been leaving out late/historical reports to save going back to re-do entries. From now on I shall squeeze in important reports, marking them with a * to indicate their lateness. 29/3 Black Redstart, Hen Harrier, 65 Twite, Tetney Iceland Gull 2w SW of Ulceby Cross, SW Alford Iceland Gull 2w, Hide Pit. Kirkby-on-Bain pits Caspian Gull 1w on lagoon, Middlemarsh Wetlands, Skegness Ring-necked Duck, Red-necked Grebe, Bagmoor. WSW of Winterton 30/3 Hen Harrier ringtail* flew north over Gibraltar Point Hen Harrier male on saltmarsh, Frampton Marsh Hen Harrier ringtail on saltmarsh, Rimac Mealy Redpoll, Bourne Ring-necked Duck, Red-necked Grebe, Bagmoor. WSW of Winterton Glaucous Gull juv on beach between hide and Wolla Bank, Anderby 2 Iceland Gulls ad and 2w, pit by tip, Kirkby-on-Bain pits Caspian Gull 1w on lagoon, Middlemarsh Wetlands, Skegness Slavonian Grebe on pit 25, Barton-upon-Humber pits Long-tailed Duck ad fem, Wader Pit, Baston Langtoft pits 5+ Hawfinches, St Helen's churchyard, East Keal 15 Hawfinches, Shearwater Road/Mallard Close, Lincoln 3 Black Redstarts*, Tetney + Horseshore Point 31/3 10+ Hawfinches, Shearwater Road/Mallard Close, Lincoln Hen Harrier male, Spotted Redshank, Short-eared Owl, Frampton Marsh 1 Hawfinch in garden near lake, Belton, near Grantham Long-tailed Duck ad fem, Wader Pit, Baston Langtoft pits 1/4 Iceland Gull ad flew east over Saltfleetby St Peter 2 Slavonian Grebes on Pit 25, Ring-necked Duck on Bridge Pit, Far Ings, Barton-upon-Humber pits 10+ Hawfinches, male Lesser-spotted Woodpecker, Shearwater Road/Mallard Close, Lincoln Great White Egret on River Witham between Tattershall Bridge and Kirkstead Bridge. Red-necked Grebe 1w, Bagmoor. WSW of Winterton House Martin, Little Stint, Spotted Redshank, White Wagtail, Hen Harrier as male, Frampton Marsh 2 Short-eared owls* at old saltmarsh, Gibraltar Point 2/4 Red-necked Grebe 1w, Bagmoor. WSW of Winterton Glaucous Gull juv flew south over beach, Huttoft Car Terrace 5+ Hawfinches, Shearwater Road/Mallard Close, Lincoln Long-tailed Duck ad fem, Wader Pit, Baston Langtoft pits Osprey flew north over Deeping Lakes Hen Harrier ad male, Black Redstart, Firecrest, Gibraltar Piont 3/4 White-spotted Bluethroat singing along River Humber just west of Winter's Pond ENE of East Halton Rare Bird Alert website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ [Please mention the Bulletin if you decide to subscribe.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work. ROAD KILLS? Every drive is a transect! Reports welcome. Messingham SE 87801 06044 Peter Morrell 29.3.18 Hedgehog roadkill on North Moor Lane. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Thanks to our regular contributors across the county. Much appreciated. We rely on readers to send in their observations and we welcome records from everyone, experts or beginners. Please keep your reports coming. DON'T FORGET - TIME FLIES! Please include the year in your reports in case they are copied and thus lose their context. BARDNEY The Green TF119694 R & A Parsons Woodpigeon 6+ Collared Dove 4+ Jackdaw 2+ Black-headed Gull - raiding party of 6+ Starling 15+ Chaffinch 12+, 6f, 6m Goldfinch 6+ probably many more Greenfinch 2+, 1m,1f Blackbird 3, 1f Robin 1 Dunnock 2 House sparrow 12+ BOSTON (South by A16) March 2018 Kathleen Pearson During March I was able to study the garden as part of the BTO Garden BirdWatch on all 31 days. Surprisingly the total amount of species seen was 31, probably the highest ever. Unfortunately this number may never be repeated owing to damage to some of the mature trees in the garden by the easterly gales, and these may have to be removed. The largest number of each species seen together was 13 for Goldfinch and Greenfinch. The regular Blackcap was only seen in then first half of the month, but the second half produced Black Redstart, Siskin and Jay, the latter raising the number of corvids this month to four. Common species seen in poor numbers were House Sparrow and the four tit species. (Were these declines due to the inclement weather?) Towards the end of the month, Lesser Black-backed Gull put in an appearance with four of them arriving together. The full list of the species seen is produced below with the highest number of each species seen together. Siskin2, Goldfinch 13, Robin 2, Blackbird 9, Chaffinch 4, Redwing 1, Blue Tit 2, Great Tit 2, Woodpigeon 11, Dunnock 2, Collared Dove 5, Greenfinch 13, House Sparrow 2, Starling 9, Fieldfare 1, Magpie 2, Black-headed Gull 6, Long-tailed Tit 2, Jackdaw 1, Common Gull 1, Wren 1, Coal Tit 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Blackcap 1, Song Thrush 1, Herring Gull 2, Jay 1, Carrion Crow 3, Goldcrest 2, Lesser Black-backed Gull 4, Black Redstart 1. Non-bird species; Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstone, Hedgehog, Grey Squirrel and Bumble Bee. CLAXBY Near Claxby TF1193 3rd April 2018 Jacquie Harrison and John Margetts Good flock of redwings and fieldfares ( 50 plus) in spring plumage feeding on paddock and returning to small new plantation as we walked between showers. HUTTOFT Jane Pennington TF511762 (my garden) 29/3/2018 Blue tits 2 Chaffinch 2 Pheasants 2 female Small tortoiseshell 1 Wren 1 30/3/2018 Roe deer 3 TF510762 (in farmer's field next to where I live) 2/4/2018 Pheasants 4 3/4/2018 Bombus terrestris 1 4/4/2018 Barn owl 1 TF514769 Frogspawn 1 clump Ladybird 7-spot 1 Peacock butterfly 1 Tawny owl 1 calling 5am Wren 1 Yellowhammer 1 TF520765 KIRKBY ON BAIN 3Clare Brady Kirkby On Bain. Opposite the Nature Reserve car park. Chiff Chaff calling. LINCOLN SK972738 W/E 07/04/18 24/03 Large Hedgehog poo right outside the back door 01/04 Male Siskin on Sunflower Hearts feeder Tawny Owls, both M&F, calling loudly, over last few of weeks, w/b 18/03, closest I've ever heard them in 20 years. MORKERY WOOD SK956183 Picnic Site and RNR Jane Ostler 30/3/18 To check Yellow Star of Bethlehem which is later flowering this year. The number of flowers in the picnic site was low. On the Roadside Nature Reserve flowering was confined to two main clumps which extended into the picnic site. Plants further west were hard to find. The plant is notoriously variable for flowering. There seemed to be less nibbling off this year by rabbits or deer. Other plants in flower were:- Toothwort - again very late, just a single flowering shoot just through Moschatel - late flowering, only a few out but lots of plants coming through Dog's Mercury - Groups of female flowers as well as male Primrose - at their best - they have spread in recent years in the picnic site and adjacent small quarry. A single red-flowered plant found in same place as last year. Coltsfoot - in disturbed area adjacent tarmac Lesser celandine - a few flowers out but masses of leaves Early Dog Violet and Sweet Violet Hazel - male flowers over , female flowers still showing red FUNGI Jew's Ear on sycamore stump, Birch Polypore, Hairy Curtain Crust, Blushing Bracket, Velvet Shank N.B. I used to go every year with Eric Simms to listen to willow warblers which always sang from a certain tree in the third week in March. I have not heard them here in the last five years RAITHBY-CUM-MALTBY, rural garden near LOUTH TF309847 unless otherwise stated Silvia Fowler 29.03.2018 22:30 hrs:  Lots of frogs active (and “purring”) in ponds during heavy rain (but overnight temp only 4 C) 30.03.2018 No frog spawn Blackbird (f) carrying worms, male keeping watch on top of hedgerow March Rainfall = 81 mm, the wettest month I’ve recorded since 2014. 01.04.2018 Mistle Thrush x2 feeding on muddy pasture 02.04.2018 Heavy rain till early evening = 24 mm Pair of Mallards on muddy pasture (TF309847/848) Harlequin Ladybird near back door PM temperature 9 C and frogs now spawning 03.-04.04.2018 Frogs still spawning, 5 clumps so far 03.04.2018 Moorhen on Church pond Pheasant, m Magpie 04.04.2018 Red-tailed Bumblebee Buff-tailed Bumblebee THURNHOLMES (within 300m of SK797984 unless stated) Steve Hiner & Paul Snow 29/03/18 Blackbird x 2 Chaffinch x 2 Dunnock x 1 Skylark x 1 singing high over Thurnholmes Stock Dove x 2 Tufted Duck x 4 males 2 females, Owston Ferry Warping Drain Tree Sparrow x 9 Yellowhammer x 1 03/04/18 Mute Swan x 2 on flooded arable fields north of Thurnholmes Yellowhammer x 1 with nesting material in its beak 04/04/18 Barn Owl x 1 calling 01:30hrs Blackbird x 2 Black-headed Gull x 5 Blue Tit x 2 Coal Tit x 2 Dunnock x 1 Robin x 1 Skylark x 2 singing high over Thurnholmes Tree Sparrow x 9 including 1 leaving nest box Rabbit x 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. NNRs including RSPB and LWT Reserves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RSPB Reserves: http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/collections/thewash_northnorfolk.aspx LWT Reserves: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/reserves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAR INGS NNR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-Of-Far-Ings-National-Nature-Reserve/186876774685595 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIBRALTAR POINT NNR See: Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory blog. http://gibraltarpointbirdobservatory.blogspot.co.uk/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE DUNES NNR including DONNA NOOK http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/saltfleetby-theddlethorpe-dunes http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/donna-nook-nnr http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/38015?category=59026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR Report 27th  March – 3rd April 2018 Contributors: - Matt Blissett, Nige Lounds, Cliff Morrison, John Walker, Peter & Janet Roworth   General Notes & Weather Observations: There were two periods of bitterly cold, wintry weather in March, driven on by near gale force easterly winds. From the 1st - 3rd wind speeds were regularly 50mph plus and on the 1st a gust of 60.6mph was recorded and a wind chill of -9.3°C. The air was dry and any snow fell as light powdered snow pellets but settled in sheltered areas. All had thawed by the 5th. Between the 5th and 13th winds had moved to a south-westerly direction giving mild weather with showers. An unseasonal high of 14.5°C was recorded on the 10th. Then from the 15th - 20th more easterly winds were equally as fierce with gusts 50mph plus. A gust of 57.9mph and a wind chill of -6.7°C noted on the 17th. During this cold snap snow fell as flurries of powdery snow grains with some wet flakes briefly settling to only 4cm (on concrete). However it is worth noting that there was severe disruption caused by falling and drifting snow throughput the UK. The very strong winds caused most of the problems blowing snow from exposed ground to fill in lower areas especially the network of roads. By the 21st easterlies had eased and the weather was influenced by a W-SW air flow and daytime temperatures again rose to double figures reaching 14.25°C on the 22nd. During the month ground frosts were frequent (19) with three particularly sharp ones -6.0°C on the 1st and 21st, ands -6.25°C on the 29th. Of the fourteen air frosts -5.0°C was recorded on the 1st. Precipitation in the form of snow grains, wet snow flurries and showers of rain were observed most days. The 14.5mm measured for a 24hr period on the 12th of continual rain is noteworthy. Total ppt for the month was 62.7mm (2.47 inches).     Daily Notes and Wildlife Sightings: 27th         tawny owl calling at Sea View. 9 red-throated diver flew north at sea and 6 fieldfare were at Rimac 28th         2 siskins in garden at Brickyard Lane 29th         male siskin at Sea View and a red kite was seen flying south-east over Elm House Farm 30th         single woodcock flew from the dunes near Sea View and a pair of gadwall was on Paradise lagoon. On or over the sea were 29 red-throated diver, 6 common scoter, 11 eider and 2 Brent geese. 2 chiffchaff were in song at Crook Bank. 31st         2 male gadwall on Paradise lagoon and a pair of mistle thrushes seen near Sea View [Note – 6 whooper swans had been reported on Paradise lagoon earlier during the morning and the previous day 40 swans were seen flying off from the lagoon, they appeared nervous, head and neck jerking and were assumed to be whoopers.] 1st            single woodcock flew from low scrub and 2 little egrets feeding in flooded grassland, both near Sea View, 9 shoveler on Paradise lagoon. Chiffchaff in Brickyard lane dunes 2nd           male siskin at bird feeder near Sea View and a single barn owl was hunting alongside the saltmarsh and dune edge late afternoon near SV. 3rd           21.7mm of rain recorded for the 1st and 2nd April causing very high levels in the Great Eau with spillage into adjacent washlands and minor flooding in nearby grasslands.  Male yellowhammer singing near Paradise wood, 11 mute swans on the washlands near Sea View. Southerly movement of finches – 45 minute watch at 07.30hrs produced 2 siskin, 3 goldfinch and 82 chaffinch (similar movement noted at Gibraltar Point). Little grebe trilling and water rail screaming at Rimac. Peacock butterfly. At Sea View single chiffchaff and a peacock butterfly. South of Crook Bank a male wheatear. Signs of spring and warmer weather 2 active fox moth caterpillars, mating toads with strings of spawn and smooth newt. Coltsfoot in flower   Sparrowhawk and kestrel seen most days, plus a pair of mistle thrush. Noted that there has been a reduction in the number of wrens - the severe March weather (‘beast from the east’) clearly took a toll. Lots of young rabbits, now well grown – overall numbers have increased fourfold over recent weeks. Mass frog emergence and spawning (3rd) after very wet week – Freshwater Marsh water level rose by 12cm. Sallows flowering,       Matt Blissett Legbourne Wood 29/3/18   Chiffchaff 6 Woodcock 1 Buzzard 3 Tawny Owl 1 Nuthatch 1 Treecreeper 1   Comma 3   Frog spawn   Primrose – in flower Wood Anemone – in flower Lesser Celandine – in flower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. BARDNEY LIMEWOODS NNR These cover a huge area, and records from them and records from volunteer recorders are one of the main inputs to management planning and the protection of rare/scarce and critical species. Reports always welcome. http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/limewoods/visit/woods-and-nature-reserves/127031.article Also see: Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch https://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html LWT Lincolnshire Limewoods http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/what-we-do/living-landscapes/lincolnshire-limewoods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lincolnshire Dormouse Group The Lincolnshire Dormouse Group meet monthly at Chambers Farm Woods. We always welcome visitors and new members. Dormice are legally protected and sensitive to disturbance; attending the group's meetings provides the opportunity to see dormice legally with licenced surveyors. If you are interested please email lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NNR includes the following sites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chambers Farm Woods (comprises Ivy Wood, Little and Great Scrubbs Woods, Minting Wood, Hatton Wood, Hatton Plantation and Minting Park, and also three areas of grassland: Little Scrubbs Meadow (and extension), Small Meadow and Big Meadow. Since all have their own management plans, please give the actual location when reporting); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Rand Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood and Wickenby Wood. Many of these include both areas of ancient woodland or important grassland, which are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and non-designated areas. Since managing the SSSI areas carries particular responsibilities to Natural England, records which provide a six-figure grid reference are of particular value to the Forestry Commission. Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. OTHER RESERVE REPORTS AND HIGHLIGHTS - LNRs, private reserves etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reports welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. In return for this FREE service, we ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome - you don't have to stick to lists! Mailing times vary, depending on what I am doing. The Bulletin goes out on Thursdays or Fridays in time for the weekend. Please e-mail in contributions as early as possible, to: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk When sending in reports please follow this layout to save re-editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Species Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given here. http://lnu.org/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org A list of all the articles contained in Transactions (Transactions page) and a list of the Presidents (Officers page) is also available on the LNU website. LNU Bursaries: The LNU offers bursaries for natural history courses. The upper limit is £250. If you would like to apply for a bursary for an FSC [or similar] course please contact Richard Chadd on: richard.chadd@environment-agency.gov.uk *** CONTACTS LIST *** Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ Care of Sick or Injured Animals - information on LWT website http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/sick-and-injured-animals InsideEcology: Online Magazine for Ecologists, Conservationists and Wildlife Professionals https://insideecology.com/ British geology maps now free to explore on web http://www.bgs.ac.uk/opengeoscience/ *** Bird Club Website *** http://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society *** http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Bat Group website *** http://www.lincsbatgroup.co.uk/ *** Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch *** http://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html *** Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk/chalk-streams/lincolnshire-chalk-streams *** Lincsbirders *** http://www.lincsbirders.org/ FIGHTING WILDLIFE CRIME *** Rural Crime Officer *** Pc 160 Nick Willey Force Wildlife, Rural Crime Officer Force Dog Training Establishment Lincolnshire Showground. Grange-De-Lings. Lincoln nicholas.willey@lincs.pnn.police.uk OFFICE: 01522-731897 MOBILE :07768-501895 PAGER : 07654-330877 Related Webpages: Hare coursing https://www.lincs.police.uk/reporting-advice/wildlife-and-rural-crime/hare-coursing/ Wildlife Crime http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/issues/crime STAYING SAFE Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** EasyTide *** http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx *** Weather Underground *** https://www.wunderground.com/ *** Met Office Severe Weather E-mail Service *** http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/guide-to-emails *** Environment Agency Flood Information/Floodline *** http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/default.aspx SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDING Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. When asking for help: Please give the the very best information you can provide. If you are not sure, ask what is needed from you to confirm identification. Photographs are helpful but not every species can be identified from a photograph. When asked for further details, get back to them promptly. Don't forget a thank you for the help. That is always welcome. *** Botany *** Botanical Group in South Lincs Contact: Sarah Lambert, who writes: We'd be happy to welcome new people, experienced or not, particularly if they are located towards the northern part of the vice county! sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com Also see: http://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 *** Identifying Fungi *** App: http://rogersmushroomsapp.com/ BMS Checklist of names: http://www.fieldmycology.net/GBCHKLST/gbchklst.htm BMS Keys for Macrofungi http://www.britmycolsoc.org.uk/library/keys/ *** What's That Butterfly? *** http://butterfly-conservation.org/ http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/index.php *** Identifying Dragonflies *** http://www.british-dragonflies.org.uk/content/uk-species *** How to Identify Bees *** http://www.bwars.com/ http://bumblebeeconservation.org/ LNU Sawflies, Bees, Wasps and Ants Recorder Dr. David Sheppard Willing to examine specimens or check photos (bear in mind only a relative few of the 300+ species in the county are identifiable using photos). d.a.sheppard@btinternet.com *** Lincolnshire Mammals *** Chris Manning, Chris.LincsDeer@gmail.com Mink/Otter reports are of interest and can be sent via the Bulletin. Mammal Atlas You can download and print off a hard copy or view it online. http://www.glnp.org.uk/our-publications/biodiversity/projects-and-reports.php *** Spiders *** Imogen Wilde Regional Co-ordinator (RC) and Mentor for Lincolnshire for the British Arachnological Society (BAS). Imogen@imogenwilde.co.uk *** Lincs Amphibian and Reptile Group *** The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) For further information and to submit records contact: Ashley Butterfield learningoutdoors@btinternet.com You can input reptile and amphibian data at: http://www.recordpool.org.uk/ Please remember, common species are just as important as rarer species. *** Local Bat Helpline *** Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information. Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Confidential Bat Records *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. Tel: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Non-Marine Molluscs *** Alex Pickwell is the LNU Recorder for Non-marine Molluscs Email: alex.pickwell@environment-agency.gov.uk USEFUL WILDLIFE CONTACTS Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincs Environmental Records Centre *** Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership http://www.glnp.org.uk/ (of which LERC is a part) Contact: charlie.barnes@glnp.org.uk or for more general queries: info@glnp.org.uk *** Life on the Verge and Wildflower Meadow Network Project *** http://www.lifeontheverge.org.uk/ *** Good sources of seeds of Bee-friendly Wild Flowers *** Plantlife and Flora locale have defined protocols that can guide the conservation-minded shopper. See: www.floralocale.org/Alphabetical+supplier+listing *** Lincs Bird Club *** LBC County Bird Recorders John Clarkson - Covering the north of the county recorder_north@lincsbirdclub.co.uk Phil Hyde - Covering the south of the county recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society *** http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk Contact 01507 528223 enquiries@joseph-banks.org.uk *** Natural England *** http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ *** Lincolnshire Environmental Awards *** http://www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in a few cases may be difficult or impossible to verify. If further information is needed contact: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk Bulletins are sent to Recorders at Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre [GNLP] , Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen and identified in flower.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We sometimes withhold details of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. Sensitive data should go directly to county recorders, please. Please respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report on national networks. Interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly or thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. For good advice for ALL nature-watchers see the RSPB's birdwatchers' code https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/read-and-learn/watching-birds/code/ and BTO's pdf: https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/u10/downloads/taking-part/health/bwc.pdf [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see http://lnu.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Field Meetings generally start at 12 noon for 1.00pm, but please check the website details for each event. Unless otherwise stated, Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm. Field Meetings 2018 https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/ Swinn Wood LWT Reserve – Sunday 29th April 2018 https://lnu.org/meetings/field-meetings/2018-04-29/ Swinn Wood LWT Reserve, Northwest of Alford Access courtesy of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet and park at wood entrance which is at TF421777. Nearest postcode: LN13 0ED which is east of the wood. NB. Very restricted parking so please car share where possible. Likely need for reverse parking along entrance track (first in, last out policy). Verges near entrance are Roadside Nature Reserves so please no parking on them, especially if arriving earlier than 12.00. Nearest public toilets in Alford town centre. Habitats: Ancient woodland with ponds and ditches. Leader: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com Greetwell Hollow LWT Reserve – Sunday 27th May 2018 Greetwell Hollow LWT Reserve, (partly a geological SSSI) Eastern edge of Lincoln Access courtesy of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet and park at TF001717 which is roadside parking in far north-eastern corner of Allenby Road Industrial Estate, Lincoln. Nearest postcode: LN3 4PH. There is a short section of path north to the Hollow through rough grassland/scrub via a ‘gate’ in fence and by crossing Greetwell Road. NB. Some steep slopes, marshy areas, a fairly busy road to cross plus high levels of public usage. Nearest ‘public’ toilets in McDonalds just to north in Carlton Shopping Centre car park or Tescos nearby. Habitats: Calcareous grassland, scrub, stream, marsh, wet woodland, pond, rocks. Leader: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com Shearman’s Wath / West Ashby Pits – Saturday 23rd June 2018 Shearman’s Wath next to West Ashby Pits. North of Horncastle A private site with access courtesy of Mike Harrison. Afternoon and evening moth/bat session. 12.00 for 13.00 start and then again from 21.00 for evening session. Meet and park on wide roadside verge at TF252719 (just east of River Bain bridge) which is located on minor road which joins the A158 and A153 north of Horncastle. Nearest postcode: LN9 5PP (which takes you slightly NE of meeting spot). NB. Some steep slopes and deep water areas. No mains available for moth traps. Nearest public toilets are in Horncastle town centre. Habitats: Lakes, ponds, marsh, grassland, scrub Leader: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com South Ormsby Estate – Saturday 7th July 2018 Raithby Beck Wood – Saturday 4th August 2018 Sutton Bridge area – Sunday 2nd September 2018 Swinn Wood LWT Reserve – Sunday 14th October 2018 Whisby Natural History Workshops In partnership with the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union. At Whisby Nature Park near Lincoln, in the Lafarge Education Building from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Free of charge. Refreshments included. Prior booking essential via Richard Davidson on 01522 525725 or Email rel.davidson@btinternet.com Find out more about the various subjects from our local experts. Places are limited due to the number of microscopes available. Mining Bees - June 2nd - David Shepherd Hoverflies - July 28th - Phil Porter & David Denman Ground Beetles - August 11th - Alan Lazenby Plant Galls - September 8th - Jan Rousseau Bryophytes - October 6th - Steven Heathcote. Fungi - November 3rd - Ray Halstead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails This Week *** If you recognise the owner of a 'part-address' below, please let them know that their their Bulletin has 'bounced' this week. brydeb - hard bounce - address cleaned - account has been disabled or discontinued. donna.ulyatt - hard bounce - address cleaned - account has been disabled or discontinued. ifor.grasby - hard bounce - address cleaned - account has been disabled or discontinued. If ever your Bulletin does not arrive, please let me know. Text copies of current and past Bulletins can be found on: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html ....and finally..... Dinosaur tracks on Skye 'globally important' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-43620237 Dumping pesticides, using ducks instead http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-43588774/dumping-pesticides-using-ducks-instead Scientists explain the sound of knuckle cracking http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-43572709 Tech trials to find Antarctica's 'missing' iron meteorites http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-43567617 Lake Chad: Can the vanishing lake be saved? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-43500314 Country diary: a dissonant overlay of realities https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/02/country-diary-a-dissonant-overlay-of-realities Country diary: spring's dramatic upwelling of life https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/03/country-diary-springs-dramatic-upwelling-of-life Country diary: avian pipers at the gates of dawn https://www.theguardian.com/e ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons old.museum@yahoo.co.uk http://rogerparsons.info/