============================================= || || 24th December 2017 || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || || LNU Website: || http://lnu.org/ || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Readers' hints, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. NNRs including RSPB and LWT Reserves 5. Bardney Limewoods NNR 6. Other Reserve Reports and Highlights 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary 12. ...and finally..... ============================================ Reports here are open and are available to county recorders of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, the Lincolnshire Bird Club and Lincolnshire Environmental Record Centre [LERC]. Text versions of past Wildnews Bulletins back to Feb 2009: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or any associated organisations. The Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Bulletin is being read by over 1000 people and we are keen to encourage even more readers to subscribe. Please use the "forward to a friend" link at the end of every LNU Bulletin and invite new readers to give it a try. We will really appreciate your help with this. Please contact the Editor to contribute articles or reports. E-mail: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Readers' hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Editor writes... *** I wish you the very best for the Christmas season and thank you all for your support over the past year. Waes Hael! The very best for 2018. Donna Nook Grey Seal updates: Donna Nook Nature Reserve's record year for seal pup births http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-42384057 http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/donna-nook/weekly-update Helen Gamble writes: The draft Lincolnshire Wolds AONB Management Plan 2018-2023 is now out for public consultation. It is a Plan for everyone, and the evidence, aspirations, policies and targets set out in the documents will provide a very important tool for informing and guiding the future management of this very special landscape. To this end, we welcome your input to ensure that we can put in place the best possible plan for the area – recognising the Wolds natural beauty whilst helping to secure positive social and economic gains. We look forward to receiving your comments by the 31st January 2018 – for more information visit www.lincswolds.org.uk/looking-after/have%20your%20say As usual I have included a selection of topical links. Most were sent in by readers. Suggestions for interesting links are always welcome. See: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-42370195 The week in wildlife – in pictures https://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2017/dec/15/the-week-in-wildlife-in-pictures? Could you be living next door to a Bengal tiger? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-lincolnshire-42419369/could-you-be-living-next-door-to-a-bengal-tiger Rare Kelvin Helmholtz clouds spotted over Lincolnshire http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-42426338 Fly-tipping prosecutions at record low in England http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-42312130 Scampton Airshow cancelled for 2018 after making loss http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-42358391 The German Amateurs Who Discovered ‘Insect Armageddon’ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/04/world/europe/krefeld-germany-insect-armageddon.html Neonicotinoids at 'chronic levels' in UK rivers, study finds http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-42354947 First English dolphins found living off the coast of Cornwall https://uk.news.yahoo.com/first-english-dolphins-found-living-000100083.html More topical links are below in "...and finally..." - don't forget to click. 2017 End of year records: "If it is worth observing, it is worth recording." "The end of the year is nigh!" Recorders will be pleased to hear from you. If you prefer to send records directly to individual County Recorders rather than via the Bulletin, you need to be thinking about preparing that data now. A full list of LNU Recorders is on the following link and in Communiqué. https://lnu.org/specialists/ They will advise on species identification within their field of expertise. Photos for identification are often helpful, but please ask before sending. Thank you for all your contributions this week - very welcome. Roger old.museum@yahoo.co.uk *** LNU Events Diary *** LNU events are listed below in section 11. For LNU meetings, see: https://lnu.org/meetings/indoor-meetings/ [Unless otherwise stated, Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm.] A joint LBC/LNU Meeting - 20th January 2018 Lincolnshire Rooks; Living in the shadow of Ash dieback by Andrew Chick The talk will look at 70 years of rook studies in Lincolnshire, starting with the 1947 LNU Transaction paper and compare the results of the 2017 Lincolnshire Bird Club survey which inspected over 250 rookeries and counted 5959 nests. During the 1980’s a detailed survey of the trees utilised by nesting rooks was undertaken to assess the likely impact of Dutch Elm Disease on Lincolnshire birds, some 30 years later we are now assessing the potential impact that Chalara dieback will have on Lincolnshire wildlife? The joint Lincolnshire Bird Club/Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Union indoor meetings are held in Lincoln at the Whisby Education Centre at Whisby Nature Park. Indoor meetings start at 2pm, with both members and non-members welcome to attend. https://lnu.org/meetings/indoor-meetings/2018-01-20/ *** Find the Grid Reference - don't forget - it's important *** Grab a Grid Reference: http://www.bnhs.co.uk/focuson/grabagridref/html/index.htm UK Grid Reference Finder: http://www.gridreferencefinder.com/ *** Love Lincs Plants - Updates *** Planning and implementation of the project continues. We will keep you informed via the Bulletin and Communiqué, and via our Twitter feed. Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Twitter feed https://twitter.com/LincsNaturalist? Sir Joseph Banks Society http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk/news-events/lincolnshire-plants-project/ Natural History Museum Twitter feed https://twitter.com/nhm_botany?lang=en Lincoln University School of Life Sciences blog https://lifesciences.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/2016/09/30/heritage-lottery-funding-to-safeguard-lincolnshire-plants/ Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Twitter feed https://twitter.com/lincswildlife?lang=en *** December Night Sky *** Paul Money's 'Monthly Night Sky' webpage will be found on: http://www.astrospace.co.uk/Astrospace/monthly-sky/monthlynightsky.html AuroraWatch UK: action possible..... http://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk Spaceweather.com http://www.spaceweather.com/ *** Scunthorpe Museum Society Natural History and Geology Section *** http://scunthorpemuseumsociety.btck.co.uk/ Keith Scarrott writes: The Natural History and Geology Section of the Scunthorpe Museum Society. Our first meeting for the New Year is on Monday, 8th January, 2018, at which Paul Money visits to give his talk "The Triumph of Voyager, Part 1". This is the first of Paul's two talks about NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 missions to Jupiter, Saturn and beyond, which set off in September, 1977. Now in interstellar space, they are still sending data back to earth. Paul will be showing us images of Jupiter and the journey there, followed by the splendour of Saturn. The meeting will take place in the St Bernadette's Church Parish Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2RS, (opposite the Priory Hotel), starting at 7.15pm. There is a large, free car park inside the Church grounds. ALL ARE WELCOME TO OUR MEETINGS. There is no entry charge but a donation bowl is provided. For a small charge light refreshments are available at the mid-talk break. Contact Keith Scarrott on 01724 762098 for further details. *** Local RSPB links: *** Grimsby & District RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/grimsby S Lincs RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/southlincolnshire Lincoln RSPB http://www.lincolnrspb.org.uk/ *** Alford & Mablethorpe Branch LWT *** https://www.facebook.com/LWT-Alford-Mablethorpe-Area-Group-175413729474673/ *** Barton Area Group LWT *** https://www.facebook.com/LWT.Barton.Group *** Grimsby & Cleethorpes LWT *** www.grimsbywildlifetrust.org.uk Carolyn Davis writes: On Saturday 6th January 2018 the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust invites you to join them on a morning bird walk starting from the Discovery Centre, Cleethorpes. Grid ref. TA320084. Please meet walk leader Ray Hume outside the Discovery Centre at 9am. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and bring binoculars if you have them. This is a free event but donations will be welcomed for the Trust. For further information contact Ray Hume 07814 840682. *** More Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Events *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/whats-on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Bird Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce reports. A big thank you from us all. Interested readers should have a look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ I have adapted RBA pager data/information for the Bulletin by eliminating or consolidating repeated messages. Note - I have been leaving out late reports to save myself going back to re-do entries. From now on I shall squeeze in important ones, indicating them with a " * ". 12/12 2 Little Stints*, Alkborough Flats 3 Snow Buntings*, Gibraltar Point Red-necked Grebe*, Slavonian Greve*, Cut End, Boston Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Frampton Marsh 13/12 Hen Harrier ringtail, Jack Snipe, Freiston Shore 14/12 Scaup as fem, North Hykeham pits Hen Harier male, Spotted Redshank, Frampton Marsh Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Toft Newton reservoir Great White Egret, fem Scaup, River Witham of Tattershall Bridge juv Smew at Dogdyke 15/12 Great White Egret, Smew redhead on River Witham at Dogdyke Smew fem on River Witham below Kirkstead Bridge Short-eared Owl on Old Saltmarsh, Gibraltar Point 5 Snow Buntings on beach, 3 Velvet Scoters offshore south of Crook Bank, Saltfleetby Ring-necked Duck fem, Kirkby-on-Bain gravel pits 16/12 Scaup ad drk, 2 Long-eared Owls on island, Deeping Lakes 17/12 Snow Bunting, Gibraltar Point 18/12 Scaup ad fem, Deeping Lakes 7 Shorelarks on beach between Rimac and Churchill Lane, male Hen Harrier, 25 Snow Buntings, 150 Twite, Saltfleetby 30+ Snow Buntings at north end of beach, Mablethorpe Hen Harrier male, Frampton Marsh Great White Egret on River Bain at Dogdyke Great White Egret, Kirkby-on-Bain gravel pits 19/12 Hen Harrier male, Frampton Marsh 2 Hen Harriers (2 males) in roost, Short-eared Owl, Great Northern Diver, Gibraltar Point Scaup ad drk, Deeping Lakes 20/12 Great White Egret, by River Witham at Nocton Delph pumping station then flew upstream Water Pipet on Jackson's Marsh, 8 White-fronted Geese flew NW over Gibraltar Point Please visit the RBA website for updates/fuller details. Here you can register free to use the site and get free trials of their subscription services. Rare Bird Alert website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ [Please mention the Bulletin if you decide to subscribe.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work. Starling murmuration video from Kirkby on Bain taken by David Robinson. https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ai0MSdSaob1cjxPq7_eGhDh9ukzK Second David Robinson starling mumuration video: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ai0MSdSaob1cjxlQY-w4rukFA-zh ROAD KILLS? Every drive is a transect! Reports welcome. CAT KILLS? Extend our small mammal knowledge by reporting cat-assisted records! *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Please keep your reports coming. We rely on you to send in your observations and we welcome information from ALL readers, be they beginners or experts. Thanks to our regular contributors across the county. Much appreciated. DON'T FORGET - TIME FLIES! Please include the year in your reports in case they are copied and thus lose their context. BARDNEY The Green TF119694 R & A Parsons 2 Redwings in the top of the nearest lime tree on The Green. Enjoying some late winter sunshine at 14.45hrs. What a treat! BOSTON (South by A16) 19/12/2016 Kathleen Pearson Male Blackcap in garden today. HUTTOFT Jane Pennington TF511762 (my garden) 8/12/2017 Robins 2 Sparrowhawk 1 10/12/2017 Chaffinch 2 11/12/2017 Blackcap 1 - viewed through bins and can't really see that it could've been anything else but is it likely? Long tailed tits 8 - same time as what I think was a blackcap 12/12/2017 Crows 15 - often have crows in the trees but not usually this many. They were pecking hard at the oak branches. C an anyone advise why they do this? I found mention of 'displacement behaviour' when trying to research this but why would this be? HUTTOFT Jane Pennington TF511762 (my garden) 17/12/2017 Long tailed tits 10 - and it was drizzling here, too! Mistle thrush 1 - finished off the last of the rowan berries 18/12/2017 Chaffinch 2 Pheasant 1 Wren 1 NETTLEHAM TF01357549 Su Colman 16 December 2017 11:15 We live in a particularly blackbirdy area and we like to feed them sultanas, so in our approximately tennis court sized back garden there can be a dozen at a time.This morning they have been joined by a song thrush, being quite aggresse and certainly holding its own. NETTLEHAM TF01357549 Su Colman 19 December 2017 08:30 Unusual pheasants - we often get pheasants in the garden, but this year we have three BLACK females who have just got up the courage to actually come onto the lawn. Is this a common phenomenon? 19 December 2017 10:30 And seven of the ordinary brown female pheasants scarifying the lawn as a group. We also see at least two males regularly. RIVER WITHAM - STIXWOULD station towards SOUTHERY R. Parsons with Coningsby Wildlife Watch 17/12/2017 Many winter thrushes about Deer slots - quite large - roe? Badger signs including active sett. Open Swan Mussel shells with peck marks - 9 collected Fungus spp. Goosander - 2 flocks in flight, total 13. THURNHOLMES (within 300m of SK797984 unless stated) Steve Hiner & Paul Snow 24/11/17 Barn Owl x 1 calling 01:30hrs Blackbird x 4 Common Buzzard x 1 Fieldfare x 59 Golden Plover x 48 Goldfinch x 32 Kestrel x 1 Lapwing x 75 Pied Wagtail x 1 Redwing x 130 Starling x 230 Wood Pigeon x 32 27/11/17 Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1 SE801004 Sparrowhawk x 1 SE801004 11/12/17 Barn Owl x 1 calling 01:15hrs Common Buzzard x 1 Dunnock x 2 Fieldfare x 85 Goldfinch x 9 Kestrel x 1male, 1 female sat together in Hawthorn hedge Linnet x 2 Redwing x 30 15/12/17 Goosander x 4 males, 2 females Owston Ferry Warping Drain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. NNRs including RSPB and LWT Reserves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RSPB Reserves: http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/collections/thewash_northnorfolk.aspx LWT Reserves: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/reserves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAR INGS NNR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-Of-Far-Ings-National-Nature-Reserve/186876774685595 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIBRALTAR POINT NNR See: Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory blog. http://gibraltarpointbirdobservatory.blogspot.co.uk/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE DUNES NNR including DONNA NOOK http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/saltfleetby-theddlethorpe-dunes http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/donna-nook-nnr http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/38015?category=59026 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donna Nook seal updates: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/donna-nook/weekly-update [Please try to avoid weekend visits if possible.] Saltfleetby Theddlethorpe NNR notes 29th November to 12th December 2017 Weather notes - November/December. From the 24th November a high pressure system became established giving somewhat settled weather but very cold with frequent frosts and day-time highs only reaching single figures in the cold NW winds, which brought frequent snow showers along the coastline fringe on 30th. During the month there were 14 ground frosts, 8 air frosts and the highest maximum was 15.5°C on the 22nd. A south-westerly gust of 47.3mph was recorded on the 22nd. Rainfall total for the month was 59.6 mm (2.35 inches). December has continued with highly variable conditions with the cold of of the beginning of the month giving way to a high of 12.’C on 7th before the cold snap during the current week, with snow flurries on the 10th in a raw ESE winds and several keen frosts falling to a ground temperature of -6.25°C and air -3.5°C on the 12th. A Starling roost has developed somewhere inland well to the south of Theddlethorpe and upwards of 1500 Starlings can be seen flighting each evening between the dunes and the village. Corvids also roost in the shelter belt around the gas terminal and upwards of 220 Jackdaws, which feed on adjacent fields to the reserve can be seen flighting there each evening, whilst over 120 Carrion Crows, which feed on the Buckthorn berries and on the beach flight there a little later when it is almost dark. Wintering Carrion Crow numbers peaked 3 years ago at over 220 birds, but have declined since 291117. With the cold north/westerly winds most of the attention was over the sea where there were 4 Brent Geese, 69 Wigeon, 400 Common Scoter, 1 Velvet Scoter, 5 Goldeneye, 10 Goosander, 2 Bonxie, a juvenile Glaucous Gull, 56 Teal, 13 Pintail, a Red-breasted Merganser, 15 Red-throated Diver, 3 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Guillemot, 26 Kittiwake and 2 Little Gull. A Short-eared Owl came in/off the sea. 011217 4 Velvet Scoter were offshore with 500 Common Scoter. Flying north at sea were 2 Kittiwake, 21 Eider, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 22 Brent Geese and 6 Pintail. A single marsh harrier and kestrel were hunting over saltmarsh, whilst both Kestrel and Sparrow Hawk continued to be noted in the Brickyard Lane area. 031217 4 Velvet Scoter were again offshore with 500 Common Scoter and nearby were 2 Eider. A Black-throated Diver, 5 Red-throated Diver and a Great-crested Grebe flew north. 13 Snow Bunting were on the beach between CB and BYL along with 30 Twite and 50 Linnet. In the CB area were 25 Reed Bunting, and a Red-legged Partridge along with 11 Yellow- hammers, which together with a long staying feeding flock of up to 14 in the BYL area make a noteworthy number. A single woodcock flew from dune edge near Paradise wood, 18 shoveler on Paradise lagoon, water rail squealing in dense rushes on edge of Eau near Black Bridge and another bird heard near Rimac plus sighting of 3 song thrushes and 2 goldcrests, 36 lapwing flew off the saltings near Saltfleet Haven and on the saltmarsh 17 little egrets, 200+ teal flying out of the creeks and a single hen harrier (ringtail) hunting mid-afternoon. 041217 In the developing saltmarsh areas between Brickyard and Churchill were 7 shorelarks and a mixed flock of twite [80+] and linnets [30+]. 70 pink-feet flew south. 051217 42 Red-throated Diver and 9 Great-crested Grebe flew north at sea and a drake Eider flew south. Around CLCP were singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff. 80 Golden Plover flew south at Rimac and 30 Twite were on the beach out from BYL A skein of 65 pink-footed geese flying high, north over Sea View. 071217 Over the sea were 400 Common Scoter 2 Eider and 11 Red-throated Diver. 23 Shoveler were on Paradise pool. 081217 On Paradise lagoon 27 shoveler, 11 mallard, 70 redshank and 130+ teal in the area, 41 curlew with 15 lapwing in adjacent pasture field. Single hen harrier (ringtail) over the saltmarsh and 12 common snipe and 1 jack snipe flushed, 4 redwing, 3 reed buntings and a pair of great spotted woodpeckers near Sea View 091217 Offshore were 200 Common Scoter, 2 Eider and a Red-throated Diver. In the CB area were a Peregrine, an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Goldcrest. 12 Fieldfare flew north and 4 Brambling flew south. In the BYL area were 7 Shore Lark, 82 Twite, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Bullfinchs, Sparrow Hawk, Kestrell and Woodcock A single great spotted woodpecker and male bullfinch near Sea View and 5 fieldfare overhead. 111217 3 Velvet Scoter were offshore with 400 Common Scoter and nearby were 2 Eider. 11 adult Kittiwake, 5 Red-throated Diver and 2 Gannet flew north. 101217 321 curlew roosting. c 1100 pink foot geese leaving roost, where 321 roosting Curlew also noted. c 350 wigeon and c 170 teal in flight over saltmarshwhere a Peregrine was hunting. 111217 In the BYL/CL area were 2 tawny owls and 1 little owl calling , 3 barn owls hunting, and 4 water rails screaming, c 850 starlings dawn flight over dunes, 221 jackdaws on adjacent field. 121217 During the morning 33 teal and 30+ redshank flew off Rimac lagoon, 2 common snipe from the saltmarsh, single stonechat at Rimac and 11 fieldfare nearby. In afternoon a male merlin was hunting over the saltmarsh and in an area of buckthorn plus hawthorn with some berries was a mixed flock of 70+starlings, 14 blackbirds and 20 fieldfares ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. BARDNEY LIMEWOODS NNR These cover a huge area, and records from them and records from volunteer recorders are one of the main inputs to management planning and the protection of rare/scarce and critical species. Reports always welcome. http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/limewoods/visit/woods-and-nature-reserves/127031.article Also see: Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch http://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html LWT Lincolnshire Limewoods http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/what-we-do/living-landscapes/lincolnshire-limewoods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lincolnshire Dormouse Group The Lincolnshire Dormouse Group meet monthly at Chambers Farm Woods. We always welcome visitors and new members. Dormice are legally protected and sensitive to disturbance; attending the group's meetings provides the opportunity to see dormice legally with licenced surveyors. If you are interested please email lincsdormousegroup@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NNR includes the following sites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chambers Farm Woods (comprises Ivy Wood, Little and Great Scrubbs Woods, Minting Wood, Hatton Wood, Hatton Plantation and Minting Park, and also three areas of grassland: Little Scrubbs Meadow (and extension), Small Meadow and Big Meadow. Since all have their own management plans, please give the actual location when reporting); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Rand Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood and Wickenby Wood. Many of these include both areas of ancient woodland or important grassland, which are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and non-designated areas. Since managing the SSSI areas carries particular responsibilities to Natural England, records which provide a six-figure grid reference are of particular value to the Forestry Commission. Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. OTHER RESERVE REPORTS AND HIGHLIGHTS - LNRs, private reserves etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reports welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. In return for this FREE service, we ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome - you don't have to stick to lists! Mailing times vary, depending on what I am doing. The Bulletin goes out on Thursdays or Fridays in time for the weekend. Please e-mail in contributions as early as possible, to: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk When sending in reports please follow this layout to save re-editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Species Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given here. http://lnu.org/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org A list of all the articles contained in Transactions (Transactions page) and a list of the Presidents (Officers page) is also available on the LNU website. LNU Bursaries: The LNU offers bursaries for natural history courses. The upper limit is £250. If you would like to apply for a bursary for an FSC [or similar] course please contact Richard Chadd on: richard.chadd@environment-agency.gov.uk *** CONTACTS LIST *** Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust *** http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ Care of Sick or Injured Animals - information on LWT website http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/sick-and-injured-animals *** Bird Club Website *** http://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society *** http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Bat Group website *** http://www.lincsbatgroup.co.uk/ *** Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire Branch *** http://butterfly-conservation.org/300/lincolnshire-branch.html *** Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk *** Lincolnshire Chalk Streams Project *** http://www.lincswolds.org.uk/chalk-streams/lincolnshire-chalk-streams *** Lincsbirders *** http://www.lincsbirders.org/ FIGHTING WILDLIFE CRIME *** Rural Crime Officer *** Pc 160 Nick Willey Force Wildlife, Rural Crime Officer Force Dog Training Establishment Lincolnshire Showground. Grange-De-Lings. Lincoln nicholas.willey@lincs.pnn.police.uk OFFICE: 01522-731897 MOBILE :07768-501895 PAGER : 07654-330877 Related Webpages: Hare coursing https://www.lincs.police.uk/reporting-advice/wildlife-and-rural-crime/hare-coursing/ Wildlife Crime http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/issues/crime STAYING SAFE Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** EasyTide *** http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx *** Weather Underground *** https://www.wunderground.com/ *** Met Office Severe Weather E-mail Service *** http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/guide-to-emails *** Environment Agency Flood Information/Floodline *** http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/default.aspx SPECIES IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDING Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. When asking for help: Please give the the very best information you can provide. If you are not sure, ask what is needed from you to confirm identification. Photographs are helpful but not every species can be identified from a photograph. When asked for further details, get back to them promptly. Don't forget a thank you for the help. That is always welcome. *** Botany *** Botanical Group in South Lincs Contact: Sarah Lambert, who writes: We'd be happy to welcome new people, experienced or not, particularly if they are located towards the northern part of the vice county! sarah.lambert7@ntlworld.com Also see: http://bsbi.org/south-lincolnshire-v-c-53 *** Identifying Fungi *** App: http://rogersmushroomsapp.com/ BMS Checklist of names: http://www.fieldmycology.net/GBCHKLST/gbchklst.htm BMS Keys for Macrofungi http://www.britmycolsoc.org.uk/library/keys/ *** What's That Butterfly? *** http://butterfly-conservation.org/ http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/index.php *** Identifying Dragonflies *** http://www.british-dragonflies.org.uk/content/uk-species *** How to Identify Bees *** http://www.bwars.com/ http://bumblebeeconservation.org/ LNU Sawflies, Bees, Wasps and Ants Recorder Dr. David Sheppard Willing to examine specimens or check photos (bear in mind only a relative few of the 300+ species in the county are identifiable using photos). d.a.sheppard@btinternet.com *** Lincolnshire Mammals *** Chris Manning, Chris.LincsDeer@gmail.com Mink/Otter reports are of interest and can be sent via the Bulletin. Mammal Atlas You can download and print off a hard copy or view it online. http://www.glnp.org.uk/our-publications/biodiversity/projects-and-reports.php *** Spiders *** Imogen Wilde Regional Co-ordinator (RC) and Mentor for Lincolnshire for the British Arachnological Society (BAS). Imogen@imogenwilde.co.uk *** Lincs Amphibian and Reptile Group *** The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) For further information and to submit records contact: Ashley Butterfield learningoutdoors@btinternet.com You can input reptile and amphibian data at: http://www.recordpool.org.uk/ Please remember, common species are just as important as rarer species. *** Local Bat Helpline *** Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information. Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Confidential Bat Records *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. Tel: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Non-Marine Molluscs *** Alex Pickwell is the LNU Recorder for Non-marine Molluscs Email: alex.pickwell@environment-agency.gov.uk USEFUL WILDLIFE CONTACTS Please copy and paste URLs if necessary. *** Lincs Environmental Records Centre *** Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership http://www.glnp.org.uk/ (of which LERC is a part) Contact: charlie.barnes@glnp.org.uk or for more general queries: info@glnp.org.uk *** Life on the Verge and Wildflower Meadow Network Project *** http://www.lifeontheverge.org.uk/ *** Good sources of seeds of Bee-friendly Wild Flowers *** Plantlife and Flora locale have defined protocols that can guide the conservation-minded shopper. See: www.floralocale.org/Alphabetical+supplier+listing *** Lincs Bird Club *** LBC County Bird Recorders John Clarkson - Covering the north of the county recorder_north@lincsbirdclub.co.uk Phil Hyde - Covering the south of the county recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society *** http://www.joseph-banks.org.uk Contact 01507 528223 enquiries@joseph-banks.org.uk *** Natural England *** http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ *** Lincolnshire Environmental Awards *** http://www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ *** RSPB local webpages *** https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/find-a-reserve/reserves-a-z/reserves-by-name/t/tetneymarshes/ https://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/ http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/ John Badley, Site Manager for RSPB Lincolnshire Wash reserves e-mail: john.badley@rspb.org.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in a few cases may be difficult or impossible to verify. If further information is needed contact: old.museum@yahoo.co.uk Bulletins are sent to Recorders at Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre [GNLP] , Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen and identified in flower.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We sometimes withhold details of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. Sensitive data should go directly to county recorders, please. Please respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report on national networks. Interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly or thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. For good advice for ALL nature-watchers see the RSPB's birdwatchers' code https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/read-and-learn/watching-birds/code/ and BTO's pdf: https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/u10/downloads/taking-part/health/bwc.pdf [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see http://lnu.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Field Meetings generally start at 12 noon for 1.00pm, but please check the website details for each event. Unless otherwise stated, Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm. Indoor Meetings 2017/8 Indoor meeting – 20th January 2018 Joint talk with the Lincolnshire Bird Club Lincolnshire Rooks; Living in the shadow of Ash dieback by Andrew Chick Recorders’ Meeting – 10th February 2018 Annual General Meeting – 3rd March 2018 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails This Week *** If you recognise the owner of a 'part-address' below, please let them know that their their Bulletin has 'bounced' this week. inthu_22 - hard bounce - delivery failed; will not continue trying quasarxxx9 - hard bounce - delivery failed; will not continue trying If ever your Bulletin does not arrive, please let me know. Text copies of current and past Bulletins can be found on: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html ....and finally.....: Butlins site among landmarks protected by Historic England http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42384936 UK plan to tackle plastic waste threat http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-42397399 Country diary: even reduced to bare bones the bat's magic remains https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/11/country-diary-bat-magic-remains-bones-welburn-north-yorkshire#comment-109532060 Jellyfish have superpowers – and other reasons they don’t deserve their bad reputation https://theconversation.com/jellyfish-have-superpowers-and-other-reasons-they-dont-deserve-their-bad-reputation-88746 Country diary: wasps have the gall to remind us of their earlier presence https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/12/country-diary-wasp-gall-pulborough-brooks-west-sussex Country diary: snow changes everything the other side of the doorstep https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/13/country-diary-snow-changes-everything-wenlock-edge-shropshire Country diary: the omnivorous blackbird shares a family taste for blood https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/19/country-diary-omnivorous-blackbird-taste-for-blood-norfolk Our selective blindness is lethal to the living world https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/dec/20/selective-blindness-lethal-natural-world-open-eyes-environment-ecosystem ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons old.museum@yahoo.co.uk http://rogerparsons.info/