============================================ || || 31st July 2011 || || LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Readers hints, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. News from the Lincolnshire Coast NNRs 5. News from Far Ings NNR 6. News from Bardney Limewoods NNR 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary 12. ...and finally..... ============================================ The Lincolnshire Naturalists Union Bulletin is being read by 963 people and we are keen to encourage even more readers to subscribe. LNU Wildnews Bulletins are available on: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Note: Each address contains the relevant date. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union or any associated organisations. Please make contact via the LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ or e-mail wildlifenews@lnu.org, or contact the Editor to join up and contribute articles or reports. [Or cancel!] E-mail: rparsons@enterprise.net ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Readers hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Editor writes *** I was struck by the abundance of hedgerow fruits and berries during a walk along the Witham from Stixwold this week. Blackberries are ripening already and many hips, haws, crab apples and Rowan berries are to be seen, plus a good looking crop of hazel nuts. Plenty of food for winter visitors, I would say. I saw several groups of flying ants on 28th, at home and also in Woodhall Spa. See Alice Nunn's report below too plus a great observation by Vicky Leighton on Seagulls in a feeding frenzy. I have found a related Buglife link about black ants. See: http://www.buglife.org.uk/discoverbugs/bugofthemonth/Black+ant Had just finished writing this when Alan Phillips' piece came in. Please send in your ant reports for him if you have any. Huge numbers of swallows and housemartins are hunting in our area and our local swallows are on to a second brood. I think I noted a special feeding frenzy on the 28th which would tie in with ant flights, something I have also seen in previous years, with young swallows landing in trees to collect them. Roger *** Flying Ant Day *** Alan Phillips writes: Last year in the north-east of the county the mating flights of queen and male 'black garden ants' Lasius niger occurred on the 20 July whereas this year it was on the 28 July. If anyone has made a note of this years 'flying ant day' I would be grateful if you could forward details either for inclusion in the Bulletin or directly to me. Since there are often casualties, i.e. dead/dying ants about the area in question, it is a good opportunity to collect a few specimens for definite identification and so validate records. So for those who are willing, please consider collecting a few in a tube or similar and either sending them to myself or giving them to me at a future LNU meeting or talk. Please include record details (recorder name/location/grid ref/date) with samples. For further info e-mail me at: aculeates@gmail.com *** Seagull Feeding Frenzy *** Vicky Leighton writes: I wonder if you are able to throw any light on the following phenomenon which we observed in this area a couple of days ago. We live in North Thoresby and for the second time in many years were surprised by the huge number of seagulls just circling for ages above our house, village and the field adjacent to us, which has not been ploughed for ages. Obviously we see seagulls frequently, being not too far from the sea, but these were in their hundreds. We have seen it only once before in 17 years but of course it could have happened many times when we were not around. Editor adds: as the date was confirmed as the 28th June I asked Alan Phillips about seagulls taking ants. Alan replied: Yes, you can often see them diving about trying to snap them up on 'flying ant days', especially when the ants get swept high in thermals. All birds get in on the act, starlings, swifts etc. and even sparrows sometimes fly up besides picking them up on the ground. *** Next LNU Event - updated *** For LNU meetings also see www.lnu.org/events.php See section 11 for full programme. Saturday, August 13, 2011 Alkborough Flats (North Lincs Council and Environment Agency) 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet in car park at SE879 221. Take lane on left just pass church (if coming from south) and continue downhill. Evening moth/bat session starting at 8.30pm Habitats: Variety of coastal habitats. Restricted access applies. Leaders: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Colin Smith (evening) 07595 414318 *** Chambers Farm Events *** Sunday 31st July 2011 OPEN DAY AT CHAMBERS FARM WOOD (FOLLOWED BY LINCOLNSHIRE BRANCH AGM) Time: Open from 10.00 Guided Butterfly Walk at 11.00 (AGM Starts at 15.00) Contact: Peter Cawdell Telephone: 01522 560646 Mobile: 07867 954770 Target Species: White Admiral, White-letter Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak & Marbled White *** Grimsby & Cleethorpes LWT *** Carolyn Lovely writes: On Saturday 6th August 2011 you are invited to join us on a bird walk led by bird expert Ray Hume. Please meet in the Humberston Fitties carpark at 9am. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. This is a free event but donations will be collected for the Trust. For further details please contact Ray Hume: 01472 320878 *** Upcoming Events at Alkborough Flats *** Anna Moody sent in the following information: Sunday 7th August, 2pm. Butterfly and Dragonfly walk £2 per person Friday 26th August, 7.30pm. Bats and BBQ, £7 per person including BBQ Booking is essential for all events. Please call 01724 721269 to reserve a place. *** More On Bee Deaths *** Mick Binnion For the inquiring mind there is an interesting Bug Forum on the Natural History Museum website. Associated bird behaviour with parasitism is explored as a learnt behaviour by Newcastle University. And there is an interesting thesis and experimental study on the consumption of mannose by parasitoidol wasps by Wageningen University, Laboratory of Entomology. All available on the web. Natural History Museum website: *** Grey Seal Pup *** Roy Harvey writes: Quite a well grown grey seal pup at Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe on 27.07.11.It was out on the beach about 5 yards from the sea. This seems rather an early one? See picture on this link. http://www.lincsbirds.co.uk/album/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=1 Rob Lidstone-Scott comments: Grey seals are probably just about starting to think about breeding on the SW coast of Britain but as you know, summer is the time for harbour seal pupping. My best guess would be that this is just a small pup from last winter. The extent to which young pups travel, it might not even be a Donna Nook pup. SMRU satellite tagged a six week old pup on the Isle of May one November and then tracked it to Norway, then it came to Donna Nook briefly in May (I saw it!) before heading back up the UK coast and across to Norway again, all in its first year. *** Please watch out for... *** Hummingbird Hawkmoth: http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/sightings/1096/hummingbird_hawk_moth.html Painted Lady: http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/sightings/1097/painted_lady.html Big Butterfly Count 16-31 July 2011 http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/text/4448/making_butterflies_count_with_m_s.html Please keep your regular reports coming in for the Bulletin or send them directly to LNU Recorders if you prefer. http://www.lnu.org/recorders.php *** Free BTCV Wildlife Identification Courses *** Sent in by Brian Hedley BTCV will be holding the following free one-day courses at Langford Lowfields, TARMAC Langford Quarry, Newark Road, Collingham, NG23 7RF Sunday 14 August – Butterfly and moth identification From 10-4pm for 12 people. Booking essential. See: http://trentvale.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/free-wildlife-identification-courses/ *** Deer and People: Past, Present and Future *** Chris Manning sent in the following information: International Conference - Deer and People: Past, Present and Future Chris Manning sent in the following information This conference is taking place at Riseholme, Lincoln on the 8th – 11th September 2011. Themes include; Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Conservation, Deer Farming, Ecology, Geography, History, Landscape Management, Law, and Population Genetics. For further details http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/archaeology/research/conferences/deerandpeople/intro.aspx *** Brush Up On Bones *** Tom Collins sent in information on this interesting course: At the University of Sheffield we are running a Zooarchaeology Short Course in September (12-14th). It is ideal for anyone wanting to learn (or remind themselves of) animal bone identification and methods of analysis. For further details please use the link below: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/archaeology/research/zooarchaeology/short-course.html *** Heritage Open Days - Lincolnshire *** Heritage Lincolnshire have put up their programme for Heritage Open Days 2011 - also on the weekend of 8-11th September. See: http://www.lincsheritage.org/hod/index.php *** Order Paul Money's "Night Scenes 2011" *** Paul Money's useful "Night Scenes" series will be known to many readers. Details of his current edition are up on his website. Still 5 months worth of invaluable information. http://www.astrospace.co.uk/nightscenes/nightscenes.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Bird News from Rare Birds Alert *** Rare Bird Alert has kindly given permission to reproduce reports. A big thank you from us all. Interested readers should have a look at the RBA website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ Note: I am adapting my RBA pager information for the Bulletin by eliminating or summarising/consolidating repeated messages. When there is a lot of information I will stick to highlights. Please visit the RBA website for updates or fuller details. 23/7 White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds Osprey, Bonby Carrs Common Crane, Saxby All Saints Spoonbill, Frampton Marsh 2 Quail [males] calling, Benniworth 24/7 Honey Buzzard over Burwell Red-necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir Little Stint, Alkborough Flats 6 Crossbills, Barton Upon Humber 25/7 Red-necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds Pectoral Sandpiper, Frampton Marsh 26/7 Red-necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir Red Kite, Nocton Heath Pectoral Sandpiper, Frampton Marsh 27/7 White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds Red-necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir Pectoral Sandpiper, Frampton Marsh 2 Caspian Gulls, 8 Yellow-legged Gulls, Kirkby on Bain Quail singing, Wainfleet All Saints 28/7 White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds Pectoral Sandpiper, Frampton Marsh Red-necked Grebe, Covenham Reservoir 29/7 White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds Pectoral Sandpiper, Spoonbill, Frampton Marsh 7 Spoonbills, Gibraltar Point Raven, Lincoln 30/7 White-tailed Eagle juv still 6.5 miles south of Louth 2 miles SW of A16 near Burwell, 1/2 miles south of Ruckland in tree south of ponds 7 Spoonbills, 9 Ruff, Gibraltar Point Red-necked Phalarope, Frampton Marsh Crossbill west over Barton-upon-Humber Bird Alert website: http://www.rarebirdalert.co.uk/ Here you can register free to use the site and get free trials of their subscription services. Strongly recommended. [Please mention the Bulletin if you decide to subscribe.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work. More about Flying Ants Alice Nunn writes: Yesterday, Sunday PM 24th July, a rare sunny warm afternoon. I returned home around 4.00pm and noted a large number of starlings, both adult & juvs munching away on a large no of emergent ants and flying ants (not seen till today). I later sat outside to watch blackbirds, robins (adult & immature) house sparrows feasting too. They were quite un-bothered by my presence and I was able to get a few close up photos. Notably there was a male Blackbird which seemed to be collecting the flying ants in large beakfuls and flying off with them, presumably to feed a nestful. He kept returning empty beaked for more, until he decided to call it a day and enjoyed a bit of a splash and a very long preening session. Not very good butterfly list for garden currently, just the 3 whites, second brood Holly Blues. Peacocks and red admirals are beginning to appear, in very small numbers, but so far no Sm Tortoiseshells or Comma. I don't know whether it's to do with my rather reduced buddleia following last winter or what. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Please keep your reports coming, We rely on you to send in your observations and We welcome information from all readers, be they beginners or professionals. Thanks. BRACEBY TF015353 Marion Ellis Sat 16th July 8.30pm Barn owl flew up our driveway and over next-door's garden carrying prey. We have been hearing a young owl calling in the evenings. BUTTERWICK 28/07/2011 Roy and Kath Pearson We did our first butterfly count of the year today on our BTO Breeding Bird Survey square that lies between the village and the sea. Last year we had the highest total count of butterflies on any square in Britain (mainly Large and Small Whites) and the highest count of a single species - Small White. This year we recorded very few butterflies of any kind. We assume the reason is that most of the brassica fields had been harvested. It was an interesting illustration of how numbers of a species can fluctuate. We also took the opportunity to do a little birdwatching and were amazed at the numbers of Yellow Wagtails present, several broods apparently fledging at the same time. Over a relatively small area of perhaps three square kilometres at the junction of three tetrads, we counted 24. This is the largest count I can ever recall in Lincolnshire. It wasn't too surprising to see them on the road by the side of grassland, or drinking with Pied Wagtails at a large puddle in a farmyard, but it was surprising to see up to a dozen diving in and out of cabbages. There must have been a large number of insects here. The same day, I was speaking to a farmer who mentione there were quite a few of them on the sea banks at Wrangle. It seems to have been a good year for them. FISKERTON FEN John Farmer 26/7/11 am Barn Owl 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Turtle Dove 1 SOUTH OF KIRTON LINDSEY 19.06.11 Jacquie Harrison Pottering on way north Really impressed by the number of House Sparrows in vicinity of Hall Farm, Harpswell - high nursery hedges alive with them. Likewise a male tree sparrow not put off in the car park of a nearby farm shop complex. Peregrine crossed road as I drove towards Kirton Lindsey about lunchtime. LACEBY 23/07/11 Mick Binnion Whilst quietly working my way downstream pulling Himalayan Balsam, I've been observing my local pair of Sparrowhawk and their fledgling brood of four. They all still use the nest as base. The male adult is adept at providing mainly finches, both adult and juvenile complete. The female adult provides half plucked Blackbirds. There is already a noticeable size difference in the very active juveniles, would seem to suggest 2 female, 2 male fledglings. Expecting them to relocate this week. LINCOLN John Farmer 26/7/11 p.m. in garden Bullfinch 2 Chaffinch 16 Greenfinch 1 Goldfinch 2 Jay 1 juv Long- tailed tits 8 Robin 2 juv Song Thrush 2 juv 27/7/11 John Farmer 9 30 p.m. garden Large hedgehog feeding when attacked by a second hedgehog, The first one rolled in to a ball which the second proceeded to push around the lawn until it rolled into the pond. Luckily it escaped quickly and ran off. LOUTH OS 3486 C Byatt 22 July '11 goldfinch – 1 song thrush – 1 OSTLERS PLANTATION 27.07.11 Mick Todd During an evening visit, green woodpeckers were very vocal and there were numerous sightings, I also had two sightings of a hobby, though they may have been the same bird, the second one saw it taking an insect in flight. A kestrel was also seen along with several sightings of bats, probably pips. On the journey home a tawny owl was disturbed on the verge with what looked like a young rabbit. SAXBY ALL SAINTS CARRS 24.07.11 Jacquie Harrison As well as seeing the long staying common crane it was great to see juveniles with adults of several smaller birds including Chaffinches House Martins House Sparrows Linnets Swallows Whitethroats Yellowhammers Other birds seen included Blackbird Blue tit Buzzards Carrion Crows - some really harassing one of the buzzards Collared doves Great tit Grey herons Reed bunting Wood pigeons. Butterflies included peacocks. STAMFORD - BURGHLEY PARK David Clarke 24/7/2011 Several Treecreepers and Nuthatches in the parkland trees. But the Spotted Flycatchers made our day We have not seen so many in a long tine. Later this evening I was on my allotment in Grantham and was kept company by a pair of Linnets. We have been given permission by the Forestry Commission to install nestboxes in Boothby Great Wood. SK9531. We are a small local nestbox group, please take a look at out website and feel free to comment, good or bad! www.boxlife.co.uk SUSWORTH Susworth Eau (west of Messingham) Brian Hedley SE 85 03 24 July 2011 14.00 - 16.30 Small tortoiseshell 7 Peacock 13 Red admiral 5 Meadow brown 32 Ringlet 1 Gatekeeper 10 Speckled wood 1 Small skipper 10 Essex skipper 5 Large white 5 Small white 25 Green-veined white 3 Small copper 2 Brown argus 2 Brown hawker 42. Probably the most I've ever seen at a site and many ovipositing. Emperor 2 (including female ovipositing with bold blue top of abdomen) Black-tailed skimmer 1 Four-spot chaser 9 Common darter 3 Ruddy darter 5 Emerald damselfly 15 Common blue damselfly 1000's Blue-tailed damselfly 5 Variable damselfly 1 Moths included Silver Y, Udea lutealis, cinnabar and common carpet. Plants included marsh arrowgrass, yellow loosestrife, marsh pennywort, sheep's fescue and marsh woundwort. SWINSTEAD VALLEY to SWAYFIELD DRIFT Swinstead Valley/ Swayfield Drift circular walk (6.5 miles) This walk includes the SSSI at Swintead Valley and some wonderful limestone flora along Swayfield Drift. Bird highlights: over 40 species of birds noted including Lesser Whitethroat – family party along the Drift 3 Red Kites 4 Common Buzzards Sparrowhawk Kestrel 2 Treecreepers –in Swinstead Valley Butterflies: 10+ Brown Argus on grass track alongside Croakhill Plantation (TF010208) Small Skipper Essex Skipper 3 Commas Red Admirals Peacocks Meadow brown Ringlet Gatekeeper Speckled Wood 1 Brimstone Large Whites Small whites Green-veined Whites WALTHAM 26/7/2011 Jenny Haynes Driving along the B1219 between Waltham and New Waltham on Tuesday afternoon, [26th June] I saw a large bird I first thought was a buzzard but realised it was more like a red kite. Was I dreaming or did I really see one? I'm just sorry I was unable to stop to verify. [Anyone else spot it?] WILDMORE FEN TF216534 unless otherwise stated. A & R Parsons 26/7/11 In compost heap. Nicrophorus spp - 2 impressive orange bands, but only a glimpse. Not able to id to species. Beautiful insect. 27/7/11 - 13.15 hrs. Hummingbird Hawkmoth nectaring on valerian. Moth: Pyrausta purpuralis - 13.30hrs. Marsh Harrier hunting in fen. 28/7 Pair of Grey Partridge in charge of approx. 20 chicks. Hummingbird Hawkmoth seen 9am and 4pm approx.. WILDMORE FEN A & R Parsons 28/7/2011 TF218534 approx. 3 Colonies of flying black ants on Hurnbridge Road emerging approx. 7pm. Specimen collected for determination. WOODHALL SPA R.Parsons Drs Butter's Surgery - on path to front entrance 30 Victoria Avenue, Woodhall Spa LN10 6TX 28/7/2011 11.50hrs Emerging flying ants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Lincolnshire Coast NNRs including RSPB Wash Reserves See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/birds/index.php http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/lwt/seals/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIBRALTAR POINT NNR. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/gib/index.php Katherine Bocock 26/07/2011 Arctic Skua 5 Common Eider 41 Common Sandpiper 4 Green Sandpiper 2 Greenshank 10 Green Woodpecker 1 Kestrel 1 Little Tern 2 Marsh Harrier 1 Ruff 1 Tree Sparrow 1 Turtle Dove 4 27/07/2011 Yellow Wagtail 1 28/07/2011 Arctic Skua 1 Common Scoter 67 Crossbill 2 Golden Plover 1 Grasshopper Warbler 1 Green Woodpecker 1 Guillemot 2 Kittiwake 1 Little Egret 23 Little Tern 2 Marsh Harrier 4 Spoonbill 2 Spotted Redshank 1 Whimbrel 2 Yellow Wagtail 54 Red-veined Darter White Letter Hairstreak 29/07/2011 Spoonbill 7 SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE NNR. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/nr/reserve.php?mapref=41 SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE NNR John Walker w/e 29/7/2011 Flowers include: common and lesser centuary, betony, lesser meadowrue, common meadowrue, restharrow, meadow vetchling, marsh willowherb, greater waterparsnip, tubular water dropwort, st johns-wort, water plantain. Butterflies include: red admiral, peacock, holly blue, speckled wood, comma, small copper, small skipper, small heath, wall brown, meadow brown, hedge brown. Birds include: sandwich, common and arctic terns, arctic and pomarine skuas, gannet, guilliemot, common and velvet scoters, dunlin, whimbrel sanderling, greenshank, black tailed godwit, red kite. RSPB WASH Reserves - Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore John Badley No reports for June/July yet. RSPB Frampton Marsh http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/index.asp RSPB Freiston Shore http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/index.asp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. News from Far Ings NNR http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/far_ings/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Far Ings NNR Week ending Report follows. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. News from Bardney Limewoods NNR http://microsites.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Limewoods/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reports from the following locations will now be posted here to give an overview of Limewoods ecology. The NNR includes the following sites: Chambers Farm Wood (please detail specific area when reporting e.g. Ivy Wood, Little Scrubbs Meadow etc..); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood, Wickenby Wood Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridle way only) Adrian Royle's website for photos of species from the Limewoods. Photo site update :- Bardney Limewoods 2008 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/adiroyle/sets/72157604757394558/ Bardney Limewoods 2009 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/adiroyle/sets/72157616635241942/ Bardney Limewoods 2010 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/adiroyle/sets/72157623488040369/ Bardney Limewoods 2011 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/adiroyle/sets/72157626361531988/ Lincolnshire Limewoods Dormouse Project - ESL Webpage http://www.ecologicalservicesltd.com/research/about/the_lincolnshire_limewoods_dormouse_project/ Late report for Butterfly Group HARDY GANG WOOD 26.06.11 Jacquie Harrison Hot lunchtime Several white admirals on main walk into the wood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire using modern Information and Communication Technology. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. [A backup e-mail address you can use if ever you experience problems with my "Enterprise" address is: aintree2@yahoo.co.uk] When sending in reports please follow Bulletin layout to save editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please let me know ASAP if any of these weblinks fail! *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given here. http://www.lnu.org/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org If you are not yet a member, the LNU needs good naturalists like you! Anyone interested can get membership application forms from Wilma Gammon at the Lincs Wildlife Trust office, e-mail wgammon@lincstrust.co.uk LNU publications [listed on LNU website] may be ordered via: Ian Macalpine-Leny macalpine@doddington.demon.co.uk *** Contacts List *** Wildlife Crime Officer, Nigel Lound, is retiring. For the time being, Wildlife Crime related issues should be sent to PWCO Nick WILLEY who many of you will know already. Nick can be contacted on Nicholas.willey@lincs.pnn.police.uk or 01522 805746. *** Lincs Amphibian and Reptile Group *** The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) For further details please contact ashleybutterfield@btinternet.com tel. 07984 66 5847 *** Limestone Grassland Project *** Mark Schofield, Limestone Grassland Project Officer, mschofield@lincstrust.co.uk Mobile: 07825970930, Switchboard: 01507 526667. To find out more and to become involved with the survey and management of Lincolnshire's limestone grassland on road verges see: See: http://www.lifeontheverge.org.uk/ *** Local Bat Helpline *** Grounded bats, bat problems, advice and information? Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Bat Recorder *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: annettefaulkner@btinternet.com *** Butterfly Conservation Recorder *** Allan Binding asks contributors of butterfly records to the Bulletin to include their address or contact telephone or e-mail address and Grid Reference if possible. e-mail: allan.binding@ntlworld.com See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/bfly/index.php *** Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire link *** http://www.lincolnshire-butterflies.org.uk/index.html *** LNU Bees, Wasps and Ants Recorder *** Alan Phillips Willing to examine specimens or check photos (but bear in mind only a relative few of the 300+ species in the county are identifiable using photos). Aculeates only please, no parasitic wasps such as Ichneumons. If in doubt please contact for advice: aculeates@gmail.com *** Whisby's Bee and Wasp List *** Dr Michael Archer and Alan Phillips have put together an impressive list. Have a look and see how many species you recognise by name! http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/whisby/index.php?id=73 Also see: http://norwegica.wordpress.com/author/norwegica/ Could this be the year you learn to identify bees and wasps? *** OTTERS *** Readers are reminded that all dead Otters should be reported to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060. *** Mammal Records *** Mammal records can reported to Chris Manning Email: chris@lincsdeer.info Mink reports also of interest and can be sent via the Bulletin. *** New Met Office Service *** The Met Office website now offers an e-mail notification service for severe weather and other matters which may interest readers. Worth having a look and signing up. Be warned of the possibility of severe weather. See: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/2009/pr20090727.html *** LNU Moths Gallery *** There is a moth page on the LNU Website, to promote the recording of moths across the county. http://www.lnu.org/ Also see: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/hawkmoths/index.php *** LNU Plant Galls Recorder *** Graeme Clayton Please note my new addresses for plant gall id etc.. 46 Sibthorp Street Lincoln LN5 7SH gclayton54@o2.co.uk Willing to check or identify any plant gall material. Recording forms www.british-galls.org.uk *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. You can telephone him on: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Lincolnshire Badger Group Update *** Ally Townsend of the Weirfield Wildlife Hospital, writes: If you would like to give people the Lincoln number 01522 530428 a member of staff will record the sighting or RTA. Or use the Weirfield website: http://www.weirfield.co.uk/ where a reporting page can be used to send in reports. *** Lincs Bird Club *** LBC County Bird Recorders County Bird Recorder, covering the south of the county recorder_south@lincsbirdclub.co.uk for John Badley recorder_north@lincsbirdclub.co.uk for John Clarkson Bird Club Website: www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** Wash Estuary Project Contacts *** Jeff Goodley - Wash Estuary Project Officer jeff.goodley@washestuary.org.uk Maria Phipps - Wash Estuary Project Assistant maria.phipps@washestuary.org.uk Vivien Hartwell - Wash Biodiversity viv.hartwell@washestuary.org.uk *** Other Useful Websites *** Key links are now being posted on the LNU website. http://www.lnu.org/ This should save space in the Bulletin, Suggestions for other useful Websites are welcome. Natural England http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ Still includes SSSI Information and "Nature on the Map" Lincolnshire Environmental Awards http://www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ Lincs. Wildlife Trust Website http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ Useful emergency numbers for wildlife crises. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/factsheets/ Lincs Environmental Records Centre The Lincolnshire Biodiversity Partnership (of which LERC is a part) Contact: Charlie Barnes, charlie.barnes@lincsbiodiversity.org.uk or for more general queries: info@lincsbiodiversity.org.uk Tornado and Storm Research Organisation www.torro.org.uk Contact Ian Loxley on colarain@tiscali.co.uk *** Interesting Weather radar website *** Noel Loxley recommends the following interesting website. http://www.raintoday.co.uk/ RSPB Contact Details RSPB Website: www.rspb.org.uk www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh John Badley, Site Manager for RSPB Lincolnshire Wash reserves e-mail: freistonshore@rspb.org.uk Bardney Limewoods www.limewoods.co.uk limewoods@lincolnshire.gov.uk The Sir Joseph Banks Society Contact 01507 528223 or by e-mail: enquiries@joseph-banks.org.uk. www.joseph-banks.org.uk EasyTide Check tide times on Admiralty EasyTide: http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx TWO - The Weather Outlook Check the weather forecast for the location or postcode: http://www.theweatheroutlook.com/ Joan Gunson's Moths recorded in my garden 2011: www.flickr.com/photos/angleshades Alan Dale's Bugs and Weeds http://www.bugsandweeds.co.uk/ Mike Binnion writes: Common Butterflies http://www.grimsbywildlife.co.uk/otherattractions.htm http://www.grimsbywildlife.co.uk/ *** Other Useful E-mail Addresses *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union: info@lnu.org Gibraltar Point: gibpoint@lincstrust.co.uk Far Ings: farings@lincstrust.co.uk Whisby Nature Park: whisbynp@lincstrust.co.uk NEW Syke's Farm: lwt@sykesfarm.org.uk Lincs. Trust HQ: The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust main e-mail address: info@lincstrust.co.uk Lincolnshire FWAG: lincoln@fwag.org.uk Chambers Farm Wood NEW contact - Mary Porter Mary.porter@forestry.gsi.gov.uk Lincolnshire Bird Club Secretary - Janet Eastmead: janet.eastmead@talktalk.net Membership Secretary - Mike Harrison: michael@michaelharrison1.wanadoo.co.uk If you would like your e-mail listed here, please let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in certain cases they are impossible to verify. If further information is needed on locations or reporters, or if you wish to question/confirm any of these records, contact: rparsons@enterprise.net Bulletins are sent to Biological Recorders at the Lincs. Wildlife Trust, Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen and identified in flower.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will sometimes withhold precise details of the location of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. Sensitive data should go directly to county recorders, please. We ask that you respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report to national networks. Make a point of explaining site sensitivity and any restrictions on access. An interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly/thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see www.lnu.org/events.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Field Meetings generally start at 12 noon for 1.00pm, but please check the website details for each event. Unless otherwise stated, Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm. Saturday, August 13, 2011 Alkborough Flats (North Lincs Council and Environment Agency) 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet in car park at SE879 221. Take lane on left just pass church (if coming from south) and continue downhill. Evening moth/bat session starting at 8.30pm Habitats: Variety of coastal habitats. Restricted access applies. Leaders: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Colin Smith (evening) 07595 414318 Saturday, September 24, 2011 Riseholme College, N of Lincoln, off A15 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet in car park next to Conference Hall at SK981 756 Evening moth/bat session starting at 7pm. Includes an opportunity to investigate the LNU Collection and encourage students to use them. Habitats: Parkland, woodland, lake. Leaders: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com (afternoon) and Colin Smith (evening) 07595 414318 Sunday, October 23, 2011 Fungus Foray, Callan's Lane Wood (Forestry Commission site) Kirkby Underwood. North of Bourne 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet at car park TF061 270 Habitats: Mixed Woodland Leader: Ray Halstead 07772 613640 ray.halstead@tiscali.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails This Week *** If you hear of anyone bemoaning the lack of a Bulletin, please refer them to the Bulletin Portal where they will find a copy. http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Recent mailfails, with reason: Substantial mail failure of Sky mail customers. Another epidemic of anti-spam misidentification. Spamassassin strikes again. As bad as the spammers! You may need to Whitelist my address. Error message includes words: permanent error. Also an intermittent mail failure to some hotmail users. Sorry about that. I think it relates to my using a 3G broadband service. also: johnbigland joylaidlaw tony.frith *** Links of the week *** Self-defence? [Speakers improve this] Go to the link and move your cursor onto the guy's head. Bet you do it more than once! http://www.selfcontrolfreak.com/slaan.html ---------- ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons http://rogerparsons.info/