============================================ || || 27th June 2010 || || LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ || || News of Lincolnshire Wildlife || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Readers hints, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. News from the Lincolnshire Coast NNRs 5. News from Far Ings NNR 6. News from Lincolnshire Limewoods NNR 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9.. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary ....and finally..... ============================================ The Lincolnshire Naturalists Union Bulletin is being read by 893 people and we are keen to encourage even more readers to subscribe. LNU Wildnews Bulletins are available on: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html Note: Each address contains the relevant date. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union or any associated organisations. Please make contact via the LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ or e-mail wildlifenews@lnu.org, or contact the Editor to join up and contribute articles or reports. [Or cancel!] E-mail: rparsons@enterprise.net ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Readers hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Reports Please *** There has been an encouraging effort to record some Botany. Please keep it up. There are two good opportunities coming up to extend your knowledge of plants, a course and a walk. The "Birders' Insect", the dragonfly, is the focus of Sunday's LNU meeting. Please Keep the reports coming, we do need them. Roger *** Planets line-up *** Heads up for a splendid astronomical line-up. Saturn, Mars and Venus line up on 1st July: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/ataglance/96975144.html *** LNU Events Diary - Please Come Along *** For LNU meetings also see section 11 below and the website: www.lnu.org/events.php Next event: Sunday 27th June Joint meeting with British Dragonfly Society as part of National Dragonfly week Butterwick Common, SW of Scunthorpe. 12.00 for 13.00 start. NEW INFORMATION Park at fishermans car park at SE8476 0630. To reach car park follow track off Chapel Lane in East Butterwick at sharp bend. Habitat: Pond, Marsh, Ditches. Leaders: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Paul Kirby. *** Lincolnshire Badger Group Contact *** Ally Townsend of the Weirfield Wildlife Hospital, writes: If you would like to give people the Lincoln number 01522 530428 a member of staff will record the sighting or RTA. Or use the Weirfield website: http://www.weirfield.co.uk/ where a reporting page can be used to send in reports. *** Wildflower Identification *** Brian Hedley writes: Wildflower Identification Course (free). Part of Trent Vale Landscape Partnership Project. Date: Wed 30th June. Time: 10am to 4pm. Location: British Waterways Trent Port Wetland site, Marton (South of Gainsborough), Grid Ref: SK834 813. Directions: Take Trent Port Road off the main road in Marton and drive to end, take track on left and park either at Pumping station or alongside track/road. To book place on course: contact Gill Wilde at g.wilde@btcv.org.uk Tel: 0115 9313316, mobile 07917 460508. Bring packed lunch/refreshments - all course materials will be provided. We will look at ways to identify wildflowers, give some basic theory behind encouraging and protective native species, and give people lots of time to practice their identification skills - aimed at 'interested amateurs' so no previous knowledge needed. The course is free and all participants will get a certificate. *** Grimsby & Cleethorpes LWT *** Carolyn Lovely writes: On Saturday 3rd July 2010 we invite you to join us on a flower walk on Nettleton Hill from 2pm - 4pm. Length about 2km with a gentle climb. Please meet at the Ramblers Car Park 1 km south of Nettleton village on the Normandby le Wold Road. The walk will take us through new and ancient grasslands, an ancient sand quarry and hilltop pastures with distant views to admire a brilliant display of wild flowers, grasses and, given a sunny day, butterflies. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing. All are welcome. Free event but donations to the Trust will be gratefully received. For further details please contact Mark Tyszka 01469 560678 *** Eager for an Argir on the River Trent? *** Visit: www.environment-agency.gov.uk/static/documents/Leisure/timetable_2-Trent.pdf Gives dates in July through to October. Some 4-star Aegirs in August and September. *** Lincolnshire Bird Club Barn Owl Project *** Andrew Chick writes: We are fortunate in Lincolnshire that we have the most breeding Barn Owls anywhere in the UK and they breed at the highest density in the UK. There are approximately 900 pairs in Lincolnshire. The Lincolnshire Bird Club with the support of Bob Sheppard and Alan Ball have installed a camera in a barn owl nestbox. This camera is in a pole box in the paddock behind a house in a village north of Sleaford. The box has been up for three years but this year is the first time the owls have been successful. To follow the action, please visit http://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk *** Limewoods Soundwalk *** Liz Fleuty writes: Fancy a soundwalk in the woods? Sunday 11th July 6:00pm - 8:30pm (tbc) The Collection; Art and Archaeology (Lincoln) and Lincolnshire Limewoods Project are working together on an international artist's residency project for Chambers Farm Wood near Wragby. This exciting and challenging project has been funded by the Arts Council and the Cultural Olympiad fund. Acclaimed Finnish sound artist, Simo Alitalo, is working at Chambers Farm Wood throughout this year collecting and researching sounds from the forest. The residency has been developed in association with an exhibition scheduled for 2011 called the Charter of the Forest. The residency in 2010 will inform and provide research for a sound commission, which will be installed as part of the Charter of the Forest exhibition on to the museums soundwall. Simo and his work "Once the artefacts from Simo's microphoned hand and radioed eye have blurred away from specific recollection, what remains in mind is the slow rush of sonic detail and aural space that inscribes itself into a physical place as the wake of its movement ripples across the surface of the inner ear." Ed Osborn, sound artist As part of the residency, Simo is planning to lead a sound walk on Sunday 11th July to show the woods as you may have never experienced them before. If you would like to take part, please contact Liz Fleuty on 01522 552384 or by e-mail to liz.fleuty@lincolnshire.gov.uk for further details. Places will be limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and there will be no charge for the event. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Birdnews from FOCALPOINT *** UPDATED DETAILS. Sign up for local and national news for only £15 p.a. with text messaging also available, details of this and other services at www.fpoint.co.uk 21/6/10 LINCS ad Spoonbill. Gibraltar Point NNR, 8.20am on Tennysons Marsh + Spot Redshank, Green Sand. LINCS Serin. Gibraltar Point NNR, mid am then flew W. LINCS Red-necked Phalarope. Frampton Marsh RSPB, 1.15pm from 360 Hide. LINCS Spoonbill. Frampton Marsh RSPB, 2.15pm on N.Scrape. 22/6/10 LINCS Spoonbill. Frampton Marsh RSPB, 1.15pm from 360 Hide + Wood Sand, 7+L.Gull, no sign RnPhal. We are very grateful to FOCALPOINT for allowing us to reproduce Lincolnshire Birdcall reports, and strongly encourage keen birders to sign up to receive these on a regular basis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work. *** Unusual Butterfly - Rutland? *** David Clark writes: could I ask Bulletin readers or butterfly experts a question? We saw a small black butterfly but with a white tip to its wings. I am sure it was not a moth. Despite us having a camera we just couldn't get it to settle for a photograph. I can't find anything like it in my book. Just checked on Google Earth and the section of roadside verge we surveyed for ' Life on the verge' is really borderline but about half is in Rutland completely, the other half is Lincolnshire down one side and Leicestershire down the other! Locally it is known as Thistleton Gap. The last bare fist fight in the country took part there in 1811 and about 20,000 people attended it took place there so the fight could move into a different county should the authorities intervene, but that is history not natural history. THISTLETON GAP. SK899188. David Clarke. 20.6.10 Buzzard 2 Chaffinch 3 Goldfinch 2 Kestrel 1 ( rodent in one talon) Skylark 2 Whitethroat 2 Yellowhammer 3. Butterflies. Brimstone 2 Large White 4 Large Skipper 2. Many Grasshoppers. Flora. Bladder Campion Birds-foot Trefoil Bittersweet Bulbous Buttercup Common Poppy Common Rock-rose Cow Parsley Dog Rose Field Bindweed Garlic Mustard Ground Ivy Hedge Woundwort Herb Robert Horseshoe Vetch Honeysuckle Hoary Plantain Meadow Buttercup Meadow Crane's-bill Red Campion Red Clover Salad Burnet Silverweed White Clover Yarrow. Editor adds: Brilliant to have a substantial bit of botany. Thank you, David. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Please keep your reports coming, We rely on you to send in your observations and We welcome information from all readers, be they beginners or professionals. Thanks. SLEAFORD, MAREHAM LANE [grounds of New Life Centre] Diane Maltby 21/6/10 Juvenile toad on Preschool lawn - estimate 1-2 years old 22/6/10 Common lizard on Preschool playground; also common lizard seen in overgrown front garden of 25 Mareham Lane [we also saw some in the hot spell in June last year] The robins that nested behind the air conditioning units in the preschool grounds again this year are not coming to the bird table for mealworms so often now. Last week they brought 2 fledglings there. SLEAFORD, THE INNINGS Diane Maltby 20/6/10 Adult song thrush feeding 1 chick in garden 21/6/10 1 juvenile song thrush found dead on conservatory steps - appeared to have flown into the window. However there appear to be other young around as an adult is still taking food. 22/6/10 I have noticed that a small frog has taken up residence in one of the grow bags in the greenhouse - it comes out every time I water the tomatoes! Today I spotted another one - I didn't get a close look at first & assumed it was another frog but from the shape of the nose I'm fairly sure it's a little toad. If so, it will be the first one I've seen in the garden. 25/6/10 Noticed a juvenile robin in the garden. We are getting many house sparrows - including some young - and starlings on our fat ball feeders - we can hardly keep pace with their appetites! WILDMORE FEN TF216534 A & R Parsons w/e 25/6/10 Huge populationm of midges/mosquitos this year. Never know anything like it. The noise is amazing. Barn owl hunting in area. 26/6/10 Cuckoo still calling 5.15am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Lincolnshire Coast NNRs including RSPB Wash Reserves See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/birds/index.php http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/lwt/seals/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIBRALTAR POINT N.N.R. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/gib/index.php Katherine Bocock 20/06/2010 Black tailed Godwit Green Sandpiper Little Gull Sparrowhawk Spoonbill 21/06/2010 Marsh Harrier 2 Serin 1 Spoonbill 1 23/06/2010 Avocet Black-tailed Godwit Common Tern Cuckoo Green Sandpiper Little Egret Little Ringed Plover Little Tern Turtle Dove SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE NNR. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/nr/reserve.php?mapref=41 John Walker w/e 26/6/10 Flowers include: lady's bedstraw, marsh bedstraw, fairy flax, restharrow, common centuary pyramidal orchid, Birds foot trefoil, yellow rattle, marsh buttercup, skullcap, vipers bugloss, bugle, marsh bedstraw. Butterflies includ: common blue, small heath, large skipper, meadow brown, small copper, Speckled wood, wall brown, green hairstreak. Dragons and damsels: Four spotted chaser, broad bodied chaser, emperor, ruddy darter, common darter. Azure blue damsel, large red damsel, blue tail damsel, emerald green damsel. Froglets and toadlets emerged this week. 2 mink trapped and humanely culled, locally this week. RSPB WASH Reserves - Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/index.asp http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/index.asp RSPB Lincs Wash Reserves sightings May 2010 RSPB Frampton Marsh John Badley The undoubted highlight was Lincolnshire’s first Oriental Pratincole from 9th - 19th. The bird generally performed very well on and around the scrapes and was seen by over 5,000 visitors during its 11 day stay. There was a great supporting cast with up to 3 Temminck’s Stints (from 13th - 28th), 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 3 wood sandpipers, 6 Garganey, 11 Little Gulls, Honey Buzzard and Red Kite (16th). On 26th both Black Tern and Little Stint put in an appearance and on 29th a pair of Black- winged Stilts were in front of the Visitor Centre for an hour. RSPB Freiston Shore A Curlew Sandpiper was seen on 3rd, then a single drake Garganey showed very well from 4th - 14th. From 14th - 16th up to 3 Little Gulls were present, also on 16th there was a good count of 600 Grey Plover. A Spotted Flycatcher was by the hide on 15th – 16th. Finally two Little Stints were on the reservoir on 22nd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. News from Far Ings NNR http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/far_ings/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAR INGS NNR Week ending 26.06.10 BIRDS Max. Numbers = avocet 6 bearded tit 5 bittern blackbird 20 blackcap 2 black headed gull 300 blue tit 10 bullfinch 2 carrion crow 2 Cetti's warbler chaffinch 15 chiffchaff 2 collared dove 2 common gull 30+ common tern 6 coot 80+ cormorant 4 cuckoo dunnock 4 gadwall 4 goldfinch 3 GBB gull 4 GC grebe 6 great tit 6 greenfinch 2 grey heron 3 greylag goose 200+ herring gull 10 house martin 10 house sparrow 7 jackdaw 2 lapwing 15 LBB gull 10 lesser whitethroat 2 linnet 2 little grebe 2 long tailed tit 5 magpie 4 mallard 20 marsh harrier M +1F mistle thrush moorhen 20 mute swan 8 oystercatcher 4 pheasant pied wagtail 4 pochard 12 reed warbler 20+ reed bunting 8 robin 10 sand martin 6 sedge warbler 8 shelduck 17 shoveler 2 skylark song thrush 2 sparrowhawk starling 60 swallow 23 swift 80+ tree sparrow 2 tufted duck 15 turtle dove water rail 4 whitethroat 14 willow tit 2 willow warbler 6 wood pigeon 6 wren 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. News from Bardney Limewoods NNR http://microsites.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Limewoods/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reports from the following locations will now be posted here to give an overview of Limewoods ecology. The NNR includes the following sites: Chambers Farm Wood (please detail specfic area when reporting e.g. Ivy Wood, Little Scrubbs Meadow etc); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood, Wickenby Wood Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridleway only) Adrian Royle's website for photos of species from the Limewoods. http://www.flickr.com/photos/adiroyle/sets/72157616635241942/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire using modern Information and Communication Technology. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. In return for this FREE service, we ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome - you don't have to stick to lists! Mailing times vary, depending on what I am doing. The Bulletin usually goes out on Saturdays. Please e-mail in your contributions as early as possible to ensure they are included, to: rparsons@enterprise.net [A backup e-mail address you can use if ever you experience problems with my "Enterprise" address is: aintree2@yahoo.co.uk] When sending in reports please follow this layout to save editing: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please let me know ASAP if any of these weblinks fail! *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given here. http://www.lnu.org/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org If you are not yet a member, the LNU needs good naturalists like you! Anyone interested can get membership application forms via Tori Sandilands at the Lincs Wildlife Trust Horncastle office, e-mail vsandilands@lincstrust.co.uk LNU publications [listed on LNU website] may be ordered via: csmith668@btinternet.com *** Contacts List *** PC Nigel LOUND Wildlife Crime Officer - Community Safety Police HQ Deepdale Lane Nettleham Lincs LN57PH Tel 01522 558684 e-mail: nigel.lound@lincs.pnn.police.uk or Nige LOUND Wildlife Crime Officer County Police Station Sea Lane Ingoldmells Lincs PE24 44XX Tel: 01522 558684 e-mail: nigelound@btinternet.com *** Lincs Amphibian and Reptile Group *** The Lincolnshire ARG (Amphibian & Reptile Group) For further details please contact ashleybutterfield@btinternet.com tel.07984 66 5847 *** The Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone Grassland Project *** aka Life on the Verge! Mark Schofield writes: We need as many volunteers as possible this summer to help us survey roadside verges in your area. You will not need previous experience as wild flower ID booklets and training will be provided. Dates for free wild flower identification field days at local wildlife reserves are as follows: Grimsthorpe Estate Conference Centre and SSSI areas on Estate Grounds Wednesday 19th May ~ 10.00am to 1.00pm. Sunday 20th June ~ 10.00am to 1.00pm. Sunday 4th July ~ 10.00am to 1.00pm. Rutland Water Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre Followed by a field trip to Bloody Oaks Quarry Nature Reserve and nearby roadside verges Sunday 23rd May ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Friday 4th June ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Saturday 19th June ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Ancaster Village Hall and Ancaster Valley SSSI Saturday 15th May ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Saturday 29th May ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Saturday 5th June ~ 10.00am to 2.00pm. Saturday 12th June ~ 10.00am to 2.30pm. (advanced) Joining instructions are downloadable from http://www.lifeontheverge.org.uk/documents/LOTV_Training_Day_Joining_Instructions.pdf or available on request. To reserve your place and to take part in the surveys contact: Mark Schofield, Limestone Grassland Project Officer, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Banovallum House, Manor House Street, Horncastle, LN9 5HF, mschofield@lincstrust.co.uk, Mobile: 07825970930, Switchboard: 01507 526667. *** Local Bat Helpline *** Gounded bats, bat problems, advice and information? Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: A.Faulkner@care4free.net *** Bat Recorder *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: A.Faulkner@care4free.net *** Butterfly Conservation Recorder *** Allan Binding asks contributors of butterfly records to the Bulletin to include their address or contact telephone or e-mail address and Grid Reference if possible. e-mail: allan.binding@ntlworld.com See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/bfly/index.php *** Butterfly Conservation Lincolnshire link *** BC Lincolnshire Branch website. http://www.lincolnshire-butterflies.org.uk/index.html *** LNU Bees and Wasps Recorder *** Dr Michael Archer 17 Elmfield Terrace, Malton Road, York YO31 1EH. [Willing to check or identify any aculeate wasp or bee specimen. Such a specimen usually has to be relaxed and mounted on a pin before it can be examined. If more than a few specimens are sent in, they must be mounted.] *** OTTERS *** Readers are reminded that all dead Otters should be reported to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060. Mammal records can reported to chris@lincsdeer.info Mink reports also of interest and can be sent via the Bulletin. *** New Met Office Service *** The Met Office website now offers an email notification service for severe weather and other matters which may interest readers. Worth having a look and signing up. Be warned of the possibility of severe weather. See: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/2009/pr20090727.html *** LNU Moths Gallery *** There is now a moth page on the LNU Website, to promote the recording of moths across the county. http://www.lnu.org/ Also see: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/hawkmoths/index.php *** LNU Plant Galls Recorder *** Graeme Clayton 2 The Dene Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2LS g.clayton@ntlworld.com Willing to check or identify any plant gall material. Recording forms www.british-galls.org.uk *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. You can telephone him on: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Lincolnshire Badger Group Update *** Ally Townsend of the Weirfield Wildlife Hospital, writes: If you would like to give people the Lincoln number 01522 530428 a member of staff will record the sighting or RTA. Or use the Weirfield website: http://www.weirfield.co.uk/ where a reporting page can be used to send in reports. *** Bird Club Recorder *** LBC County Bird Recorder Steve Keightley: steve.keightley@btinternet.com *** Other Useful Websites *** Key links are now being posted on the LNU website. http://www.lnu.org/ This should save space in the Bulletin, Check it out. Suggestions for other useful Websites are welcome. Natural England http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ Still includes SSSI Information and "Nature on the Map" Lincolnshire Environmental Awards http://www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ Lincs. Wildlife Trust Website http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ Useful emergency numbers for wildlife crises. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/factsheets/ Lincs Environmental Records Centre The Lincolnshire Biodiversity Partnership (of which LERC is a part) Contact: Charlie Barnes, cbarnes@lincstrust.co.uk or for more general queries: info@lincsbiodiversity.org.uk Tornado and Storm Research Organisation www.torro.org.uk Contact Ian Loxley on colarain@tiscali.co.uk RSPB Contact Details RSPB Website: www.rspb.org.uk www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh John Badley, Site Manager for RSPB Lincolnshire Wash reserves e-mail: freistonshore@rspb.org.uk South Lincs RSPB Local group's website address: http://www.southlincsrspb.org.uk/ *** Wash Birdwatching Cruises from the South Lincs. R.S.P.B. *** Jeremy Eyeons,South Lincs RSPB press officer writes: It's not to late to book your summer birdwatching cruise on the "Boston Belle" into the Wash and down the River Welland. These popular cruises are suitable for all age groups especially families. The cruises are managed by the South Lincs RSPB group and provide you with a unique opportunity to get close up to many of the ducks, geese, wading birds and raptors that are resident on the wash or are just passing through on migration. A local birdwatching 'expert' will be on hand to point out the birds and to answer your questions. The cruise departs from Boston Marina and the boat is well equipped with seating inside and out, hot and cold refreshments are available. Recent cruises have spotted between 40 and 60 different species of bird from the boat including marsh harrier, turtle dove, hobby, peregrine, black and bar tailed godwits, sandpipers, turnstones, eider, various terns, gannet, kingfishers and many more - not to mention the common seals! For more information about the cruises and to make a booking please call 07531 495521 or visit www.southlincsrspb.org.uk. Sub Regional Country Park North Kesteven District Council Contact: Project Officer, Luisa McIntosh Sub Regional Country Park North Kesteven District Council Tel: 01529 414155 ext 2469 Direct Line: 01529 308069 www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/subregionalcountrypark Bardney Limewoods www.limewoods.co.uk [New URL] limewoods@lincolnshire.gov.uk Bird of Prey Photography Days Lewis Phillips the photographer says: I am running local Bird of Prey Days again. All the info is on my new website at www.wildshots.org.uk Harlequin Ladybird Survey To report your sightings: www.harlequin-survey.org/ Sir Joseph Banks The Sir Joseph Banks Society is based at the Sir Joseph Banks Centre in Horncastle and a programme of events has been arranged for both members and non-members. New members to the Society are always welcome. Contact 01507 528223 or by email: enquiries@joseph-banks.org.uk. Latest newsletter and related articles are available on: www.joseph-banks.org.uk Trent Aegirs Don't forget that the bore often comes up to half an hour before the expected time. www.environment-agency.gov.uk and go to Midlands link or search for 'Trent Aegir'. or try: www.environment-agency.gov.uk/static/documents/Leisure/timetable_2-Trent.pdf EasyTide Check tide times on Admiralty EasyTide: http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx Check the weather forecast for the location or postcode: http://www.theweatheroutlook.com/ *** Other Useful E-mail Addresses *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union: info@lnu.org Gibraltar Point: gibpoint@lincstrust.co.uk Far Ings: farings@lincstrust.co.uk Whisby Nature Park: whisbynp@lincstrust.co.uk NEW Syke's Farm: lwt@sykesfarm.org.uk Lincs. Trust HQ: The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust main e-mail address: info@lincstrust.co.uk Lincolnshire FWAG: lincoln@fwag.org.uk Chambers Farm Wood NEW contact - Mary Porter Mary.porter@forestry.gsi.gov.uk Lincolnshire Bird Club Secretary - Janet Eastmead: janet.eastmead@talktalk.net Membership Secretary - Mike Harrison: michael@michaelharrison1.wanadoo.co.uk If you would like your e-mail listed here, please let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in certain cases they are impossible to verify. If further information is needed on locations or reporters, or if you wish to question/confirm any of these records, contact: rparsons@enterprise.net Bulletins are sent to Biological Recorders at the Lincs. Wildlife Trust, Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen and identified in flower.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will not be giving precise details of the location of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. We ask that you respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report to national networks. Make a point of explaining site sensitivity and any restrictions on access. An interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly/thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see www.lnu.org/events.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indoor Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Whisby Education Centre, Whisby Nature Park, Moor Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln and start at 2pm. Sunday 18th July Willow Tree Fen, between Bourne and Spalding. New LWT Reserve. Proposed Fenland recreation site. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Reserve located off the minor road between Pode Hole and Tongue End. Lots of parking at TF17438 22377 - access at TF18189 21280 (off the road near Bank House Farm). Habitats: Farmland, ditches, River Glen. Leader: Richard Chadd 07990 564519 richard.chadd@environment-agency.gov.uk Sunday 8th August. To be Confirmed. Thorpe Culvert area Nr Wainfleet 12.00 for 13.00 start. See LNU website for details. Habitats: Pasture, Marsh, Pond, River Leader: Chris Manning 07752 353303 chris@lincsdeer.info Sunday 12th September Sailors Home area, Wrangle, NE of Boston 12.00 for 13.00 start. Take Sea Lane off of A52 south of Wrangle and follow towards coast. Park on minor road verge at approx TF444 492. Take care to avoid blocking field entrances. Habitats: Saltmarsh, rough grassland and ditches. Leaders: Brian Hedley 07989 665794 brian_hedley@hotmail.com and Paul Kirby. Sunday 10th October Hopland’s Wood and Willoughby Branch Line, South of Alford. Both LWT Reserves. Fungus Foray 12.00 for 13.00 start. Hopland’s Wood site first. This wood is found on the Willoughby-Claxby road, about 4 km (2.5 miles) south of Alford and 1 km (0.6 miles) west of the B1196 road. Park on verge at TF459 718. Willoughby Branch Line located at TF474 736. Habitats: Mixed Woodland, grassland, scrub, disused railway. Leader: Ray Halstead 07772 613640 ray.halstead@tiscali.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails This Week *** If you hear of anyone bemoaning the lack of a Bulletin, please refer them to the Bulletin Portal where they will find a copy. http://rogerparsons.info/bulletinportal.html I have changed my Broadband service to "3". A lot of delivery problems seem to have come from using T-mobile's 3G. Recent mailfails: slapheadfb kateyp horiatis ae359 If you recognise any failed address, please ask them to contact me with a new address if they wish to continue to receive the Bulletin. Thanks. *** Boosting Bulletin Readership *** At present we have just under 900 readers. I would love to get it up to the 1000 point. If you know anyone who might enjoy receiving it, please tell them about it. They can sign up via: http://www.lnu.org/wildnews.php ---------- ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons http://rogerparsons.info/