============================================ || || The Lincolnshire Wildlife News Bulletin || *** 22nd March 2009 *** || || LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ || || "News of Lincolnshire's Wildlife" || ============================================ In this issue..... 1. Readers hints, tips and requests 2. Wildlife Highlights 3. Wildlife reports from around the county 4. News from the Lincolnshire Coast NNRs 5. News from Far Ings NNR 6. News from Lincolnshire Limewoods NNR 7. Sending in Reports - contributors please read! 8. Contact information 9.. Notes about these wildlife reports 10. Bulletin publicity policy 11. Events Diary ....and finally..... ============================================ The Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Bulletin now goes to 870 addresses each week and we are keen to encourage even more readers to subscribe. Note: Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union or any associated organisations. Please make contact via the LNU Website: http://www.lnu.org/ or e-mail wildlifenews@lnu.org, or contact the Editor to join up and contribute articles or reports. [Or cancel!] E-mail: rparsons@enterprise.net ============================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Readers hints, tips and requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Problems Opening the Web-based Bulletin? *** It has been suggested that by naming files with the .txt extension it could be easier for everyone to open them. Two readers had problems with last week's Bulletin. I have renamed all the Web-hosted Bulletins as follows: http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009mar01.txt http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009mar08.txt http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009mar15.txt http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009mar22.txt also http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009feb15.txt http://rogerparsons.info/bulletin2009feb22.txt Please let me know if you have trouble with opening these. Thanks. Roger *** LNU Meetings *** For 2009 LNU Field meetings also see section 12 below or visit www.lnu.org/events.php *** Roger Goy's Funeral *** Friends of Roger Goy may already know that his funeral is being held on Fri 27th of this month at Lincoln Crematorium at 2:30pm. It will be a civil service, with a get together in the Queen in the West in Lincoln afterwards. (Around 4pm) *** Don't forget the Year! *** Don't forget to give your records a full date, including the year. Time flies, and the sequence of records can become confused if the date is not correctly given at the time of reporting. Full Names of recorders too, please. Saves me typing it in from the email. Thanks. Roger *** ‘Orrible Eggers! *** Spring is the season when the ‘Orrible Eggers start to look for nests they can rob. It is our responsibility to obstruct them in their twisted and unlawful hobby. Please help by being careful what you report with regard to the rarer breeding birds. It would be awful if a simple report helped one of these felons to raid a nest. There is a good chance that an ‘Orrible Egger or two subscribes to the Bulletin for that very reason. Please, if you are in ANY doubt as to the wisdom of sending in a report, send it instead to the LBC recorder, Steve Keightley on: steve.keightley@btinternet.com The same caveat applies to rare plants, perhaps a lesser risk, but it can be dealt with by sending your report to the appropriate LNU recorder if you feel there is a real danger from plant collectors. *** Swan Census *** Anne Goodall writes: Still some results to come, but with most returns in, the main difference noted in the spring (March 15th) swan census from the midwinter count (December 14th) was the break-up of families. In mid-winter, many pairs still had last year’s cygnets with them, but as the males turn territorial, most of the young have been sent packing to join the non-breeding herds. Numbers of the latter have therefore swollen, with most still spending their time out on the fields, at least by day. It appears that, in round terms we have about 50 pairs in the Lincoln area, though not all of these will breed, and around 200 non-breeders, mainly in herds though a few in smaller parties. For the next three months attention turns to following the breeders. If you see a pair, anywhere in the Lincoln area, please let me know where, with a grid reference if possible; please don’t assume that somebody else is bound to have seen them! If you watch or regularly see a pair, we urgently want locations of nests, and any information you note on whether or not they lay eggs, and how many cygnets they hatch. NB: don’t assume a sitting bird is on eggs, this isn’t always so. Don’t disturb a sitting bird of course, but if you do notice one leave the nest, and are close enough to see, please check whether there actually are eggs, and let me know, on anne.goodall@esl-lincoln.co.uk Many thanks, in advance, for any news or help. *** Big Switch Off *** Marion Ellis sent in the following: WWF (the World Wildlife Fund for Nature) wants one billion people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour on 28th March at 8.30pm, for WWF's Earth Hour. Sign up to show the world's leaders you care, and want them to take action to tackle climate change. For more information: www.wwf.org.uk/earthhour. Please forward this information to anyone you think will be ready to join in. 8.30pm will obviously differ for people in different time zones. *** Lincolnshire Environmental Awards *** The annual Lincolnshire Environmental Awards are with us once again, and applications are invited from anyone with an environmental project that might qualify. There have been some excellent applicants over the years, and both winners and runners-up benefit from the publicity of this scheme. The deadline for entries is 30 April 2009. See the website for details of categories and some useful background information for applicants: http://lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ *** Lincolnshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation *** Lesley Robinson writes: Spring Indoor Meeting: On Saturday 4th April 2009 at 2.00pm “The Mothing Calendar” Speaker: John Clifton from Anglian Lepidoptera (John will be bringing along some sales items) It will be held in the Education Centre of Chambers Farm Wood, Wragby, near Lincoln. TF148738 *** Barton LWT Area Group Meetings *** Vov Rowett writes: Barton group of the Lincs Wildlife Trust: Sunday 22nd March 2009 9am Field trip: Alkborough Leader-Adrian White (Contact John 01469 588114) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Wildlife Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Birdnews from FOCALPOINT *** UPDATED DETAILS. Sign up for local and national news for only £15 p.a. with text messaging also available, details of this and other services at www.fpoint.co.uk 15/3/09 LINCS POSS juv White-tailed Eagle. Marton, 12.30pm RPTD high SW over R.Trent. 17/3/09 LINCS 20 Waxwing. 4ml NE of Gainsborough, 7.50am by A159 at N.end of Blyton by 'Don Clixby' sign. 20/03/09 LINCS ad Rough-legged Buzzard. 5ml S.of Louth, 2pm S.of Farforth at S.end of valley TF315771. LINCS Little Egret. Deeping Lakes, 9.40am. Red Kite over fld nr Deeping Recycling site. We are very grateful to FOCALPOINT for allowing us to reproduce Lincolnshire Birdcall reports, and strongly encourage keen birders to sign up to receive these on a regular basis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Wildlife news from around the county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The Roger Goy Column *** Remembering Roger Goy's wildlife information work. [I have selected the following contributions for Roger's column this week. I think you will see why.] Near SCAMPTON Bob Telford 13.3.09 A pair of courting Kestrels, the female perched atop a young tree on with the male executing a wide, sweeping glide above fields on the opposite side of the road. Each time I anticipated him going into a hover he gave a brief flick of his wings and continued on the circuit. As something out of the ordinary was obviously in progress I turned my car round and went back to see what initially appeared to be two birds fighting in the tree top, but which turned out to be copulation in progress and requiring a lot of wing beating to maintain balance. Then the male broke off to execute another wide, showy sweep with the female looking on. Jerry Gunner writes on 21/3/09: The spring-like weather has brought some interesting sightings. On Thursday by beck running between Wasp's nest and Potterhanworth I had a lovely view of a pair of grey wagtails. So bright in their spring plumage they looked fresh from the paint-shop. A minute or two later I saw a train of three hares running around nose to tail, completely oblivious to anything else. The next day provided the highlight of the week when in the wood between Nocton and Wasp's Nest I saw and heard my first Chiff-chaff of the year - pure bliss! Lots of the big yellow buttrflies, tortoise-shells and peacocks. On the floor of the woods tiny violets and the leaves of wild garlic. *** County Wildlife Reports From Readers *** Please keep your reports coming, We rely on you to send in your observations and We welcome information from all readers, be they beginners or professionals. Thanks. ARNOLD’S MEADOW Arnolds Meadow N R Spalding 15-03-2009 K J Seaton 1st butterflies seen Brimstone Small Tortoiseshell BOSTON Michael Todd 13th March 2009 Garden pond Boston 10th march frogs still present but no spawn yet smooth newts egg laying on weed BOSTON 15/03/2009 Roy and Kath Pearson First Brimstone and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies of the year seen in the garden today. BRACEBY TF015353 This week squashed toads have begun appearing on the one narrow road through our village. It happens every year, yet we get very little traffic, and don't see live toads moving about. CARLTON LE MOORLAND Jeremy Hutchinson Carlton le Moorland. Sunday 15th March 2009 - first frog spawn in pond, a week earlier than usual, surprisingly. No sign yet of the annual toad migration to the reservoir near Scotwater Bridge at Norton Disney however. Weasel road casualty nearby 15th March 2009, plus Little Owl visiting nearby farm buildings, which is unusual. CASTLE BYTHAM. R.N.R. FROM SK995175 TO SK998169. David Clarke. 17/03/2009. Chaffinch 4 Kestrel 1 Long Tailed Tit 3 Robin 2 Skylark 3 Yellowhammer 2. Flowers. Dog Violet. Lesser Celandine. COVENHAM RESERVOIR Malcolm Johnson Covenham Reservoir 17th March 2009 13.00 to 14.30 Cormorant 3 Goldeneye 3 Goosanders 7 Great Crested Grebes 17 Common Gulls 20+ Little Grebe 3 Mallards 30+ Redshanks 4 Tufted Ducks 40+ FREISTON SHORE Michael Todd 14th March 2009 Freiston Shore Nature Reserve 14th March up to 20 frogs, spawn present HARTSHOLME Park, Lincoln Malcolm Johnson 19th March 2009 11.30 to 13.30 Canada Geese 20+ Chaffinch 4 Egyptian Goose 1 Dunnock 2 Greylags 30+ Great Crested Grebe 1 Heron 2 Kingfisher 1 Red Crested Pochard 2 (M + F) Robin 3 Tufted Ducks 20+ HOLBEACH RANGE (Dusk) R & K Heath 16/03/09 1 Barn Owl 3 Hen Harriers. 1Gr & 2 BR 3 Marsh Harriers 1 Kestrel 3 Little Egrets flying to roost. Only 3. Amazing how one takes them for granted now! KATE'S BRIDGE, 20TH MARCH 2009 Roy Goff Chiffchaff singing in the garden this afternoon, first I have heard this year. Singles of small tortoiseshell and peacock butterflies yesterday. Also an unusual amount of queen bumble bees about this year, I counted 13 sat on my garage wall basking in the sunshine on Wednesday, mostly buff tailed but at least one red tailed variety. Adult great diving beetle in the pond tonight and an adult reed bunting feeding on the seed feeders yesterday which is a garden first. Skylarks in full song and a meadow pipit flew over garden at the same time. Two pairs of buzzards sounding each other out yesterday and a red kite flying over the chicken run today. 19 Bee orchids coming up in the lawn the largest count so far. KIRKBY MOOR LWT RESERVE TF222 621 Brian Hedley 15 March 2009 Adder 2 Grass Snake 1 Common Lizard 2 Siskin 30 Lesser Redpoll 3 Treecreeper 1 Gadwall 2 pair Tufted Duck 1 pair Lots of 7-spot ladybirds and bumblebees. MARTON SK 843 821 Brian Hedley 20 March 2009 Moth-trapping overnight in garden produced: Oak Beauty 1 Clouded Drab 3 Hebrew Character 3 Common Quaker 1 Early Grey 1 Quite surprising considering the frost overnight! MORKERY WOOD. 20TH MARCH 2009 ROY GOFF Moth trapping from 6.30 - 11.00pm oak beauty pine beauty engrailed dotted border common quaker small quaker twin spot quaker clouded drab lead coloured drab hebrew character chestnut satellite yellow horned early grey red chestnut Also tawny owls heard and a single woodcock seen patrolling above the trees. PINCHBECK K.Heath 15/03/09 Brimstone butterfly in the garden SPALDING Vernatts Local Nature Reserve Michael Todd 13th March 2009 2 grassnakes 5 toads STICKNEY Stickney Michael Todd 15th March 2009 100+ fieldfares on grass field lapwings displaying barn owl seen hunting along Catchwater drain. SUDBROOK Sudbrooke TF0429 7659 Ian Dunn 16/03/09 Unidentified bat flying around stable yard 17/03/09 Woodpecker drumming in the woods of Sudbrooke Park 6.30am 18/03 & 19/03 Green woodpecker yaffling both in the morning and evening of the 18th, and in the evening of the 19th 20/03/09 Lovely start to the day when a barn owl lifted off from the hedge bottom and flew alongside the car for a hundred metres or so before turning off over the fields. This was on the road between Dunholme and Scothern at 6.30am, and in a spot where I had seen probably the same owl one evening last week on the ground on the bank of the dyke. That makes 5 days this month that I have seen a barn owl at one of 2 locations, the other being in the paddocks at Sudbrooke Park. TATTERSHALL CASTLE TF211 575 Brian Hedley 15 March 2009 (a lovely spring day) Small White 1 (my earliest ever sighting) Peacock 1 Brimstone 2 males THE WASH Geof Lee Boat trip from Wisbech to the Old Lynn Channel in the Wash Sunday, 15th March, 2009. Highlights. Guillemot - 2 Great crested grebe - 2 Eider - 6 Sheld duck - 100+ Little egret - 1 Heron - 2 Brent goose - 45 Today was migration day. All day long large flocks of waders flew over us heading north. I have only once before observed this. They are high up and each flock is about 10 minutes ahead of the next. The ones I identified were godwits, knot, golden plover, ruff and possibly dunlin. There were several flocks of each type. A wonderful spectacle. WRANGLE COMMON 16/03/2009 Roy and Kath Pearson Today we did a count for BirdTrack and produced one of the best results for some time. Birds recorded were:- Barnacle Goose 1 (First record) Blue Tit 2 Chaffinch 8 Coot 4 Curlew 1 (Well down from the winter counts) Goldcrest 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 (Both wearing rings) Green Sandpiper 1 Grey Partridge 2 House Sparrow 1 Jackdaw 10 Kestrel 1 Magpie 2 Moorhen 2 Pheasant 5 Robin 4 Skylark 1 Sparowhawk 2 Tree Sparrow 8 (This species is making a strong comeback) Woodpigeon c50 Blackbird 8 Canada Goose 25 Collared Dove 1 Cormorant 1 Dunnock 2 Goldfinch 4 Great Tit 2 Greenfinch 4 (Much reduced in numbers) Greylag Goose 2 Jack Snipe 1 (Second year this species has been recorded) Jay 1 Long-tailed Tit 2 (The winter flocks seem to have broken up, both here and in my garden) Mallard 12 Mute Swan 2 Redwing 2 Siskin 2 (Feeding in Alders) Snipe 1 Tawny Owl 1 Woodcock 1 Wren 2 WILDMORE FEN - TF 216534 R & A Parsons 14/3/09 Green Shield bug on cottage wall - but not Palomena prasina, as it seemed to have diagonal purple stripes/blocks on wing covers, though descriptions do say that P. prastina may have stippled markings in Spring. The nearest image I could find is the Hawthorn Shield Bug. See: http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/files/3/4/sb_176269.jpg 15/3/09 Single Bat hunting 6pm. Echolocating @ 55KHz. Pipistrelle-like, as far as I could tell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Lincolnshire Coast NNRs including RSPB Wash Reserves See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/birds/index.php http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/lwt/seals/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIBRALTAR POINT N.N.R. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/gib/index.php Katherine Bocock 18/03/2009 Chiffchaff 2 Corn Bunting 34 Crossbill 3 Merlin 1 Redpoll 3 Woodcock 1 19/03/2009 Barn Owl 1 Crossbill 1 Fieldfare 3 Goldcrest 2 Tree Sparrow 1 20/03/2009 Barn Owl 1 Blackcap 3 Chiffchaff 2 Goldcrest 1 Grey Partridge 2 Redwing 2 Short-eared Owl 1 Starling 7000 SALTFLEETBY THEDDLETHORPE NNR. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/nr/reserve.php?mapref=41 John Walker No report this week. RSPB WASH Reserves - Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh/index.asp http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore/index.asp Paul French Feb 2009 sightings Freiston Shore A 2nd winter glaucous gull that flew south along the shoreline on 25th was the first for the reserve. A red-throated diver was present briefly offshore on 28th, as was a shag. Up to 25 scaup were offshore intermittently all month. Geese were well represented, with 2 European white-fronted geese on the lagoon on 12th, a black brant with the brents on the prison fields on 9th and at least one pale-bellied brent with the brents all month. Two pink-footed geese also remained all month, probably due to shooting injuries. Hen harrier, peregrine and merlin were all regular. A spotted redshank put in three brief appearances mid- month. Frampton Marsh The six European white-fronted geese remained on the wet grassland all month. The locally wintering green sandpiper was seen again on 28th. At least three hen harriers, a marsh harrier, four peregrines and three merlins were in the area all month. Up to 117 twite were present on 4th, with 100 also seen on 19th. A Lapland bunting flew over on 2nd. Two stonechats set up a territory briefly mid-month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. News from Far Ings NNR http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/far_ings/index.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAR INGS NNR Week ending 20.3.09 BIRDS Max. Numbers = bittern 2 blackbird 50+ black headed gull 50+ blue tit 14 bullfinch 2 canada goose 4 carrion crow 4 Cetti's warbler chaffinch 14 chiffchaff collared dove 2 common gull 6 coot 120+ cormorant 5 curlew 23 dunlin 20 dunnock 5 gadwall 4 goldeneye 2M goldfinch 10 GBB gull GC grebe 4 G S woodpecker 2 great tit 8 greenfinch 8 grey heron 2 greylag goose 120+ herring gull house sparrow 9 little grebe 5 long tailed tit 4 magpie 10 mallard 40+ marsh harrier M+2F meadow pipit 2 mistle thrush moorhen 30+ mute swan 4 oystercatcher 2 pheasant 2 pied wagtail pintail 4 pochard 12 redshank 6 reed bunting 5 robin 10 ross's goose shelduck 30+ shoveler 80 (Ness Pit) snipe 12 song thrush sparrowhawk starling 15 teal 15 tree sparrow 2 tufted duck 30+ water rail 4 wigeon 4 willow tit 4 wood pigeon 20 wren 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. News from Bardney Limewoods NNR http://microsites.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Limewoods/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reports from the following locations will now be posted here to give an overview of Limewoods ecology. The NNR includes the following sites: Chambers Farm Wood (please detail specfic area when reporting e.g. Ivy Wood, Little Scrubbs Meadow etc); College Wood, Cocklode & Great West Woods, Hardy Gang Wood, Newball Wood, Scotgrove Wood, Southrey Wood, Wickenby Wood Other woods included in the NNR but without public access: Stainfield Wood; Stainton & Fulnetby Woods (access by public bridleway only) CHAMBERS FARM WOOD Mary Porter 20/03/09 Round and about this week... Siskin Redpoll Usual great,blue,long tailed, coal tits Tree sparrows Goldfinches Chaffinches 3 buzzards overhead Great spotted woodpeckers drumming Tortoiseshell and brimstone butterflies Grass snakes Palmate newts Common newts Toads CHAMBERS FARM WOOD Adrian Royle 15.3.9 Brimstone 8, 5 in Minting Wood area, others in Ivy Wood area. Comma 12, again Minting and Ivy Wood areas. Grass Snakes 7 - 5 near Ivy Wood /Log Pile, 1 near the main car park triangle, 1 near to Little Scrubbs Meadow. Many regular sites show signs of major disturbance due to winter management work. Common Lizard 1 - pregnant female at the Ivy Wood Log Pile. Common Toads - a few at the Brickpit, no spawn yet. CHAMBERS FARM WOOD TF158743. David Clarke. 15/03/2009. Blackbird. 7 Blue Tit 18 Chaffinch 21 Coal Tit 8 Dunnock 2 Greenfinch 2 Goldfinch 8 Great Tit 17 Long Tailed Tit 6 Pheasant 4 Robin 12 Tawny Owl ( calling) 2 Tree Sparrow 12 Green Woodpecker 1 Wren 5. Butterflies. Brimstone 10 Comma 13 Peacock 1. Flowers. Coltsfoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Sending in reports to Roger Parsons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of the Bulletin is to encourage biological recording in Lincolnshire using modern Information and Communication Technology. We hope to increase the number of people reporting observations to LNU Recorders and improve the quality of reports, as well as the quantity and the geographical coverage. In return for this FREE service, we ask you to provide reports, questions, news or relevant articles from time to time. Descriptive pieces are welcome - you don't have to stick to lists! Mailing times vary, depending on what I am doing. The Bulletin usually goes out on Sundays. Please e-mail in your contributions as early as possible to ensure they are included, to: rparsons@enterprise.net [A backup e-mail address you can use if ever you experience problems with my "Enterprise" address is: aintree2@yahoo.co.uk ] When sending in reports please follow this layout to save reediting: Place Name: IN CAPITALS with Grid Reference if you have it. Your Name: Real names please, not aliases. Put it in each time, for each location Date: Species list [Alphabetical?] & numbers [and observations?] e.g. Blackbird - 24 [And please, no home-grown abbreviations. Names in full.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Contact Information & Useful Websites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please let me know ASAP if any of these weblinks fail! *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union Website *** A full list of LNU Country Recorders is given here. http://www.lnu.org/ LNU e-mail: info@lnu.org If you are not yet a member, the LNU needs good naturalists like you! Anyone interested can get membership application forms via Tori Sandilands at the Lincs Wildlife Trust Horncastle office, e-mail vsandilands@lincstrust.co.uk LNU publications [listed on LNU website] may be ordered via: csmith@countrywidefarmers.co.uk *** Contacts List *** PC Nigel LOUND Wildlife Crime Officer - Community Safety Police HQ Deepdale Lane Nettleham Lincs LN57PH Tel 01522 558684 e-mail: nigel.lound@lincs.pnn.police.uk or Nige LOUND Wildlife Crime Officer County Police Station Sea Lane Ingoldmells Lincs PE24 44XX Tel: 01522 558684 *** Local Bat Helpline *** Gounded bats, bat problems, advice and information? Contact Annette and Colin Faulkner on 01775 766286 or e-mail: A.Faulkner@care4free.net *** Bat Recorder *** You may send confidential bat records direct to Annette Faulkner on: A.Faulkner@care4free.net *** Butterfly Conservation Recorder *** Allan Binding asks contributors of butterfly records to the Bulletin to include their address or contact telephone or e-mail address and Grid Reference if possible. e-mail: allan.binding@ntlworld.com See: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/bfly/index.php *** LNU Bees and Wasps Recorder *** Dr Michael Archer 17 Elmfield Terrace, Malton Road, York YO31 1EH. [Willing to check or identify any aculeate wasp or bee specimen. Such a specimen usually has to be relaxed and mounted on a pin before it can be examined. If more than a few specimens are sent in, they must be mounted.] *** LNU Moths Gallery *** There is now a moth page on the LNU Website, to promote the recording of moths across the county. http://www.lnu.org/ Also see: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/species/hawkmoths/index.php *** LNU Plant Galls Recorder *** Graeme Clayton 2 The Dene Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2LS g.clayton@ntlworld.com Willing to check or identify any plant gall material. Recording forms www.british-galls.org.uk *** Slug ID Help *** Chris du Feu will help with slug identification. You can telephone him on: 01427 848400 or e-mail: chris@chrisdufeu.force9.co.uk *** Lincolnshire Badger Group *** Geof White writes: If you have important information about badger activity or badger road casualties please e-mail the information to: kwibble@aol.com Alternatively telephone 01205 722355. *** Bird Club Recorder *** LBC County Bird Recorder Steve Keightley: steve.keightley@btinternet.com *** Other Useful Websites *** Key links are now being posted on the LNU website. http://www.lnu.org/ This should save space in the Bulletin, Check it out. Suggestions for other useful Websites are welcome. English Nature is now "Natural England" http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ Still includes SSSI Information and "Nature on the Map" Lincolnshire Environmental Awards http://www.lincsenvironmentalawards.org.uk/ Lincs. Wildlife Trust Website http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/ Useful emergency numbers for wildlife crises. http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/factsheets/ Lincs Environmental Records Centre Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre newsletters can be downloaded from: http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/wildlife/ Development Officer, Margaret Haggerty's e-mail: mhaggerty@lincstrust.co.uk Tornado and Storm Research Organisation www.torro.org.uk Contact Ian Loxley on colarain@tiscali.co.uk RSPB Contact Details RSPB Website: www.rspb.org.uk www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/freistonshore www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/f/framptonmarsh John Badley, Site Manager for RSPB Lincolnshire Wash reserves e-mail: freistonshore@rspb.org.uk South Lincs RSPB Local group's website address: http://www.southlincsrspb.org.uk/ Sub Regional Country Park North Kesteven District Council The concept of the Sub Regional Country Park (SRCP) is to create an easily accessible network of managed outdoor places by developing links and routes between existing green spaces and facilities, and exploring the opportunities for creating new, sustainable recreational facilities and supporting nature conservation objectives. This might include the restoration of old quarries; constructing new all purpose paths; or simply providing access to new areas of woodland, lakes and open land for countryside focussed activities. Contact: Luisa McIntosh Project Officer, Sub Regional Country Park North Kesteven District Council Tel: 01529 414155 ext 2469 Direct Line: 01529 308069 www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/subregionalcountrypark Bardney Limewoods www.limewoods.co.uk [New URL] limewoods@lincolnshire.gov.uk *** Harlequin Ladybird Survey *** To report your sightings: www.harlequin-survey.org/ *** Sir Joseph Banks *** The Sir Joseph Banks Society is based at the Sir Joseph Banks Centre in Horncastle and a programme of events has been arranged for both members and non-members. New members to the Society are always welcome. Contact 01507 528223 or by email: enquiries@joseph-banks.org.uk. Latest newsletter and related articles are available on: www.joseph-banks.org.uk *** Trent Aegirs *** Don't forget that the bore often comes up to half an hour before the expected time. www.environment-agency.gov.uk and go to Midlands link or search for 'Trent Aegir'. or try: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/static/documents/Leisure/timetable_2-Trent.pdf *** Before You Set Out. *** Check tide times on Admiralty EasyTide: http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx Check the weather forecast for the location or postcode: http://www.theweatheroutlook.com/ *** Other Useful E-mail Addresses *** Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union: info@lnu.org Gibraltar Point: gibpoint@lincstrust.co.uk Far Ings: farings@lincstrust.co.uk Whisby Nature Park: whisby@cix.co.uk NEW Syke's Farm: lwt@sykesfarm.org.uk Lincs. Trust HQ: The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust main e-mail address: info@lincstrust.co.uk Lincolnshire FWAG: lincoln@fwag.org.uk Chambers Farm Wood NEW contact - Mary Porter Mary.porter@forestry.gsi.gov.uk Lincolnshire Bird Club Secretary - Janet Eastmead: janet.eastmead@talktalk.net Membership Secretary - Mike Harrison: michael@michaelharrison1.wanadoo.co.uk If you would like your e-mail listed here, please let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Notes about these wildlife reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do our best to ensure accuracy in our reporting but these records are sent in by a variety of reporters, from complete beginners to professionals. They therefore vary in reliability and in certain cases they are impossible to verify. If further information is needed on locations or reporters, or if you wish to question/confirm any of these records, contact: rparsons@enterprise.net For the more general wildlife information coming via Roger Goy: roger@wildlifehelpline.org.uk Bulletins are sent to Biological Recorders at the Lincs. Wildlife Trust, Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union and Lincolnshire Bird Club. [Note: Where plants are reported, this is usually because they have been seen "in flower".] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. The Bulletin's publicity policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will not be giving precise details of the location of rare or endangered species. Please point out any sensitive or "tricky" reports of this kind. We ask that you respect the interests of wildlife and site owners if you report to national networks. Make a point of explaining site sensitivity and any restrictions on access. An interest in wildlife is not a licence to act irresponsibly/thoughtlessly to landowners, who may well be partners in important conservation work. [Remember - views expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions on the LNU or associated organisations. In particular this applies to such agencies, especially charities, taking a political stance.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. LNU Events Diary For LNU meetings also see www.lnu.org/events.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** LNU AGM and Field Meeting 2009 *** Saturday 21 March 2009 Following the AGM, the LNU's President Colin Smith will talk on the "Moths and Moth Recording". At Whisby Education Centre Moor Lane, Thorpe on the hill Start 2pm Sunday, April 26, 2009 South Thoresby Pit followed by South Thoresby Warren LNR West of Alford. 12.00 for 13.00 start. From A16 at ?5 ways? (TF399 753) take road to S.Thoresby, go straight though village, then turn left for Belleau and park immediately on right on wide verge above entrance to pit. For the LNR go back into village and turn right then left for A16. Park on lay-by on left just before A16. S.Thoresby Pit is at TF406776 and S. Thoresby Warren LNR at TF392762 Habitats: Diverse mixture from including wet areas and grassland. Leader: Christine Rieser christine.rieser1@virgin.net Tel 01507 607205 with Brian Hedley brian_hedley@hotmail.com Saturday, May 16, 2009 BioBlitz - South Rauceby LNU members and the public are invited to this event. Sunday, May 31, 2009 Robert's Field Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Reserve SW of Bourne. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Parking at TF 000 150 (on roadside?). See Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust website for details http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/nr/reserve.php?mapref=75. Habitats: Limestone grassland Leader: Annette Faulkner a.faulkner@care4free.net 01775 766286 and possibly Dave Vandome (site warden) 07775 566586. Sunday, June 07, 2009 High Barn SSSI, Oxcombe. In Wolds between Louth and Horncastle. Private site. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Park on road verge along Blue Heath Road at TF325 761 near where track leads north to site. Habitat: Calcareous grassland on steep slopes. Leader: Brian Hedley 01427 718320 brian_hedley@hotmail.com with Paul Kirby. Saturday, July 04, 2009 Crowle Moor Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Reserve Crowle Moor LWT Reserve. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet at visitors’ car park at SE756 137. Take minor road leading NW from Crowle village. See Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust website for details http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/reserves/nr/reserve.php?mapref=12. Later meeting at 20.30 for bats and moths. Habitats: Heathland, mire and willow scrub. Leader: Brian Hedley 01427 718320 brian_hedley@hotmail.com Friday, July 10, 2009 BioBlitz - Banovallum House, Horncastle BioBlitz @ Banovallum House, Horncastle Times: 4pm to 4pm. Habitat: Large riverside garden. Contact: Margaret Haggerty 01507 526667 mhaggerty@lincstrust.co.uk Saturday, August 01, 2009 River Glen Details and date to be confirmed. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Meet at car park at ?? Habitats: Open water, marginal vegetation, Leader: Ian Cappitt 01778 440725 Ian.cappitt@environment-agency.gov.uk Saturday, September 19, 2009 Humberstone Blow Wells + National Moth Night A small blow wells site just south of Humberston. Private site. 12.00 for 13.00 start. Later meeting at 19.00 for bats and moths. Park on verge of South Sea Lane at TA 313 048 near where track leads south to site (might be able to park closer depending on harvesting activity). Habitats: small woodland, ditches, marsh, pools and cattle pasture. Leaders: Brian Hedley (afternoon) 01427 718320 brian_hedley@hotmail.com Colin Smith (evening) csmith@countrywidefarmers.co.uk. Sunday, October 18, 2009 Fungus Foray - Roughton Moor Wood, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Reserve Fungus Foray 12.00 for 13.00 start. Site located off Moor Lane, a minor road between Woodhall Spa and Kirkby on Bain. Restricted parking along Moor Lane (do not block tracks). Meet at site entrance at TF210 631. Habitats: Mixed Woodland and heathland. Leaders: Ken Rowland 01522 686900 and Ray Halstead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....and finally..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** MailFails This Week *** The following address(es) gave an error message. I have deleted them from the mailing list. If you recognise any, please pass on a message - "Contact me if you wish to continue to receive the Bulletin." Thanks. Roger Mailfails Theheatlies Simonbaxter Kkenyon ---------- ~ THE END ~ ----------- (..until next week!) Roger Parsons http://rogerparsons.info/